Second Plays

Chapter 71

GERVASE. Please. (To MR. KNOWLE) Won"t _you_ have this, sir?

MR. KNOWLE. No thank you. I have a special cup.

(He takes a large cup from MELISANDE). A family tradition, Mr.

Mallory. But whether it is that I am supposed to require more nourishment than the others, or that I can"t be trusted with anything breakable, History does not relate.

GERVASE (laughing). Well, I think you"re lucky. I like a big cup.

MR. KNOWLE. Have mine.

GERVASE. No, thanks.

BOBBY (coming in). Hallo! Tea?

MR. KNOWLE. Ah, Bobby, you"re just in time. (to GERVASE) This is Mr.

Coote. Bobby, this is Mr. Mallory. (They nod to each other and say, "How do you do?")

MELISANDE (indicating a seat next to her). Come and sit here, Bobby.

BOBBY (who was making for JANE). Oh--er--righto. (He sits down.)

MR. KNOWLE (to GERVASE). And how did the dance go last night?

JANE. Oh, were you at a dance? How lovely!


MR. KNOWLE. And a fancy dress dance, too, Sandy. _You_ ought to have been there.

MELISANDE (understanding). Ah!

MRS. KNOWLE. My daughter is devoted to dancing, Mr. Mallory. Dances so beautifully, they all say.

BOBBY. Where was it?

GERVASE. Collingham.

MR. KNOWLE. And did they all fall in love with you? You ought to have seen him, Sandy.

GERVASE. Well, I"m afraid I never got there.

MR. KNOWLE. Dear, dear. . . . Peters is in love just now. . . . I hope he didn"t give you cider in mistake for petrol.

MRS. KNOWLE. You have a car, Mr. Mallory?


MRS. KNOWLE. Ah! (to MELISANDE) Won"t Mr. Mallory have some more tea, Sandy?

MELISANDE. Will you have some more tea, Mr. Mallory?

GERVASE. Thank you. (to MRS. KNOWLE) Won"t you----

(He begins to get up.)

MRS. KNOWLE. _Please_ don"t trouble. I never have more than one cup.

Dr. Anderson is very firm about that. Only one cup, Mrs. Knowle.

BOBBY (to MELISANDE). Sandwich? Oh, you"re busy. Sandwich, Jane?

JANE (taking one). Thank you.

BOBBY (to GERVASE). Sandwich?

GERVASE. Thank you.

BOBBY (to MR. KNOWLE). Sandwich?

MR. KNOWLE. Thank you, Bobby. Fortunately n.o.body minds what _I_ eat or drink.

BOBBY (to himself). Sandwich, Mr. Coote? Thank you. (He takes one.)

MRS. KNOWLE (to GERVASE). Being such an invalid, Mr. Mallory, it is a great comfort to me to have Melisande to look after the house.

GERVASE. I am sure it is.

MRS. KNOWLE. Of course, I can"t expect to keep her for ever.

MELISANDE (coldly). More tea, Jane?

JANE. Thank you, dear.

MRS. KNOWLE. It"s extraordinary how she has taken to it. I must say that I do like a girl to be a good housekeeper. Don"t you agree, Mr.


GERVASE. Well, of course, all that sort of thing _is_ rather important.

MRS. KNOWLE. That"s what I always tell Sandy. "Happiness begins in the kitchen, Sandy."

MELISANDE. I"m sure Mr. Mallory agrees with you, Mother.

GERVASE (laughing). Well, one must eat.

BOBBY (pa.s.sing plate). Have another sandwich?

GERVASE (taking one). Thanks.

MRS. KNOWLE. Do you live in the neighbourhood, Mr. Mallory?

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