Searching For You

Chapter 91

What appeared right behind from the corner was a car at full speed coming down. Due to the noise of the heavy rain and furious rain, it was hard to hear sounds of incoming car. At this point, the car would not be able to turn at the corner and Hue Chi had walked right into the path of the car losing control.

Everyone was taken by surprise at the sudden appearance of the car as they vividly could see the head lights of the car. Before Prince Ken Xue and Zanki could blink their eyes, Yu Sha had already disappeared from next to them. Only those with sharp sense and keen eyes could tell what had happen even though they may not be able to see clear details. Yu Sha had appeared right before Hue Chi, trying to push him off the path and tried to take the car head on before the force of the car pushed her down the cliff.

It was hard to see everything clearly with the wind and heavy rain drops, Su Na did not realized that Yu Sha had disappeared until the car fell off the cliff. Prince Ken Xue caught glimpsed of Yu Sha"s movement but with the poor weather condition, it was hard to see details of the event that unfold before them. She moved so fast, there is not disturbance in the rain or air at all. Long Kue and Butler Zeu panic from the impact of the car hitting over the metal rail. Long Kue ran over to the cliff as he looked down into the abyss of the mountain.

Su Na was shocked and traumatized just from hearing the sound of the impact. When she came around and turned to look at the people standing outside, Yu Sha was nowhere to be found. "Yu Sha?" Su Na looked around in panic. She quickly got out of the limo and looked around frantically and nervously. "Yu Sha? Where are you?!" She walked from her spot to the road screaming for her beast friend. "Yu Sha?!"

The men besides the limo drivers and elderly couple noticed that Yu Sha had tried to stop the car but was pushed over by the force of the car. She had G.o.d like speed but she probably did not have enough strength to stop the car going at full momentum especially going downhill with gravity on its side. "Did Su Na not know that her friend jumped right in front of the car?" The men were even more shocked at Su Na"s cluelessness.

Su Na searched around before running over to the cliff by where Long Kue was before turning around and screamed, "Someone, tell me where is Yu Sha?" She always knew her friend is good at martial arts and can be reckless but she never thought her friend would be this reckless. She also didn"t know that her friend actually have G.o.d like speed because they have never been in a situation where Yu Sha have to show her true strength. But from the reaction of everyone and the disappearance of her friend, she could piece together the puzzles. As much as she want to deny the reality in front of her, she knew that her friend is probably down in the abyss.

Butler Zeu ran over to calm Su Na down as he is just as worried about Prince Hue Chi as she is with Yu Sha. Butler Zeu spoke gently, "Miss Su Na, calm down. We will help you look for your friend as our boss is gone too."

Yu Sha glared angrily at everyone while tears rolled down her face blending in with the raindrops, "Wh.. what... just happened? How do I explained to aunt and uncle?" She turned around and slumped down on the edge of the cliff looking down the pitch-dark abyss.

Prince Ken Xue walked over holding an umbrella to shield the rain for the crying lady, with a pitiful expression he tried to calm her her mind, "Miss Su Na, your friend will be ok. We will find her."

Su Na didn"t even notice Prince Ken Xue next to her or talking to her, her mind is almost at a blank state right now. " did it happened? I.. I just turned my back on her for a minute?" Su Na shook her head as she tried to piece together the parts she did not saw. How did Yu Sha get over to the road from the inner part road by the stalled vehicle?

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