Secret Marriage: Reborn As A Beautiful Model Student

Chapter 1868: Making Up with Ming Zhu

Chapter 1868: Making Up with Ming Zhu

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

According to Qie w.a.n.g’s memories, Xie Xuning had been extremely kind to Ye Tianxin ever since he discovered she was his daughter.

In truth, Xie Xuning, who had always kept a low profile, had been publicizing her father’s daughter to everyone.


As long as Ye Tianxian was pleased, he could let go of his ego.

Qie w.a.n.g couldn’t comprehend what was going on at the time.

But it was at that point that he began to grasp a bit of it.

Xie Xuning must have felt that he owed it to Ye Tianxin for the dereliction of a father’s responsibility. Consequently, she had to grow up in a harsh environment while he remained absent the whole time. Thus, he wanted to give her the best things the world had to offer so that she could live forever as an innocent princess.

Qie w.a.n.g realized he did nothing for Mingzhu as he reminisced about the things Xie Xuning had done for his daughter.

“I’ve got some unfinished business to attend to. I’ll take my leave now.”

An epiphany hit Qie w.a.n.g after he was advised by Ye Zhizhou.

With that, he left and headed toward Qie Yiyan’s office.

When Qie w.a.n.g arrived, Qie Yiyan instantly placed the doc.u.ments in the safe box in his hand.

After all, there were some things that Qie w.a.n.g should not have seen.

Those records were extremely private, and leaking their contents would be disastrous.

“Can we chat for a bit, Yiyan?”

Qie Yiyan checked the clock and saw that the meeting was still one hour away. So there was enough time for some discussion.

“Dad, what do you wanna talk about?”

Qie Yiyan poured a gla.s.s of water for Qie w.a.n.g.

“I wanna talk about Mingzhu.”

Qie Yiyan thought that Qie w.a.n.g still did not give up on the idea of living with them.

So he was devising strategies to prevent it from happening.

But who’d have guessed Qie w.a.n.g would be interested in discussing Mingzhu?

“What do you wanna know about Mingzhu?”

“I want to know how Mingzhu’s life has been for the past two decades,” Qie w.a.n.g said after some reluctance.

Qie Yiyan happened to have all of the doc.u.mentation he had gathered concerning Mingzhu at the time.

So he handed it up to Qie w.a.n.g right away.

From the perspective of a third party, Qie Yiyan could understand some of Mingzhu’s actions. It would be natural for her to be severe in her behavior after being brainwashed since she was a child.

After all, growing up in such an atmosphere made it practically impossible for anybody to stay pure and innocent.

“Take your time to read it.”

Qie w.a.n.g sat in the office and flipped through pages after pages of the doc.u.ments of Mingzhu’s growth.

Qie w.a.n.g’s heart sank as she looked at the big stack of paperwork.

After Qie w.a.n.g finished browsing through the papers, he closed them up, turned to stare at Qie Yiyan, and said, “Yiyan, Mingzhu had been suffering for so long. You have to treat her well.”

“Don’t worry, dad. So long as Mingzhu doesn’t do anything that will harm others or our country, I will be good to her.”

After Qie Yiyan finished speaking, the room fell silent for a moment.

Qie w.a.n.g pinched his lips and looked gloomy.

Although he wanted to make up for the lost time with Mingzhu, he did not know where to start.

Mingzhu’s impression of him was awful. She loathed him a lot.

“I will treat Mingzhu well in the future.”

Qie Yiyan remained silent.

He had the urge to remind Qie w.a.n.g that one should learn from their past mistakes and stop recommitting the same error.

Yan Shanyue and Mingzhu’s hards.h.i.+p would be the perfect example.

If Qie w.a.n.g did not leave his enceinte wife for another woman back then, all those sufferings that Mingzhu had gone through would not have taken place in the first place.

“Dad, I think you should leave Gu Yancheng’s laboratory. That man is not a philanthropist. Besides, he must be scheming something behind the scene.”

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