Searching For You

Chapter 85

Yu Sha went back to her table and conversed with Su Na while they wait for their lunch.

About an hour later, the two Princes finished their lunch and walked out from the VIP room. As they were walking, from the distance Ken Xue noticed Yu Sha sitting on the table by the window. Outside the window is the hall of the mall. He a.s.sumed the other lady sitting on the table must be her friend and also notice a man standing talking to them. As Ken Xue they got closer to the entrance, the man standing also turned slightly towards the entrance causing a third of his face to come into view. Ken Xue notice that the man was Lue Han who has been hosting them the last couple of days.

Lue Han was supposed to go meet the two Princes and walk with them back to the conference room but he got side track when he saw the girls eating. He stopped by to check in with them and asked if they enjoyed their stay so far.

When the two Princes walked out of the restaurant, Lue Han"s a.s.sistant ran over to notify him that the two Princes already left. Lue Han then quickly excused himself and rushed after Hue Chi and Ken Xue.

When they arrived to the conference room, Lue Han had caught up to them. Ken Xue then turned around to ask Lue Han, "Who were you talking to back in the restaurant?" Hoping that he could gathered information of Yu Sha.

Lue Han feeling perplexed at the question, "Ah... They are one of our Contractors for Aqua Illusion Beach Project, SNYS Consultant. Is Prince Ken Xue interested in a project with them?" He asked.

Ken Xue felt surprised, "Oh," The name sounds familiar like he heard of the name before.

"They are actually from Lyon. Would you like me to connect them to you?" Lue Han added.

Of course, Ken Xue doesn"t have any project for the time being that would warrant the two ladies skills, but he can always create one.

"Is there any chance I can meet up with them?" Ken Xue asked hoping that maybe he could meet up with them soon before he fly out the next day in the afternoon. What he was actually interested is the person behind the bracelet and Yu Sha"s secret.

Ken Xue"s a.s.sistant, Zanki was baffled. They currently don"t have any major project that would need outsiders" expertise. Could the Prince be interested in one of the ladies? His Prince and Prince Hue Chi are known among all the Princes in the world to be least interested in women. He is quite happy that his Prince was the first among the two to show interest in a woman. Zanki then started searching the net for SNYS consultant. When the business name was entered, only pictures of Su Na and articles of their previous projects and success appeared. There wasn"t any pictures of Yu Sha.

Zanki turned the screen over to Ken Xue, "This is what came up."

Ken Xue"s eyed widened, "Ah, I remember them now that I saw those articles, but why is only one of them on appeared in public?"

"Well, Miss Su Na is the boss and she does all the face to face meeting and interviews. Miss Yu Sha do more of the behind the scene work." Lue Han tried his best to explain the two ladies situation without having to go further into details.

Ken Xue pondered on the possibilities and reasons behind the secret seal and what was the reasons behind it, "I see."

"Is there a problem?" Lue Han asked as he saw that Ken Xue was thinking deep about something.

Ken Xue brought his thought back to the present and he looked straight at Lue Han before replying, "No, I"m actually quite interested in Miss Yu Sha."

As soon as Ken Xue spoke, Zanki was awestruck. He was feeling wondrous that his Prince actually like a woman!

Both Lue Han and Long Kue was petrified, for Lue Han also had a little crush on Yu Sha too.

Long Kue was petrified because, the only two Princes in the world known to not have any a.s.sociations with women, both are interested in the same woman, an extrunordinary woman!! His mind was about to explode from such turn of event. Long Kue secretly glanced at his Prince to see if his Prince would be as shocked as he was, but of course, his Prince have the same stony expression as always. It is like the news of Ken Xue being interested in Yu Sha didn"t bother him at all.

The inner Long Kue, shook his head ferociously, he must not allow someone else to take the only woman his Prince is interested in. This news must be relayed to Butler Zeu and Dao Txu so they can plan an intervention mission.

The inner Zanki must create and opportunity for his Prince to meet Yu Sha, the only woman his Prince actually every verbally said he is interested in.

With Ken Xue"s position, Lue Han had no choice but to tell them that the girls actually is planning on spending their afternoon at the Crystal Cliff Botanical Garden.

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