Searching For You

Chapter 262

Butler Zeu acted like he didn"t know why they were staring at him. He purposely walked past them to his room across the hallway like they were invisible. When the men saw that Butler Zeu is avoiding them, the men quickly forced themselves inside the room before Butler Zeu get the chance to close the door. He sighed, closed the door behind them and turned around to face the men, "What is its young men?"

"Are you thinking of what I"m thinking of the two new ladies?" Dao Txu asked curiously for another opinion.

Butler Zeu knew what he is referring two, he looked high and privileged, "Hmph, I"ve long known. I"ve been attacked by his smiles more than any of you."

The three young men"s jaw dropped at the word Butler Zeu just spoke. Dao Txu pushed the two other men away when Butler Zeu confirmed his suspicion, "Whoa! My guess is right." He turned around and around anxiously as excitement overtook him.

Long Kue shouted, "Hazel or silver?"

"Silver." Butler Zeu replied. Yu Sha has glittering silver eyes and Su Na has deep hazel eyes.

"OMG, so she"s the extra unordinary one? I must observe her tomorrow." Long Kue whispered to himself. He turned to look at them, "I got what I needed, good night everyone." He rushed out of the room and went back to his room.

The two shadow bodyguards also left as well. PengXu was still shocked that his Lord was more interested in Yu Sha as a woman than as a spy? He thought this whole time he was monitoring her for any spy movements but he had been wrong? PengXu can be dense but he did not think he was this dense that among the four of them he was the last one to know. He tried to make himself feel better by reminding himself that he is far more superior when it comes to combat skill among them four, except Xolai who is away for a while doing a mission.

Under the big full moon on a high elevation open field, a soft sweet laugh echoed through the night. The wind was calm, the tall stood still, the stars above them shines brightly, the moon act as flashlights to light up the world beneath the skies.

The soft sweet laugh finally stopped, in his first perspective vision, he slowly approached the beautiful girl with soft glowing skin. She was gorgeous, her smile could light his entire world, her voice sounded like a soft sweet melody to his ears. She turned around, "This is such a beautiful place! It"s like we are suspended in midair. Can"t you just leave me here?" She asked cutely as she leaned in closer blinking her big eyes for permission. She"s letting her eyes asked for permission to stay there.

A big hand reached out to stroke the girl"s head gently, "haha... I"m sorry, I won"t be able to do that."

The girl"s eyes frowned and she pouted her face, "Why?"

"Because I would miss you if you"re not within my line of sight." The voice of a man replied sweetly.

The girl jerked back as her face flushed with shyness, she darted her eyes and quickly turned around to avoid showing her flushed fl.u.s.tered face, "That"s not fair," she pouted again.

The man walked up to the girl and stood behind her, "What is not?"

"Saying stuff like that without warning to catch me off guard." Though she acted disappointed, he can tell there was a hint of happiness in her sweet pouting voice.

The man wrapped his arms around the girl from behind, he leaned down to plant a kiss on the top of her head and whispered in a low raspy voice, "Because I would miss you every moment you are out of my sight."

The man can feel the girl"s body trembled a little in response to his actions. She pouted again and mumbled, "That"s not fair."

"Hmm... what is?"

"Doing stuff like that without warning." The girl replied in a low soft voice as she cowered her head down a little while still in the man"s embrace.

The man chuckled at the girl in his arms. He loosens his embrace, walked in front of her, and tilted her head up with his hand to look at him. Her face still flushed as she was probably shy at his attempt to woo her. He looked at the girl"s face, her long eyelashes, her big eyes, nose, and luscious lips. He leaned down closer and kissed her on the lips. After a moment, he lifts up his head and parted from her lips, he smiles coquettishly, "Is this fair?"

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