Searching For You

Chapter 261

After updating Jake of the next few days, Yu Sha left to the city that afternoon. She only packed the essential as she was going home and most of her stuff are at home. She booked a room at a hotel in Starlight District, northeast corner of the city, known for its outdoor night market, shops, street food, open bars, and recreation activities.

She checked in at her hotel and grabbed a bite to eat at the restaurant on the first level. She didn"t waste any time at all, as soon as she finished her meal, she rented the hotel bike to tour the area. There isn"t much to see during the daytime besides a flower maze park and biking alongside a big lake. For Yu Sha, it"s more of exploring and seeing new places.

A few hours pa.s.sed by when the sun hit the horizon, Yu Sha arrived back to the hotel and dropped off the bike to explore the night market. Her goal is to taste the food as much as her appet.i.te can take.

She browsed the night market and tasted some famous street foods and came upon a small stage where a band is performing. Yu Sha loves karaoke and enjoys watching live bands and stops to watch the band perform. A little later, she felt thirsty and searched around for the closest drink vendor. Most of the vendors around have an indoor restaurant with an outdoor patio and all of them have a bar counter. She squeezes among the crowds and walked up to the bar and waited for her turn.

A customer took the drink and turned to leave the bar counter. Yu Sha caught a glimpse of the customer on her right as she tried to catch the bartender"s attention, her eyes widened in shock. The familiar figure! The beautiful man, with shiny ruby eyes!

"Atlas!" She shouted surprisingly.

The corner of his mouth curved ever so slightly while his eyes sparkles reflections of the gentle warm spring breeze.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Checking out the place." She replied.


She nodded. "Mmm.."

"Do you want something to drink?"

"Yes." She was excited to meet a friend out of the blue that she forgot to order her drink.

Atlas turned to the bartender, "Sir, give something for the lady. It"s on me."

Yu Sha smirked an eye at Atlas with a smile, "You sure? I can pay for my drink."

"I"m sure."

"Do you come here frequently?" She asked. She only ever met him deep in the mountain, it"s hard to imagine him a.s.sociating with humanity. Somehow deep in her heart, there is a feeling of content and relief knowing that he isn"t all alone. Could it be she empathized with his past based of the feeling she felt when he spoke of the portrait he painted? Somewhere in her heart, there is a feeling that he has been alone for a long time.

Yu Sha got her drink, and the two walked among crowds until they are far enough from the stage to a quieter area. She took a moment to study Atlas up and down. Her gaze makes him nervous and bashful.

He joked, "Am I that handsome?"

"I was just thinking you looked nice. I"ve only seen you hidden deep in the mountain."

"Well thank you. I"m not a complete hermit. I do roam around a lot."

By this time, they both finished their drinks. Atlas searched for the nearest trash bin to throw their plastic cups away but Yu Sha was the first one to spot one. She offered to take his cup and throw away as he bought her the drink.

He declined her gesture. As a man who served her, how could he let her? They argued a few words and Yu Sha finally won when she secretly s.n.a.t.c.hed Atlas cup and dashed towards the trash can. Atlas can"t help but feels like they"ve gone back to their past lives even if she can"t remember.

Yu Sha and Atlas continues to stroll the streets catching up and talking of upcoming plans. Soon they arrived at the gaming area. Yu Sha wanted to play some games, but didn"t want to haul the toys around as she is leaving home early next morning.

She smacked her lips finding herself in a dilemma. Then she heard a little child shouting a few booths ahead.

"Daddy, I want that one!" Pointing her finger to the toy she wanted.

Her eyes beam as an idea popped in her mind.

"Atlas, let"s win some toys."
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"But... I"m not good. I may not win anything." He replied, not wanting to expose his true self.

"It"s alright. I"ll help you." She replied confidently.

She walked to a booth, the Balloon Dart.

The balloons were filled with a small amount of airs, half the size of an adult fist. The balloon is soft and bouncy because of the small airs inside. The dart has to be thrown with enough force and precision to pop, otherwise, lack of force will just bounce the dart off. Few balloons where popped by previous customers, but most are still intact.

"Mister, what"s the rule?" Yu Sha asked.

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