Searching For You

Chapter 93

Hue Chi now is looking at Yu Sha who looked quite alluring with her wet hairs draping down her face and body. Her clothes no longer was loose and flowing like earlier in the day, instead, it looked like it has become one with her skin. If there were enough light shining from above, bright enough to see everything clearly, Yu Sha would look so irresistible. Being enchanted by her state of look right now would be an understatement.

Hue Chi"s provocative comment made Yu Sha jumped backward that one of her feet almost touched the edge of the ground. Noticing that her foot was about to land on the edge, Hue Chi rushed forward to pull Yu Sha onto him. The momentum of the pull forced Yu Sha forward onto Hue Chi"s chest pushing him back down against the back of the wall with her landing on top of him.

"Ahh" Hue Chi groaned when his back landed on the ground.

Yu Sha"s face landed on his chest making it looked like she kissed him on his chest. This motion sent a shock wave through her body, causing her to feel embarra.s.sed yet at the same time she was afraid she may have injured him by her weight on him. Yu Sha tried to pushed herself off him, "Wh.. what are you doing?" She asked with a flushed face and heart beating almost erratically.

"Don"t move if you want to live." Hue Chi answered and pulled his grip tighter around her.

Yu Sha knew what he was referring to, she is not that stupid to not know that he was just trying to save her from accidentally falling off. She stuttered to reply, "I... I"m not going to fall off." Her body temperature rose and high blood pressure is about to shoot right through her head as she"s never been this close to a man before let alone laying on top of a man. She even pecked him on the chest earlier. The thought of it almost gave her a nosebleed, she quickly clasped one of her hands on her mouth.

"How is that so, you almost stepped on the edge? What if you lose your footing?" Hue Chi is now even more interested in her than before, partially because he wanted to find out more about her ability. He had relieved Dao Txu and PengXu to leave ahead of them. When he got out of the limo, he already sensed something coming from behind. He planned to stop it when he walked backward on the road but Yu Sha was even faster than he was. Her action surprised him and delayed him for a few seconds. That few seconds was crucial and she messed up his plans but in the end, he found out something interesting about her so he did not mind at all. It was a win win situation for Hue Chi. He does not have to unfold his ability in front of others and even found out something even more exciting.

Yu Sha was still crouching on top of Hue Chi, struggling to get out of his hold. She huffed bashfully as she hid her face and murmured, "You can let me go now." She"s about to suffer from a cardiac arrest if he does not let her go.

Noticing the state of Yu Sha"s expression, he gently let go of his hold as a smirk rose on his face. When he let go of his arms around her, she quickly got off him and scooched away trying to avoid Hue Chi.

"Hmph.." Hue Chi smiled, he was quite satisfied with Yu Sha"s reaction.

After sometimes when Yu Sha recovered all of her senses back, she pushed herself up and was about to leave when Hue Chi stopped her, "Where are you going?"

Yu Sha paused without turning to look at Hue Chi, and in a low soft fl.u.s.tervoice, she replied, "To get help." She don"t think she can look at him right now and she does not want to be stuck in this enclosed place so closed to him, so she planned to climb up to let the group know they were safe and get help.

Before Hue Chi could reply, a helicopter came down in front of them. The latter was already hanging and a man was standing at the entrance. Hue Chi had send a signal from his phone to his men earlier and they had already coordinated the special rescue force team. The rescue man climbed down the ladder and jumped right into the tiny s.p.a.ce where the three were stuck in. He gave Yu Sha and Hue Chi each a rope attached to a full climbing harness.

Hue Chi gestured to help Yu Sha strap the full body harness onto her but she declined his help. "I can do it myself." Yu Sha then proceeded to strap the harness onto herself.

The rescue man lifted the unconscious girl and secured her to him. Once the unconscious girl was safely secure, he pulled the rope that was tied to the ladder and directed the ladder over to them. When the latter flew over, he gave the rope to Hue Chi before grabbing the latter and climbed up. After 5 minutes, the helicopter came back again once the rescue man got the unconscious girl safely into the helicopter.

Yu Sha and Hue Chi was already safely secured by the time the helicopter comes back around. Hue Chi pulled the rope to direct the latter over. When the latter came close enough to the edge, he swept one of his arms around Yu Sha and lifted her with him onto the latter.

"Ah.." Yu Sha shriek as she was startled by the sudden action that she unconsciously hold onto his arm tighter. After a few seconds, she slapped his chest and shouted, "You"re such an opportunistic!" before reaching her hands to grab the latter and climbed into the helicopter leaving him behind.

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