Searching For You

Chapter 231

Leo arrived shortly after Su Na. He poked his head and saw her putting food on the table. Grandma and Du Xi were out of sight, but the living area and table is directly straight from the door. So, he could see her getting food ready.

He smacked his lips. "Tsch.. What"s her problem? She"s two faces. How could she go from a grim reaper to angelic face like that with no flaws? She could"ve been a successful actress who flew to stardom from first debut. Tsch… she could"ve been the amba.s.sador for Antique." Leo bit his lips unhappily, thinking of what she could do with her two faces acting skills.

Bedtime rolls around. Yu Sha felt exhausted every time Hue Chi is around. He always finds something to get her riled up. She tossed a few times and soon fell deep asleep without a worry.

Outside, mists form and before long, the mists got thicker. The temperature dropped below zero, making the sea crystalized. Everything felt so quiet as if there was not a single soul alive.

Yu Sha tossed and turned in discomfort, similar to the few times she had unpleasant dreams.

Approaching her, a hand with black shiny finger nails reached for her face.

Soon, a blow came out of nowhere, intersecting the hand. Another kick pushed the figure away from Yu Sha. She is a deep sleeper. Her most vulnerable moment is when she is sleeping.

Before the mysterious person could react, another kick forced the mysterious person to the wall through to the other side and out to the sea. The figure didn"t smash into the wall but flew through.

The sea surface had crystalized so the mysterious person was able to stand on top of the sea. The person regathered to face the culprit who is powerful enough to break the barriers.

Standing on top of Yu Sha"s balcony rail was Hue Chi. His posture was tall, crossing his arms, expressionless almost as if he knew he already won this fight. His eyes are so cold, colder than the ice that had frozen the sea surface.

"Who are you?" He asked icily. His glares could pierce through a comet. Just when he got a good glance, the mysterious person is another woman?

The mysterious woman glared back, unblinking before she slowly opened her mouth and spoke coldly.

"Hm.. Just like before. I will see this to the very end and see if you can protect her." The second before she finishes her last word, Hue Chi disappeared and reappeared right in front of her and land another kick. She blocked the kick and retreated, giving enough distance. The surrounding changed instantly. The clouds are below them, but the ground feels like water ripple.

Hue Chi asked icily again, "Who are you?" He has not felt this kind of power before. This presence and feeling are the first. Is she the leader of the secret organization that has been targeting the royal family? But that doesn"t make sense. Why would they go after Yu Sha who has no ties to the royal?

Hue Chi glared at the woman and demanded loudly, "State your purpose!"

The woman broke out an evil laugh. "Hahahaha... I want her to perish eternally!"

That cold piercing scream can burn anyone"s ears if they hear. So much darkness and hatred behind the words spoken.

She released an energy ring that whipped eternally slicing through Hue Chi"s waist immobilizing him.

Hue Chi struggled to release his energy but it doesn"t work in the realm. He froze unable to move while the mysterious woman walked step by step closer to him. There are moments when she looked at him endearingly and moments when she looked at him angrily almost as if there are two personality fighting in her.

She sneered and asked angrily, "You love her huh?"

Hue Chi didn"t hesitate to reply. "If I only have one life, I would give up this one life just for her without a second thought."

Hearing this, the woman laughs hysterically. A black tear drop flow down her eye. She flew fast forward and pierced her hand through Hue Chi"s chest.

Hue Chi felt the impact of the strike but before neither one could react, a sword slashed the mysterious woman"s arm in half. Black blood gushes out and she retreated. No one should be able to invade her s.p.a.ce!

She put a distance before taking a good look. The person was her immortal enemy, Yu Sha!

How? How was she able to enter the barrier?
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Hue Chi pulled out the remaining arm and slump down to his knee. Blood gushed out from his chest. He took a critical blow which he didn"t foreseen in his calculation.

"Hue Chi!" Yu Sha shouted nervously. She then glares at the mysterious woman! "b.i.t.c.h! Who are you?!"

The woman laughed hysterically again and then disappeared. The surrounding disappeared bringing Yu Sha and Hue Chi back to their reality. The ice started to melt off from the sea surface.

Yu Sha realized they are on top of the sea surface not far from the ship. She quickly rushed to aid Hue Chi and carry him back to her balcony where PengXu was waiting in disguised.

They got off the surface just in time before the ice melted.

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