Searching For You

Chapter 198

At the end of the day as everyone wrapped up work, Yu Sha contacted Yu Ping to fly to Aires as soon as possible. She has another project for him to do before he can start working on Aqua Illusion Project to which Yu Ping agreed to leave in the next couple of days. After they finished chatting, he booked his ticket to leave Lyon in a couple of days.

Yu Sha turned to Su Na, "Do you want to do anything for the next two days?"

After the weekend, Lue Han is coming to visit, so Su Na needed to prepare some reports to update him when he visits plus she needs to work on her empire. They"ve visited the city a few times already and will still have more time to explore, so she opted to stay in at the cruise to do some work. "No, let"s stay in. I got some stuff to do."

The next day, late morning, the two besties ate lunch together and then went to their own room. Su Na needed time to concentrate on works, for professional and personal reasons. She is almost done finalizing their new headquarter s.p.a.ce while Yu Sha is looking at the potential jobs they can hire for their new s.p.a.ce.

Yu Sha was working on her bed but she couldn"t concentrate, so she decided that she will visit Harvest Women Shelter. She has yet to follow up with Lali and his mother after leaving them at the shelter, and she felt responsible to make sure she secured a bright future for them. She reached for her phone and sent a text to Su Na that she will be gone for a couple days and will pick up Yu Ping at the airport for a side project.

Su Na is aware of Yu Sha"s plans and predicted that she will be gone for a few days. That behavior is very typical of her beast friend to which she is familiar with after being friends for almost two decades. That traits of her beast friend is what she likes the most and is what makes Yu Sha a very humble and kind person.

After sending the text to Su Na, Yu Sha left the cruise and headed towards the city with Keng as her driver. Keng drove Yu Sha to the famous shopping district, Prestique Shopping Mall, where mostly the wealthy shops at. Yu Sha and Su Na had shopped there during their first weekend when they visited the city.

The first shop was a phone store. After browsing through a few phones, she decided on two newest phones that recently came out. The staff helped get the phone and rings up the phones. Yu Sha took the bag and proceeded to the next shop, Rose Valley clothing store.

Yu Sha stood in the middle of the store, contemplating on something only she knew. After noticing that she hasn"t move anywhere and seems to be in a dilemma, the store staff walked over to check with Yu Sha and asked, "h.e.l.lo Miss, is there anything I can help you with today?"

Yu Sha nodded her head slowly and replied, "I"ll buy your entire store."

Having heard that phrase for the first time, the staff was taken aback unable to process what Yu Sha just said. She cleared her throat and asked again, "Um, Miss, what did you said?" Guessing that maybe Yu Sha meant something else.

"I"ll buy everything in your store. Please have it deliver to Harvest Women Shelter."

This time Yu Sha spoke clearly and she was able to hear the whole thing. Her heart trembles and she her voice shook, "Um.. You want to buy everything in our store?"

Yu Sha nodded. "Mm.. I like everything delivered to Harvest Women Shelter."

Shocked and surprised she replied, "O.. okay. Wait a minute, let me do an inventory run, and... and I will ring up your card."

Yu Sha followed the staff to the counter. After notifying the other staff, a couple staff started taking the items off the shelf and racks while a couple other staff went to the back and packed the in stock items. Yu Sha paid for the stuff and walked out to the next place. The staff thanked Yu Sha for her wonderful business and then put up the closed sign for the store. They have no more inventory and will have to wait for more supplies to deliver. For that day and maybe the next day, they will not be in business but they"ve made a lump sale and will probably even get some bonuses for next pay check. The store employees couldn"t be any happier.

Yu Sha proceeded to the next store, clothes for kids. She bought all the items in the store that the store has to be closed for the next two business days just like the first store. After that, she went to a toy store and bought all the toys, and have it delivered to Harvest Women Shelter.

Shortly, news spread throughout the mall like wildfire. Anyone who shop in that mall district usually are the super wealthy people and no one has ever done something so brazen. Why would a person from another country care about other countries? Many of them are not stupid, they can put 1 and 1 together to get 2. She must be donating all the items she bought to Harvest Shelter, but why wouldn"t she go to a cheaper place? Her action does not make sense to the store staff.

The mall staff started researching her but there was barely any information of her in the web other than she"s an employee of SNYS Consultant. They also found out that SNYS Consultant has donated a lot of money to several non profit organizations throughout Lyon and usually those places are impoverished.

Harvest Women Shelter is more on the impoverished side. Their building looked run down, with no security and they do what they can with the small amount of resources they have. Sometimes, two families have to share one small room in times when they are overflow of women and children in hardship.

As Yu Sha walked out of the mall district the other store wished how she could buy items from their store too. They all rushed to their store entrance just to catch a glimpse of the woman from Lyon who one would never guess that she has so much money.

After she left, from the top floor of Prestique, a glamorous social elite event ended. The Queen and the other housewives from who attended the event on the roof top bid their goodbyes.

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