Searching For You

Chapter 99

Prince Hue Chi walked to the door and turned the doork.n.o.b. He waited for Yu Sha to follow behind before pushing the door opens. When Yu Sha saw that Hue Chi was waiting for her, she slowly walked over towards the door but kept a distance from him. He led and she followed him. This time, they went down to the main entrance and not the back route.

Hue Chi and Yu Sha arrived outside the entrance. The car was already waiting for them on the pickup lane. When Hue Chi spotted the car, he walked to the car to open the door and nudged his head for Yu Sha to get in. She looked down at her feet, hesitated for a moment before summoning the courage to go forward. Yu Sha avoided looking at Hue Chi as she pa.s.sed him into the car.

After closing the door, Hue Chi walked to the other side and got in the car. When he sat down next to Yu Sha on the seat left of her, she turned to her right to look out the window avoiding Hue Chi.

PengXu and Dao Txu had already made their way to their car. When they saw the tracking signal move they move as well. This time they stay closely behind.

Yu Sha looked out the window thinking about her dream while she pa.s.sed out in the tub. Somehow, she had mistaken Hue Chi for the bad people in her dream. She was in the process of fending off the bad guys in her dream that when he nudged her shoulder in real life, it woke her up making her think that he was an enemy.

Seeing Yu Sha lost in thoughts, Hue Chi probed, "Did you have a nightmare earlier?"

Yu Sha turned her head briefly to glance at Hue Chi and then back to the window. She remained silent still feeling embarra.s.sed about being seen nude by him.

Hue Chi added, "You looked like you"re about to strike me down." He thought, if he provoke her, maybe she"ll speak up and the tension might disappear.

Yu Sha lazily turned her head over and looked at Hue Chi before turning towards the window again. He is definitely right about striking him down. If she was a little slower in the head, she may have strike him already, but luckily, she caught on quickly. Then, she realized, her power has not been working and she was unable to set herself free from him earlier. She couldn"t even land a punch on him either. Yu Sha has never been out beaten by anyone before. Could her power just choose not to work earlier? Or was it something he did?

A few reasons popped in her mind before she turned left to look at him. Her intuition is telling her that he is more than meets the eyes. Her gaze became sharper and the airs around her becomes tenser.

Hue Chi could tell what was running through her mind, he have to distract her from interrogating him and speak before Yu Sha. He is not going to give her an opportunity to question him. "You trying to seduce me with your eyes? I preferred it on the bed and not in the car, with see through night gown."

"UGH!!" Yu Sha was dumbfounded at some of the things that came out of Hue Chi"s mouth. That was not even close to why she gazed at him, why is his mind so dirty? She really can"t stand him, why does he always took her action as a s.e.xual thing? Is he s.e.xually frustrated?

Being around Hue Chi is so frustrating for Yu Sha. She hissed at him and threw a punch at his shoulder before huffing. "Gosh, you"re so annoying!" They are in an enclosed s.p.a.ce at such close proximity, she does not want to get any more violent and have any more physical contact.

Hue Chi chuckled at Yu Sha"s frustrating face. He commented, "I preferred a gentler touch for future reference."

Yu Sha"s eyes widen as she straighten upright to glare at Hue Chi, she huffed angrily but was unable to utter a word. She was too angry to find the right word to say. All she could do is clenched her fist and huffed a couple times before turning away and cover her ears with her hands hoping to drown him out.

The driver, who drives for the Prince from time to time when the Prince wants to blend in with ordinary people, was so shock at such sight. He has never seen the Prince talk playfully at anyone before. This is the first time, he almost lost self-control but he has lived long enough to be able to handle shocking circ.u.mstances.

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