Searching For You

Chapter 67

"What happened here?" A man in his late 40s shouted from behind the flower bush as he walked toward Su Na and the woman.

When the woman noticed who the man was, her personality suddenly changed, acting like a docile weak person, she ran up to the man and cried in his arms, "Darling, I.. I..." She then wept looking pitifully, "I wanted to say hi and congratulate her but she slapped me the moment when I approached her."

After hearing this, he looked at his pa.s.sive wife, his eyes furrowed so deep, his face was red from rage, he yelled sternly at Su Na, "She is also your mother! Why did you hit her when all she had was good intention for you?!"

Su Na stood there without flinching and pushed back, "I don"t know what you are saying sir. My mother is at home."

The man fumed and huffed as his own daughter treated him like a stranger, "You... You.." Pointing his finger at her unable to complete his sentence.

Su Na glared at the couple in front of her and excused herself, "Enjoy your evening. I"m busy and don"t have time to meddle in stupid affairs. I have bigger fishes to fry." She turned around and started walking away.

When the man see Su Na walking away, he yelled, "Stop there! Apologized to your mother!"

Su Na paused and turned around, she irked one of her eyebrows, "For?"

"You slapped her!" He shouted.

"Hahaha.." Su Na laughed and challenged, "Only if she apologized to my mother first."

The man stuttered as his anger reached its limit, "You! How dare you?!"

Su Na let out an overpowering grin and glared piercely at the man and woman. She has deep hazel eyes that when she glares at someone when angry, her glares could pierced their will power, "I will build my own empire and crush your empire down and see if that two face gold digger clinging to you will stick around when you have nothing left."

The man was overpowered by his own daughter"s energy and glares, heck, he even felt threatened by her threat for a second. He thought, if she was able to s.n.a.t.c.hed a job working for Herr"s Corporation and glamorized their headquarter as a student project proposal, what capabilities would she be able to garner in the future. His heart jolted and he felt bittersweet but he had caused so much damaged to her that was probably beyond repair. He threw her mother out when her mother was pregnant with her thinking that her mother cheated on him and she wasn"t his child. But when she was born, she looked everything like his own mother, his Song blood ran deep in her.

The woman can read her husband"s facial expression that her husband is regretting something, she quickly coaxed him, "Darling, I will never leave you." She didn"t think that Su Na would be able to build an empire. Those words are too big for a mere 20 years old and if in the future, Su Na did climbed up the elite ladders, she would make sure to sabotage Su Na in every way.

The man calmed down after hearing his wife sweet words, "Hmn.." Then he turned to Su Na, "Matters between your mother and I are only between us, you have no reasons to hate your stepmother. If you must hate, only hate me."

"How could I not hate her when she took the alimony money that was supposed to be used for my mother"s heart surgery? For as long as my memory could take me, I never had a father. I watched my mother crumbled, until aunt and uncle adopted us and paid for her heart surgeries." Su Na was referring to Yu Sha"s parents.

After they met in the hospital and became friends, Yu Sha"s parents adopted Su Na, her mother and grandmother and paid for all her mother"s medical expenses. Her mother lived to see this day was because Yu Sha"s parents provided the most advanced medical care treatment for her mother. She will forever be indebted to Yu Sha"s parents kindness. Even if it took her ten lifetimes to pay back her debt, she would do so.

Su Na glared directly at the woman and continued, "I was young then, I couldn"t protect my mother. If you don"t want to feel my wrath, don"t any of you dare approach her when she is living life happily." Su Na need to make it clear cut to the two face scheming woman who only in a matter of time might plot something.

The woman felt powerless and wasn"t able to stop Su Na from spilling out everything. Her father heart jolted slightly, he looked at his wife in his arm, he asked in disbelief, "Did you?"

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