Searching For You

Chapter 69

"I wouldn"t dare talk down on you, Mr. CEO Song. Would I still addressed you appropriately if I wished to talk down on you? I only talk of the truth." Yu Sha challenged him as a wicked thought flickered through Yu Sha"s eyes. She continued, "Would you like to see the truth Mr. CEO Song?"

The woman"s face became fearful when Yu Sha mentioned the word "truth." What truth was Yu Sha going to show? What could a mere 20 years old have in their sleeve? How could she talked so big?

The man flashed his vision at his wife"s worried expression, "What are you worry about?" He asked.

His wife put a smile on, "Nothing, I was just thinking, how could children of commoners not have any respect for their elders. I"m worried about their future. You know, I love children that"s why I partic.i.p.ated in the children charity funding every year."

"Hmn.." His wife was right, these children have no respects for their elders. They have no manners, maybe some commoners are like this. There is no need to get so worked up over children.

Yu Sha then took out a watch from her bag and put it on her wrist. She pressed a couple b.u.t.tons and a 3D image projected from the watch in front of them. She used her hand to touch the image and enlarge the image size so they can see the details better. Yu Sha played the video and it has records of where the alimony money went, how it was spent, with the place, time, date and even pictures and video to support it. The account was created under the woman"s own daughters" name for her own daughter to spend lavishly with friends.

With all the evidence unfolds in front of him, the man felt a sharp pain in his heart, he gasped for airs while he glared at his wife. After taking a couple breaths, he angrily asked in pain, "Have you been deceiving me all along?"

The woman nervously got down on her knees and begged, "I have only deceived you on this part only because she hurt you. That woman cheated on you, I didn"t think she deserve this money you worked so hard for." The woman still lied through her teeth by pa.s.sively making it looked like she always had good thoughts behind her actions.

"My mother never cheated!" Su Na defended her mother angrily. "You schemed it!"

The woman shook her head in denial and in distressed, "I.. I would never do such thing."

When Yu Sha heard this from the woman, she grew impatient. After having such evidence exposed in front of this woman, she still could act so stubborn and not accepting her faults. These are the type of people she hated the most. How could she not take revenge on behalf of her friends long ago? Yu Sha threatened, "You never? Should I show another piece of evidence to support your claimed?"

The woman cowered down lower in shock as sweats dripped down her head to her face. Her heart started pounding faster and her head felt like she was just smacked by a wooden stick. What? How did they have evidence? Where did they get the evidence?

Su Na gestured for Yu Sha to stop as she arrogantly spoke, "It"s fine. We can"t exposed everything all at once. It would not be exciting. Let them keep climbing. The higher they climbed, the harder the fall is. This is not the time yet."

Su Na"s father was so shocked at his daughter whom he never raised and only saw five times in 20 years. She graduated early because she was bright, top of her cla.s.s, landed a big project at 19 for Herr"s Corporation, now at 20, the project successfully completed. She appeared all over the news and Cleotara reached out to her for another big project. His daughter looked so domineering full of confidence while his son and daughter at home played days in and days out without any ambitions. Had he been blind all these times?

Su Na could tell, what was running through the man"s mind from his facial expression. She claimed loudly, "I could take down your empire right now, but I felt that it is too early for that. I wanted to show your family, how far I come without your help at all."

Earlier, the woman had thought that because Su Na was born a girl, she would be easier to deal with, but now she is doubting her thoughts. The girl who stood before her is full of capabilities, she, without a single help from the Song family, climbed up the elite ladder with her own skills. Even now, she"s going up against the Song Corporation. The daughter of the woman she hated, posed a greater threat then anything else she faced before.

The man looked regretful unable to retort Su Na"s words. Would she really come after him? How much hatred has she harbored against him and his family? As he was thinking, someone shouted for Su Na and Yu Sha. The shocked and down hearted couples gazed at the direction where the calling was from. Coming towards them was the Herr"s twins, Leo and Keo, the famous twins!

The shocked couples now is even more shock! Does Su Na and Yu Sha know the famous twins? Most of the elite parents would love to have their own children make friends with the famous twins for business opportunity purposes, but few were able to approached the twins. And even after that, not many were able to crack into the twins life.

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