Searching For You

Chapter 70

Leo laughed loudly, "Su Na and Yu Sha, what are you two doing here? Let"s go back inside." When the twins stood next to the girls, they noticed the couples near the girls. The couple does not look too well.

Keo asked in concern, "Aunt and Uncle are you two ok?"

Keo"s question brought the couples thoughts back, they nodded their heads, "We"re ok." The man replied.

Keo"s facial expression soften, "Hm.. Thank you for coming to our event. If you need anything, please do tell one of the servers."

As they were walking away, the man asked, "Yu Sha, that device, Chronos Watch, how were you able to have one?" He was surprised that a small bar owner child could easily use one. Only people who are wealthy could afford Chronos products. The Chrono Watch worked just like a computer and much more. Once the 3D image projected, you can touch it like a touchscreen, use it like a laptop, you can command it to dig and search for information available in the net, and you can store your files and projects in it. You can even video conference call.

Yu Sha paused for a minute thinking of an answer, "Hmm... You could say my father personally know Chronos."

Everyone was stunned! The couple thought, how could a bar owner have such a connection to Chronos, the most mysterious person. No one knows who Chronos is, not even the gender.

The twins were amazed and impressed. Keo exclaimed, "Your father knows Chronos? Chronos is my idol. I would love to personally meet him or her. Can uncle do something about it?"

Leo was thrilled too, he asked excitingly, "Can I meet Chronos too? Chronos is such a mysterious person, no one knows what gender or what Chronos looked like other than the name, Chronos. Ahh.... Chronos is like a G.o.d. Some of Chornos" creations where so brilliant! Ahhh... What should I do? Just the thought of meeting Chronos make me feel like having a heart attack!" Leo now is lost in his thoughts mumbling about Chronos.

Yu Sha cringed as chills ran down her spine, an image of her silly father popped up in her mind. Fear overtook her face as she shook her head. These two must not know who Chronos is. Their ideas of Chronos are too G.o.dly like, she does not want to disappoint them. What would they do if they know the real ident.i.ty of Chronos and he is nothing like what they had idolized. OMG! They must"ve know. I will take this secret to my grave. She brushed off the thoughts aside, "Hehe.. well, let me asked that idiot father of mines first."

"Yu Sha!" Su Na shouted. "Why are you still standing there for?" Her beast friend seemed to be in a daze that sometimes worried her. "You ok?"

Yu Sha came back from her thoughts, she looked around and most of the constructions crews were out there too! Some were swimming, some surfing, some snorkeling, some fishing and some grilling fishes on top of the cliff! Yu Sha looked stupefied, "What the h.e.l.l? I thought it was only going to be us?"

Su Na laughed, "Nope."

One of the men carried a beach umbrella towards them. He opened up the beach umbrella they borrowed from the cruise. "Here Miss Yu Sha and Su Na. Let me put this up for you two." He proceeded to ground the handle into the sand. "We"re grilling some fishes we fished off from the ocean. We"ll bring some when we finished cooking."

Su Na nodded, "Mm.. Thank you Chong." Once the beach umbrella was grounded, Su Na unfolded the mat and situated it under the shaded area. "Well, let"s enjoy the day with the guys." After the girls situated themselves under the umbrella, Chong ran back up to the cliff to check up on the fish smoked by the fire pit they made.

Yu Sha went to laid down next to Su Na. She looked at her friend whom she swore to help build an empire with, "Hey, where are you on your empire?"

Hearing the question from Yu Sha, Su Na asked, "Why are you asking?"

"Nothing, it popped up in my head earlier. I thought I would check with you on it." Yu Sha answered while gazing at the skies.

"I drafted the building. Once I do the final run through, I"ll show you."

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