Searching For You

Chapter 33

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 09:40:16 PMChapter 33

Scene fourteen:

Inside the King"s hall, the King slammed his hand on his armrest . The King huffed and shouted loudly that his voice echoed throughout the hall like thunder, "Marry the Prime Minister"s daughter, Pa Chee!"

Prince Mua Kong in kneeling position in front of his father replied sternly without a hint of hesitation, "NO . "

The King stuttered in shock, "You . . . you . . . This is an order from I, ask King of this country! You need people with knowledge and power . That unknown woman you picked off from the road, she can"t do anything for you!" The King placed so much hope into this son of his that he is blinded by hope . He think that his decisions and choices for his son is the best that will help aid his son to conquer the continent .

"No matter what you say, my answer will be the same," Mua Kong replied with a tone sterner than stone and emitting an aura colder than ice, he continued, "If anyone should ever hurt her, I will forsaken the entire kingdom . "
The King was startled but quickly got his composure back . The King sharpened his eyes at the son kneeling before him, "Are you threatening me?"

"Give the throne to my older brother, Mua Mong . "

A sharp pain shocked through the King"s heart . The fate of the country ride on this son of his . His first son was sickly who is not suited for combat and long trips . He does not know how long he can be alive for, he needs a successor . After some thought, he replied, "I will only accept her only after you conquered the entire continent!"

"I hope my King remembers his words . " With that Mua Kong got up, turned around and left without sparing a glance at his own father .

When he arrived at his place, Hli Ja was in the kitchen with the servants making dinner . She is not used to having people serve her so even now, after Mua Kong took her in, there are certain things she still do for it gives her a peace of mind . Mua Kong allowed her to help the servants prep meals because he knew it is something she enjoys doing and it helped keep her occupied .

A servant greeted Mua Kong and Yee Len when they arrived at the front gate . Mua Kong ordered the servant to get Hli Ja to his place . Hli Ja was in the kitchen tasting the dishes that she had just finished cooking . When the servant relayed the message to Hli Ja, she quickly put down the tasting spoon, rinsed her hands and hurried over to Mua Kong"s study den .

Hli Ja slowly opened the door to the study room . In the middle of the room is a table and Mua Kong was sitting on the chair looking at a doc.u.ment intently . Hli Ja hesitated to interrupt him but on second thought she gently tapped twice on the side door . Mua Kong looked up and saw Hli Ja smiling sweetly at him . The sight of her standing before him brings calmness to his heart . He smiled at Hli Ja and signaled for her to go over .

When Hli Ja got near him, he pulled her onto his laps and wrapped his arms around her waist . Hli Ja grabbed onto his arms and steady herself, she asked, "Something happened?"

After a moment of silence, Mua Kong uttered, "I have to be away for a while . "

Hli Ja heart froze at the words Mua Kong just said . She had just recently migrated to live with him, is not used to the place yet and he already have to go away . Though her face expression does not show it, but Mua Kong can feel the slight tenseness Hli Ja emitted off .

"I know this is selfish of me, but I like you to stay inside my place as much as possible until I get back . "

"Mm . . . " Hli Ja nodded to give Mua Kong some comfort . She knew he is just as nervous leaving her alone as much as she is nervous of him leaving her . The only thing she can do is give him a peace of mind as he leaves . "Have you had dinner yet?" She asked .

"No . " Mua Kong replied with a gentle tone .

"Great . Should I bring in dinner?" Hli Ja exclaimed happily .

"Mm . . . go . "

Hli Ja strode off in a hurry . Ten minutes later, she walked in followed by a servant carrying a tray of food . When Mua Kong saw them, he quickly organized his doc.u.ment files and put them in the shelves by the wall behind him . The servant grabbed the tray and left once the food was set on the table .

Lights out . . . .

Scene fifteen:

In the bedroom, Mua Kong approached the bed and stared at his woman who was asleep soundly . He sat down next to her and parted some hairs off her face, gently traced his fingers on her lips . After a moment, he leaned down and kissed her on the forehead before he stood up and left . Outside, Yee Len and Chue Yi were waiting for their Lord . When Mua Kong came out, they followed him back to his study den .

Inside, the study room, Yee Len went up to his Lord and said, "I"ve prepared all the necessary stuff . We can leave whenever your Lord is ready to . "

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