Searching For You

Chapter 49

At Aires Royal Corporate Square, Prince Hue Chi adjourned a meeting via video conference with Ether and their investors at the East Wing. He was not able to join the meeting in person, so he joined via video conference, which he often do whenever he is unable to attend in person. After he ended the conference call, he resumed back to working on his computer, a.n.a.lyzing complex monetization charts of several projects from the last month. Not long after a.n.a.lyzing data, his attention was distracted. Hue Chi paused and looked like he was debating internally about something.

After a moment of looking conflicted, his fingers slowly tap on a couple keyboard pads and a new screen popped up on his computer screen. It was a live recording of the Aqua Illusion Beach Construction Site. He tapped on another b.u.t.ton and the camera zoomed in closer onto the people working at the site. His eyes scanned all the workers at the south half and came to a stop at a lady wearing a short pants with a white blouse and a white cap to help shield the sun. She was smiling as she nodded her head in agreement when a worker asked for an ok on his work. She was genuinely friendly who often smiled and laughed a lot.

Though the sun was scorching hot, everyone seemed to be full of energy and enjoyed their work. Yu Sha was in high spirit since the workers were pleasant to work with and they followed order and directions well. She is liking her team and feel that they would be within within schedule if they keep up this pace.

Yu Sha walked through the dug s.p.a.ces and inspected them to make sure the depth and surface area is appropriate. There are three excavator trucks working at the same time on each half of the strip. By the afternoon, the second half of Group A and B was done cemented the road and parking s.p.a.ces.

Jake supervised them and once when they finished their parts, they came over to help with the strip.

At the strip, group A and B at this point was only midway through their 10 miles project course.

Not long afterward, two workers from the cruise drove by in a jeep truck with lunches. When Yu Sha saw the jeep truck, she ran over to ask if they needed help. She helped one of the workers unfold the tables and then help them two set food on the table. Once food was set on the table, Yu Sha went around the site to call people to come eat.

Prince Hue Chi unconsciously put on a small smile as he observed the high-spirited girl. He has not yet realized that his attention is always drawn towards her. Her look, her smiles, the way she walk, the way she talk, and her voices are always very comforting for his soul. He has yet to notice that he found everything about her amusing.

His attention at the girl in the computer screen was interrupted when someone knocked at the door. Hue Chi pulled himself back to the door and commanded for the person to come in. The door slowly crept open and Long Kue walked in, "Prince, the King and General Va Tong is here to see you."

"Mm.." Hue Chi replied. He could pretty much guessed what they are here for but it is best to put a show and let them come in.

Long Kue turned around and widened the door. He bowed his head and stood on the side to make way for the King and General Va Tong.

Hue Chi quickly minimized the live video of the construction site. The live video moved to the bottom right corner of his screen when it minimized. The video has no audio so the chance of someone hearing what he was watching was zero to none. Prince Hue Chi stood up from his desk and asked, "Is there something I can help with?"

Va Tong waved his hand at Prince Hue Chi and casually said, "No need to get up from your seat. I"m here with your father to see if you will have some free time later to join us for family dinner." He wanted to provide an opportunity for his daughter to have some time with Hue Chi. If he just outright asked for Hue Chi to go have a meal with his daughter, people may think he is too desperate. He has to take things slowly and cautiously.

Va Tong is not the only one who is eyeing for their daughter to be Queen of the Kingdom. Other social elite people are also trying to get their daughter introduced to the King, Queen and Prince. Prince Hue Chi has never shown any interest in women but because he had a meal last time and also allowed Kao Sheng to stay at the cruise overnight, that really spiked up Va Tong"s hope.

"Hue Chi, come over for dinner. General Va Tong and his family will be having a meal with your mother and I." The King commanded. He knows his son is very detached and distant from him. The father and son headb.u.t.t often times with the son not yielding to father and father not yielding to son. Hue Chi was his only heir, he was afraid to push Hue Chi"s b.u.t.ton too far but still, sometimes, he like to use his authority to bend his son.

Hue Chi is not one to follow directions. He is kind to those who are kind and respectful, but not to those who have hidden agenda. He suspects almost everyone and can easily picked up subliminal messages from his environment which often times included people.

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