Second Saga

Chapter 58

“Quick save his Lordship!”

As Hydra was falling down  into the abyss he heard a sudden shout.  The next thing he knew he saw a giant human rope jump down the crater after him!  The person at the end was Valeria!  As the lightest person it would have the amount of strain when the group of bread follower held the long rope.

As Hydra was falling faster and faster, Valeria tried her best to push even slightly faster downwards, luckily with all the added weight of the bread followers they were able to catch up to Hydra!

When Valeria caught onto Hydra she breathed a sigh of relief and yelled to the top.

“Quickly I caught the Lord, bring him up immediately!”

However at this time Hydra was unable to speak, why was that?  Well the position of his face was directly in a certain area of Valeria, although she failed to notice in the heat of the moment from directly smothering Hydra with her voluptuous b.r.e.a.s.t.s, Hydra could do nothing but struggle for his life.  Unfortunately, all attempts failed and he pa.s.sed out!

If the bread followers, were able to see this scene their eyes would burn with envy!  Who wouldn’t want to dive into that body and even be smothered with those two peaks?  Even if they died it would be a happy occurrence.  Maybe even then they would finally be able to meet the Bread G.o.d they had just started to follow.  It didn’t’ take long for the group of bread followers to pull Hydra up as only a dozen or so were off the edge of the crater.  Of course the ones who managed to be thrown off had plunged face first into the crater’s walls, but that didn’t bother them as they had saved their Lord!

He was the emissary of the Bread G.o.d, and everyone who weren’t able to take part looked on with disappointment!  It would be their greatest honor to nail their faces into the crater’s wall just to get praised by Hydra!  Such idiocy can only be applied to the current bread followers as this was the power of being a true follower!


Hydra finally managed to wake up, however he was unable to remember what happened to him.  For some reason he felt it was a memory that was locked away for a good reason. Just as the his companions noticed he was waking, they all rushed forward towards him.

“Hydra!  Are you okay?”

“Your Lordship are you okay?!”

“Great Leader!  Please tell us you’re okay!”

Hydra’s eyes rested on Cline for a second and he noticed that his dragon arm had disappeared.  Immediately his expression turned into worry, and Cline just waved his hand and responded simply.

“No worries I can manifest the arm whenever I want, it’s a little inconvenient to have it out at all times as not only is it really hot it takes up a lot of mana.”


Hydra let out a giant exhale.  Next he looked towards Valeria, however for some reason he immediately pa.s.sed her and went straight to Falcon and asked him a question.

“Falcon, did you manage to grab all the loot from the storage?!”

Falcon in turned only grinned.  Who was Falcon before becoming a magnificent bread follower?  A bandit!  A leader of a bandit group at that, and naturally when winning a war, the first thing to do was plunder the village!  Thus, even without be told his habits kicked in and he immediately gathered all the loot!  Naturally the main reason for this time was to please Hydra and of course Hydra was pleased and grinned from ear to ear!

“Good!  You may take a set of armor of your choosing for yourself!  You have done a great service and shall be awarded!”

In this Cline nodded gently.  Cline realised although Hydra was not a great leader, he still knew how to be fair to others and reward their efforts.  Such acts were important in order to lead effectively.  Little did Cline know, that this was only to make more profits!  If Hydra could keep the bread followers and turn them into his personal lott gathering machines what kind of riches could he get later?!

Drool was appearing at the side of his lips and when Valeria saw this she worriedly grabbed a clean cloth to wipe it.  Naturally Hydra was unable to ignore Valeria any longer and made an everlasting eye contact with her.  At this she blushed endlessly red, and couldn’t help but break eye contact with him!

In a medieval world strength was most important for finding a mate, and naturally  Valeria was already interested the moment she saw the heroic feats on the pathway over the crater.  Thus when he focused solely on her she was unable to hold back her shyness and broke eye contact.  On the other hand Hydra was furiously trying to remember that blocked scene.  Although he knew he shouldn’t he just couldn’t break away from the feeling like something bad happened.  After all he had pa.s.sed out, and didn’t remember why.  Such a thing could be only called strange!  However, no matter how hard he tried to remember he couldn’t, thus he could only break Valerias moment of shyness and speak.

“Have the men wit the most accomplishments take a piece of equipment of their choosing and arm every follower.  I feel a little tired so for the remaining few hours we will stay here and get ready to depart.  When I feel better we will leave immediately!”

“Yes your Lordship!”

Valeria and Falcon both answered at once and left without hesitation.  However, Valeria gave one last soft look back and ran off in embarra.s.sment!  Clearly it was a sudden crush that even Hydra could clearly see, as he wasn’t so dimwitted to be completely void of a woman’s feelings.  However it was nothing but a crush at this moment and if he ignored it, her feelings would be unable to grow anymore than that of a crush.

“You okay?”

“Yeah.. I just need a little time, due to my quest I need to figure some stuff out.”

Naturally Hydra wasn’t going to lie to Cline, and it wasn’t that Hydra didn’t trust Falcon, or Valeria it was simply the act of being in a higher position.  He was after all tired and making an excuse of rest would make sense to everyone else.  If they were to know he was looking at the rewards he gathered how would they feel?

Although  Hydra wasn’t sure how they felt, it was obvious that they wouldn’t care but someone like Hydra would be unable to take such risks.  Thus he made a simple excuse and let them be on their way and told Cline the truth as Cline was already a new member of his group and surprisingly even Cline was somewhat starting to wonder whether the Bread G.o.d was real or not!

After hearing the voice in his head how could he not?  Of course it wasn’t the Bread G.o.d and instead the Dragon G.o.d, but Hydra was too lazy to explain that and if more people followed him it was easier to make money!

Cline then quickly left without any troubles and finally Hydra pulled out his stash of loot!

“So let’s see here!  First of all there is the [Ancient Shadow Core], a few finger bones…. I don’t care about that at all. Finally, there is a strange black ring? Also, I know my sword has powered up so I’ll look at that as well.”

Hydra looked and surprisingly he was disappointed by the drops acquired by the [Reaper Lich]!  It was so poor?!  Why was that?  The [Reaper Lich] to begin with wasn’t an overly rich boss monster and what money it did have it spent it’s entirely on retrieving the [Ancient Shadow Core] thus he was only able to keep its robe and its ring!  Now that the robe didn’t drop thankfully the ring did.  As Hydra felt continuing his quest could wait a few more second to look at this ring!”


Ring of Eternal Darkness! (Unique)A ring once held by a [Lord of Darkness], a being that is able to change it’s body freely into any other dark being it so wishes.  Thus after being worn for a millenia on the Dark Lord’s finger, this ring has also absorbed the ability to change forms.  However the form can only be changed when darkness reaches it’s limits of the user and darkness only can be at its highest under death!  Thus when the user is an unknown form will be taken, even the sanity of the user may become void.  Extreme caution is advised when using the power of this ring as it beckons softly in your mind to edge towards the endless night!
Skill:  [Life of Darkness]: At death the user will turn into an unknown form with unknown status, intelligence, state of mind, and length of time.

“….Okay.. I’m slightly terrified of this item for now, so I’m just going to carefully put you on my finger and hope to the Bread G.o.d you always be good to me.  I swear Luck has got to come in use for times like these right?  RIIIGHT?!”

He couldn’t help but talk to himself silently.  It was true that such an item could be very, very scary, when used incorrectly.  However this item, the user didn’t even have the choice!  Fortunately Hydra rarely died and in time of need it could come in handy, and thus he couldn’t simply waste an item he received himself!

Secondly, Hydra skimmed over his sword, and grinned.  It’s power had increased by 15 and was now able to do 36 damage!  It was definitely something worth smiling about, but that wasn’t it!  Hydra has also leveled 5 times during this fight and was at level 40!  He was so close to the first turning point of [Second Saga] where the noob rules would finally turn into beginner rules!  These included dropping of equipment after death, losing stats after being player killed or boss killed!  On the flip side one could regain these stats after killing the person who killed them first, in turn stealing their stats, if it was a player!

That’s right!  [Second Saga] was a game that encouraged player killing in order to become stronger!  This was imply a way of advertising for them as it would spice up the compet.i.tion within their subscriber’s!  In the real world and in the game world it was a strong eat weak, and that applied everywhere!

Finally after rejoicing in his gains, Hydra finally looked upon the last item.  As he identified it, only the words [Ancient Shadow Core] came up with following  question marks!  However immediately after something happened!

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