Searching For You

Chapter 209

The base was still in a secluded, remote area. The technology they have on hand were advanced though they can"t have a full house of modern technology but enough to help them solve this case.

Hue Chi went out to meet up with his S cla.s.s shadow guard, Xolai. The man he founded to lead all the S cla.s.s shadow guards. He didn"t want to let General Va Tong"s son be in charge of the "S" cla.s.s, so he took charge of all the S cla.s.s guards, a.s.signing Xolai as the lead. Very select few shadow guards work directly under Xolai and Hue Chi, otherwise all the S cla.s.s work specifically for Hue Chi and Xolai.

In his private office s.p.a.ce, Xolai was looking at the new data that was just transmitted in. He is in his thirties, with silver hairs, eyes as turquois as the deep sea, and there was a thunder mark on his left cheek. He wore a glistening silver thunder earring on his right ear.

"My Lord," Xolai greeted when Hue Chi arrived.

Hue Chi raised his hand to acknowledge the greeting. "I have Dao Txu keep his eyes on Jul and Ark."

"We need to find a diviner if we want to infiltrate this mysterious organization. None of us here have diviner intervention ability." Xolai suggested.

Hue Chi slowly nodded his head twice before Yu Sha"s grandma popped in his mind. Maybe he could ask her more information about her grandmother"s ability. She mentioned that her grandmother is a shaman. Are shamans and diviner the same thing? Unfortunately, this is a field he is not familiar with, and he will need to do more research.

"Understand. Keep researching." Hue Chi instructed before rushing back to Yu Sha"s room. He now has the urge to ask her what her grandmother"s true ability is. If her grandmother can divine, maybe he can bargain a deal with her to have him meet her grandmother.

Hue Chi rushed back towards her room and slammed the door open to only noticed her applying lotions onto her naked torso. She had her hair tied up in a bun so she could easily apply lotion without her hairs all over the place eating up the lotions. It was then he had a clear look at her body, without the hot steams, without the hairs covering most of her private front, underneath her right breast, was a star like shape birthmark. He noticed nothing else on her body other than the star shape like birth mark.

When the birthmark enters his vision, his left-hand throbs like inferno flame burning it to crisps. The pain travels instantly up to his heart, making him let out a low groan. His face had a painful look and soon he slammed the door shut. Hue Chi stumbled his way to his room while images of his past self floats in his mind. The left hand that held a golden spear mistakenly pierced right through her chest. She was blind, she can only see vague figures and not details. The woman in his dreams, was her all along? The left hand that killed her in that lifetime?

Hue Chi"s body trembled drowned in loss and regrets, while his heart and hand throbs violently. He seeks refuged in his room to calm down the new reality he discovered. After shutting the door, he slumped on the ground while bearing the pain, waiting for the pain to subsides. He slowly took off the custom-made human skin palm gloves off his right hand. A mark of a sword wound that was there since birth. The sword wound was from the man behind his woman, who stabbed him after he pierced her.

A tear rolled down his face, the mark on his right hand is a constant reminder of his crime and the pain that throbs from time to time in his left hand is a constant reminder of regret. The criminal hand that killed the woman he truly ever loved. An intense emotions swelled in him, he rolled on the ground clutching his heart feeling intense pain. She has always been the woman he loves, time after time. No matter what life time, what forms, what look she may have, it has always been her. Right from the beginning, he is always drawn to her, because his soul and heart has decided on her, many, many life times ago.

Yu Sha stood in her room dumfounded. She rushed to the long-standing mirror to look at herself trying to figure why he has a painful ugly look after seeing her naked. If any, she should be the one with the painful ugly look for being seen nude. He should be the one in the wrong but now why does she feel like she"s in the wrong?

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