Searching For You

Chapter 249

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 09:36:37 PMChapter 249

She continues, "Just as I was thinking of going where you were taken to, I saw a s.p.a.ce door in front of me . Naturally, I went towards the door and appeared near to where you were . At the time you were already in danger, so I rushed towards you as fast as I could . "

"How about just earlier when you came here?" He asked . He a.s.sumed after what happened, she wanted to test out the ability .

"So, then I attempted again to see if it was a fluke that one time… and here I am . "

"Hmm . . I see . So how did you succeed this time?"

"Same thing . I thought I should come to clear things with you . "

"And what did you think of earlier?"

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"I wanted to get away . " As soon as she finishes, she came to a realization why it didn"t work earlier .

In her panic state of wanting to get away, she asked for the door . She didn"t have a destination where she wanted to be . The first two times when it worked because Hue Chi was her destination and she visualized him in her mind, so no matter where he is, the energy will gravitate her towards him .

Not sure if her conclusion is 100% correct, she thought of her room in the cruise . Poof! She saw the door only visible to her . She walked through the door and travelled through the s.p.a.ce and through another door to her room .

To Hue Chi, it looked like she took a step and faded into nothingness .

Yu Sha arrived in her room and understood that she missed something that seems so obvious . She sighed . "d.a.m.n . . . I owed him a thank you . "
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If he didn"t break down those questions to me, I would still be wrecking my brain .

She bit her lips and visualized his room this time and traveled through the door to his hospital room .

Just as Hue Chi was feeling great that she truly thought of him and her feelings led her to him, Yu Sha appeared again .

She took a few seconds to observe him and the room and then nodded her head before leaving again . Yu Sha went back to her room in the ship and then back to Hue Chi"s room . She nodded her head as she seems to grasp the ability more and more . This time she wanted to test her ability further and visualized her bedroom back in Lyon . She walked through the door only visible to her and through the s.p.a.ce to the other door and appeared in her room .

"Hmm . . . . "

She walked towards her bed and sat down before looking at the clock . Aires is 5 hours ahead of Lyon . It is peak time and her father should be busy at the bar . She walked downstairs to the kitchen and pop a beer can open and gulped half of its content before disappearing back to the hospital .

Hue Chi saw Yu Sha appeared holding a beer can . "Hey! If you"re trying to make me miserable, you succeeded . "

Seeing her out freely irritated him . One thing is that he"s ill, and he feels weak . Another thing is that, he won"t be able to track her if she leaves like that .

Dao Txu is at his post in the cruise and keeps seeing her jump around in his tracking system .

Yu Sha paused to observe Hue Chi . "Why?"

She didn"t know why he feels miserable . She just found a new ability she didn"t know she has . She could go visit Atlas in a blink of an eye . He"s far . If she travels with her Light Technique, there is always that possibility of being known and caught by other people with abilities . This new ability of hers is the safest method . She can do lots of things with it, scaring people, freak out her normal friends, and give them nightmares .

Yu Sha imagined many things she could do the scare them . She grim devilishly as she played the limitless scenarios in her mind . "He he he . . . "

"Hey!" Hue Chi called as he watched her acting crazier .

Irritated that he disturbed her great idea flows, she turned to face him and clicked her tongue . "Tsch . . What"s your problem?"

"Aren"t you afraid of being caught?" She was forbidden to appear before him by the King, but here she is enjoying her new ability without a care .

"No . " She felt she was not at fault and what she is doing is not wrong . She needn"t be acting like a criminal .

"Who was the one that was acting crazy earlier because she was afraid of being found?"

She sighed before replying seriously, "Thank you for helping me earlier, for hiding me and helping figure out this new ability . "

"So, if it wasn"t originally because of me, you wouldn"t have figured you could s.p.a.ce travel?" He asked with a grin .

"What are you talking about?" To Yu Sha, certain ability is innate and stay asleep within the person and may or may not awaken . So for her, she didn"t give much thought to how she originally could use the ability but credits him for asking her those questions to help make her see what she need to have in order to use it .

Hue Chi didn"t see it that way . He felt that because of her desire to see him, she awakened her innate ability .

He gestured for her to go closer . Thinking maybe because he didn"t want to over speak and heard by the guards, she obediently walked closer . As she approached him, she felt herself being pulled down suddenly and pinned under him .

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