Searching For You

Chapter 196

After knocking out the group that mobbed Lali"s father, Yu Sha came back to the site to check his condition. Seems like he was. .h.i.t in the head pretty hard. Although that was her original plan, she didn"t intend to cause extreme internal injury. She just wanted to scare him and threatened him a little so he would never search for his wife and children as he has never been the father he was supposed to be. There is no need for him to be in their life when he contributed nothing. Seeing his condition, she has lost the will to do anything further.

Yu Sha picked him up and threw him by the roadside. She went back to hide in the tree planning to wait for 5 minutes to see if any car came by. Since it is late at night and the city is on the outer skirt, not many cars travel by so if no car drive by, she"ll have to take Plan B.

After 5 minutes had pa.s.sed, with no sight of cars, Yu Sha got a little worried. There was no house nearby but a few smaller businesses across the road. Six minutes pa.s.sed, Yu Sha who was getting agitated, stood up from the branch about to jump across the road but she saw a head light coming at one end of the road. Yu Sha sighed a breath of relief and jumped down from the branch. She picked up a rock and plan to throw the rock across the road to distract the driver, hoping the driver would slow down to notice the human lump on the ground.

In the end, she didn"t even have to retort to that method. Lali"s father was right next to the road, anyone driving by wouldn"t miss. She saw the car slow down and stop. The moment the car stopped, an elderly man got out of his car, panicking that someone is dead on the road. The elderly man stumbled his way out of the car shaking as he checked out the man lying on the road. When he saw the condition of the man on the ground, the elderly man reached for his phone in his pocket to dial for help. Soon, paramedics came and provided first aid for Lali"s father. The police also came and surveyed the vicinity. To their surprise, they also found three other men knocked unconscious nearby and was taken into custody for further investigation.

After a.s.suring the situation is under control, she left and took the money with her and went to the motel to get Lali and his mother"s identification information.

Bright and early the next day at Harvest center, Lali woke up and there was a bag next to his pillow. Surprised, not sure if it was from his mother, he looked down to check if his mother and baby sister were still sleeping on the bed underneath. He only saw his baby sister laying on the bed and his mother was nowhere to be found. He looked at the bag and decided to check what"s inside. Inside the bag, there were stashes of cash, his mother, sister and his identification information. All the important papers of them are safe. The last thing was a piece of note, "Present from your big sis" with a smiley face.

The day before the weekend start, Yu Sha was back at the construction site with the crew. As everyone gathered outside before a.s.sembling to their appropriate group, Cheng asked the crew, "Did you guys saw the news this morning? What a crazy thing. In Red Rock city, a man was found on the road with multiple internal injuries and then not far from the vicinity, 3 more men were found unconscious with the injured man"s wallet."

Tong replied, "Yea, it was pretty crazy. If those three were the one who injured the other man, then how did the 3 other men ended up knocked out? Was there a fourth person among the three-unconscious person? The police are still investigating this mystery."

Cheng chimed in, "Yea, and the crazy part is the injured man was also wanted for domestic violence. I don"t think anyone of those 4 people were innocent." Cheng looked up at the sky and rubbed his chin. "The real mystery is the fifth person. There has to be another person."

Yu Sha heard the guys discussed the cold case at Red Rock city and inputted, "It truly is mysterious. I"m very curious as well."

Ether Penthouse Dao Txu had arrived back to report to Hue Chi when the news. .h.i.t him. He was all excited, "Eh, what, what? She what? Aww… So, she originally planned to go threatened him, but after he got beaten into a pulp, she felt bad and even rescue him? So, our Lord Lady"s heart is not as dangerous as her skill?"

Hue Chi overheard the conversation between his men and felt glad that Yu Sha actually is kind. She has the heart to help those in need, those less fortunate. He also researched SNYS and found out that they donated 15% of their income to help build and sustain orphanage across Lyon and on the side, Yu Sha also took a pay cut to establish educational programs. No wonder her grandmother said she"s a kind girl.

Just as everyone a.s.sembled outside the ship, Su Na was the last one to come out. After she came out, the group jumped into their a.s.signed jeep and drove off. Yu Sha and Su Na stayed behind to brief the progress. Outside the ship by the split of the project were tables and canopies. Yu Sha and Su Na went inside the canopy as it has roof to cover them from the extreme sun ray. They both sat down on the table and before Su Na could start, Yu Sha interrupted.

"Um… I have a request."

"Yes?" Su Na replied.

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