Searching For You

Chapter 29

Dangling from the beautiful woman"s neck was the pendant Mua Kong gave to Hli Ja six years ago. So the woman before him is Hli Ja? A sense of shock and excitement rushed throughout his body making him felt like he got electrocuted.

Yee Len was also shock looking at the pendant. Isn"t that pendant look exactly like his Lord"s pendant? He had not seen the pendant in over six years. Could it be because his Lord had given it away? Yee Len stood frozen with only his head turning to look at his Lord for confirmation.

At the same time, Mua Kong burst out from the carriage and went right in front of Hli Ja. He was so happy to see her but six years, she has bloomed so beautifully. He could barely recognized her because she looked so ethereal. If it had not been for the pendant he gave her, he probably would missed her. The only thing he could uttered was, "Are you alright?" and reached his hand out to help her stand up.

Hli Ja catches her breath, lift up her head to look at the man in front of her. She squinted her eyes feeling like she had seen him before, she nodded her head and said, "I think I am. Thank you for saving me," and accepted his offer. She grabbed onto his hand and let him pulled her up.

At this moment, it was as if time had stood still. They stared right into each other"s eyes, neither one blinked, neither one make a move. Mua Kong still holding onto Hli Ja"s hand with a faint smile. The them standing gazing at each other radiate an aura as a couple in love longing for each other for a long, long time.

Tou Lw had took the nearest bridge across to where they are when he saw that a man from the other side jumped in to save Hli Ja. When he approached the two, he took a deep breath and yelled, "Hli Ja, I didn"t mean to," but before he could continue, he took a big swallowed of his own saliva unable to say anything else. He blushed and eyes fixated on Hli Ja. Her bright yellow clothes is wet and glued to her body showing all her curves and crevices.

Mua Kong glanced at Tou Lw and quickly glanced back at Hli Ja. As a man, he understood the reaction of the other man. He quickly let go of his hand and took off his cloak to cover her. He pulled Hli Ja behind him as a gesture of protecting her. He looked at Tou Lw with an angry tone, "The lady did not want you, why didn"t you leave her?"

Mua Kong"s gesture touched Hli Ja deeply, she pulled the cloak tighter to cover her.

Tou Lw was taken aback but quickly got his composure back and angrily yelled, "Do you know who I am around here? This is between her and me. Let her go!"

Yee Len was angry at the a.s.sault his Lord just took. He step forward but Mua Kong signaled for him to back off.

Hli Ja felt a swarm of headaches swirling in her head. Not wanting to escalate the problem, she ma.s.saged her temple and said, "Tou Lw, don"t give trouble to the nice people who saved me. Just go away."

Hearing her dissing him, he felt even angrier, he shouted back, "Not unless you leave with me! You don"t even know who these people are!"

Hli Ja stumbled backward. Her headaches seems to increase drastically. She did not get any sleep yesterday night tending to a toddler who had a high fever. She was just on her way home after a rough night, "Well, they are definitely better than you."

Mua Kong turned around to face Hli Ja, he smiled at her and said, "I think it"s safer if I bring you to your home. I would feel horrible if something happened to you after my person just saved you." How could anyone refused after hearing this? Hli Ja can only comply. Mua Kong helped her onto his carriage and he signaled for his bodyguard to get on.

Tou Lw was furious slurring and threatening Mua Kong. The other bodyguard turned the carriage around while Yee Len stay behind. When the carriage left, Yee Len glared at Tou Lw emitting a cold killing aura. Tou Lw was taken aback at the chill he felt. His two servants felt the chill too. They went up to Tou Lw and asked him to back out, but he just keep making threats by using his father"s position to put them in jail. His father was the city mayor, which is so low on the social status chain.

Yee Len unsheathed his sword without hesitation after hearing the threats. Tou Lw took a few step back because it was the first time someone was not afraid of his status. Yee Len went up closer to Tou Lw and uttered in a serious tone, "My Prince can throw your entire family into the sea in front of the entire Kingdom and no one will be able to oppose. This is a warning. If he sees you again, no one can save your family." With those words, Yee Len walked right past Tou Lw and left.

Tou Lw was still shaken along with his two servants. His heart was pounding as he turned around to face his servant and asked them, "Prince, what prince? Prince of our country? Is that the Prince of our country?" The servants just shook their head not sure if it is true or not, but that is definitely what the bodyguard said.

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