Searching For You

Chapter 47

That night, all the workers met up on the main deck to eat and drink. Yu Sha and Su Na went to join the group. It is good to meet everyone and break the ice to help reduce tensions before working together.

The two ladies got their food. As they were carrying their food trays eyeing for a spot to sit on, one of the workers whom at this point is a little buzzed, shouted, "Miss Su Na and Miss Yu Sha, come join us!"

The men that sat at the table tensed up a little while everyone froze at this point. The table that invited the two ladies were happy and nervous at the same time because if the two ladies go join them, they"ll be super popular but how are they going to act? They do not want to see like a fool in front of the two ladies? There are no women except them two and the maid workers. The guys were nervous not sure if the ladies will go sit on their table, but the ladies accepted the invitation.

When the two ladies walked towards their tables, all the other men were jealous but the men sitting on the table were thrilled. They were smiling with their teeth showing and could not keep their mouth shut.

Yu Sha and Su Na can feel the energy in the airs and can tell that the guys are happy over the top. They smirked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and continue working on their food. They usually are always outnumbered because of their profession and is used to be surrounded by men. They never let themselves be intimidated or distracted by the men.

The man who called the ladies to go sit on their table asked bashfully, "Um.. um.. Miss S..Su Na, do you have a boyfriend?"

As soon as he finished asking, Yu Sha slammed the table, making the plates on the table jiggled. She stood up, put one of her legs on the table and leaned inward glaring at the man who asked the question. He instantaneously sobered up and gulped down his own saliva waiting for a verdict.

Yu Sha grimed with a stony glare at the man and muttered in a domineering aura, "Anyone who wants to be with her... has to get pa.s.s me first. He has to be more dazzlingly than me, more talented than me, more handsome than me, basically he has to surpa.s.s me in every way." With this it means that none of them on the deck has the qualification to hit on the two of them and should never ever dream of getting anything from the ladies. After making her declaration in front of all the men, she flaunted her hairs and sat back onto her chair like a knight.

The men whispered among themselves, "More handsome?" Did they just heard handsome? So is Yu Sha a trans-gendered person? Or are them two a lesbian couples?

Jake, who was sitting on a different table watching the whole thing secretly smile at Yu Sha"s bold behaviors. She is definitely very, he thought. He felt like the Yu Sha he saw today is the real her compared to the one at the banquet. He liked her like this better as it is the genuine her.

At the top of the third level of the deck was PengXu observing the main deck, "Phew, she is one feisty one." He snapped a video clip of Yu Sha making the bold declaration to the men and sent it to his Lord.

In the study office, Prince Hue Chi was working when his phone beeped. He glanced over at his phone and the notification was from PengXu. He reached over to his phone to read the message. PengXu texted a message, "She is one feisty woman" and attached a video clip. He clicked on the video and saw Yu Sha turning down all the men in one scoop.

The corner of Prince Hue Chi mouth unconsciously curved up a little, "Hmp, weird woman." Though he is suspicious of the fact that she may come with an agenda, he can"t help but feel an affinity attraction towards her.

A knocked on the door interrupted his train of thoughts, Prince Hue Chi answered, "Come in."

The door opened and Dao Txu came in carrying a chest box. He smiled dazzlingly at his Lord, "Look what I got?" He sat the chest box on the table in the room.

"The Legend of Aires?" Prince Hue Chi got up from his desk and walked towards the table.

"Ding ding! I finally got this from the museum. I was able to get a month of borrowed time for this since it is for the Royal Family but in respect, we have to return this back to the museum for display after time is up." Dao Txu opened the box and gently took out the old tattered book. He laid the book on the table, handled it like a sensor bomb that will explode with any slight movement. "Ho ho ho, my Lord, this is so exciting. Can I read it first?"

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