Searching For You

Chapter 230

Something doesn"t feel right to the older man. Could it be that this arrogant dude here is stealing work from me? But if so, he wouldn"t offer me twice as much. Is he bluffing? The older man studied Leo.

"What are you going to do with those photos?"

"Don"t ask too much question. Are you giving them to me or not? If you don"t, I"ll shut down your place." Leo smiled devilishly.

The older man shook up, "What are you? Are you from the police?"

"I have a lot of influence in this country. If you don"t want to face consequences, I suggest you do what I say. I"m being very nice here."

Suddenly, two men in black suits arrives. Those are bodyguards of Leo. The wealthy elites all have personal bodyguards which Leo often don"t use. He likes to move freely, unrestrained, so he doesn"t always use them. They will only appear when he summons them.

"Boss." The bodyguards greeted Leo.

The older men asked confusedly, "Your men?"

One man move forward, "You"re Troy who secretly runs a detective odd job. Although by law, you could be charged if we report you."

Leo nodded his head in agreement of his bodyguard"s statement. He thought if he takes over this job, wouldn"t Su Na be mad at him? How would he take this job without her knowing that he was involved? After contemplating he shouted.

"I changed my mind. Why don"t you two stay here and a.s.sist Troy. Relay updates to me."

"What?" Troy feel astound. This mysterious young man changes his mind so fast.

"I"ll leave my bodyguard to a.s.sist you free of charge. Don"t tell her about me. She"ll be upset, and she"s scary when she is."

Leo didn"t give Troy a chance to reply before dashing out the door leaving behind his bodyguards.

Su Na rushed back to the hospital to see her mother. Finally, she"s going to give justice to her mother. She will bring down every person involved in her mother"s kidnapping case. Although her intuition tells her who was behind it, she didn"t have evidence.

As a little girl, she overheard her mother broke down one night after a nightmare of the time her mother was kidnapped and s.e.xually a.s.saulted. The current wife of Song"s CEO used those pictures to accuse her mother of adultery. The Song family didn"t want shame brought upon their family name so they kicked her out with no support.

Su Na"s mother didn"t know where she was taken, or have proof of what those men look like. She attempted to report but with no one backing her, the police didn"t take her seriously. She has no power, no one to turn to. She lived with those traumas, only has her mother to love unconditionally and comfort her. As time goes by, her nightmares come infrequently and eventually stop but the wound was reopened by the same men showing up again.

Su Na arrived back at the hospital to see her mother. Since then, the image and words of that night became an unspoken purpose of her life, to bring her mother justice.

She entered their room. Su Na"s mother was asleep and her grandma slept on the extra bed. She stood over, looking at her mother"s sleeping expression before eyeing the numbers on the monitor to look at the numbers. The numbers seem to be in normal range.

Su Na moved over and pulled the cover up covering her grandma. The slight movement woke up her grandma. She saw that her granddaughter is back.

"Su Na? Where did you go?"

Didn"t want them to find out, she lied. "I went to the shrine and pray for blessings."

"Aiya.. Why didn"t you take me with you?"

Su Na smiled, "I will take you next time."

Soon, her mother nudged awake after hearing them talk. She lifted her head,

"My baby?"

"Ma.. don"t call me that. Can"t you just call my name normally?" Su Na pouted. Deep inside, she feels happy but embarra.s.sed if other people are around to hear.

Du Xi forced a smile, "Haha.. I can"t help it. In my eyes you"re still my baby who grew up too fast."

"Ma, grandma, you two have dinner yet?" Because she left with dinner in her hand, she brought in fresher food and threw the earlier food away.

"We ate a little." Her grandma replied.

"I haven"t. Should we eat? Won"t you two eat with me? I don"t like eating alone."

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"Alright, we"ll eat with you." Du Xi replied. She does not want her daughter to eat alone. Family shouldn"t have to eat alone. Even though she does not have much of an appet.i.te, in front of her daughter, she shouldn"t show weakness.

Su Na smiled happily and took out the food hastily to set on the table.

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