Searching For You

Chapter 248

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 09:36:38 PMChapter 248

The sound of the doork.n.o.b rattled and turned . Yu Sha"s heart dropped! There is no time to think! She hopped right next to Hue Chi and pulled the cover over them both . Her small pet.i.te stature framed perfectly next to Hue Chi, making it hard for anyone to notice a person under the blanket .

Hue Chi showed a satisfied smirk to which quickly went back to his natural stone face as the nurse and Kao Sheng appeared around the corner .

She was left in charge of guarding her prince . Even though she was a.s.signed with such important tasks, she only gets to see him when it"s time for doctors and nurses to do their checkups . Otherwise, unless there is an important message to relay, she has no reason to be in the same room as him as it would seem inappropriate .

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The nurse carries a tray of medicine and a gla.s.s of warm water accompanied by Kao Sheng . The nurse put the tray on the high rolling table and pulled it closer to the Prince .
Hue Chi gesture for the nurse to stop . He scooted to a sitting position and reached for the medicine himself . He popped the pill in his mouth and followed it with water .

Although Kao Sheng stood behind the nurse, her gazes fixated only on her prince . She observed his condition, and he seems to be recovering well . He was given top advanced medical treatment and medicine to help speed up cell formations to close the wounds . It"ll only be matters of a couple days and the wound will be completely healed . She only saw him that nothing else entered her vision .

The nurse carries the tray and head towards the door . Kao Sheng reluctantly followed the nurse .

"Kao Sheng . " Hue Chi called coldly .

The nurse and Kao Sheng stopped and turned to face Hue Chi .

Kao Sheng bowed while her heart pounds erratically as he called her name . The tone of his voice melted her heart . She feels so happy being called by him . She answered hastily, "Yes my Lord . "

"I want to rest . No one should be allowed to come in for the next 2 hours, not even the King and Queen . " He ordered in a serious tone .

"Understood . " She found it peculiar that the workaholic Prince wanted to rest but complied anyway . Maybe the injury really took a toll on him .

The nurse and Kao Sheng walked out and close the door . As soon as Yu Sha heard the door k.n.o.b click, she sprung up into a sitting position pushing the blanket off and exhaled a breath of relief .

She thought she was going to suffocate, not sure if it"s from being so close to him or from the heat of being trapped under the blanket, then she remembers she has more pressing issue, she can"t return the same way she came .

Hue Chi was still gazing at her thinking how naïve she is . If one day she realized that he always led her around and takes advantages of her in times of her vulnerability, she might punish him, severely .

Yu Sha noticed Hue Chi"s warm gaze and realized that she is still on his bed, her body touching his . She hastily got off the bed feeling bashful . . . "Umm . . . "

Without averting his gaze and blinking, he interrupted her, "What"s not working?"

Her tone serious, she explained . "Remember how I found you?"

"Mm . . . "

"That night, it suddenly got very cold which woke me up . I got up to adjust the thermostat but then saw a silhouette shadow looming in from the balcony to which I went out to check and saw a man in a mask . "

He nodded to let her know he"s following her but one thing didn"t feel right . She wouldn"t wake up if her life was in danger but woke up because she felt cold?! He looked at her speechless . Nothing wakes her up but coldness does! He made a mental note of this because one day it may come in handy .

"We exchanged words, and he said you suddenly disappeared with an enemy before his eyes . Naturally, I got worried . So . . . I wanted to follow to where ever you are . "

His gaze and smile warmer . "You"re worried? Why?" "Although happy, he wanted to confirm . She has been the tsundere type towards him, yet from time to time, allowed her good-hearted personality to shine through .

She hissed and slammed her palm on the bed . "Tsch . I"m being serious here!"

He smiled, apologized and asked her to continue . "So, what happened?"

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