In the scorching hot sunny day, the chirping sounds of birds fill the horizon.

In the cla.s.sroom of second floor of Xu Ri (Rising Sun) middle school.

Chen Ming Xu is standing in the platform in the cla.s.sroom and teaching about set squares. His top is wet because of the sweat.

The air is like a pour of boiling water. The fan on the ceiling creates a buzzing sound. It creates a big noise and the air feels so hot.

The students are feeling drowsy.

He couldn’t help but to be irritated.

“Look at the blackboard.” He is looking at a female student on the third row. Cheng Ming Xuan frowns and slaps his ruler to the blackboard with a great force. “Do you hear me! Look at the blackboard!”

Several other students start to wake up and opens their sleepy eyes. They force themselves to look at the blackboard.

The female student on the third row seem to not hear it. Her head still hangs low. She is drawing something with her pencil. She looks beautiful and innocent. Because she is still young, she is cute.

She is sitting straightly and properly. She looks quiet and peaceful. She can be described as a type of student that teachers prefer.

— But this time she regards the teacher as an invisible one.

Chen Ming Xu starts to frown again. He discusses about the question he is written on the blackboard. This 1st angle is equal to the 2nd angle. The third angle is 108 degree—“

The question will be done soon, but the female student still shows no sign that she will lift her head up to look at the blackboard. Chen Ming Xuan’s half-day fury has been boiling for the whole day, he slaps his ruler on the table.

The plastic ruler strikes on the wooden table, it creates a loud noise. It is shocked every students, they are trembling in fear. Then the roar of Chen Ming Xu let the atmosphere in the cla.s.sroom turns stiff.

“Sang Zhi!”

The female student, who calls Sang Zhi, lifts up her head and looks at Cheng Ming Xuan for two seconds. She puts down her pencil and stands up on her own initiative.

Chen Ming Xu controls his temper. “What did I say before?”

Sang Zhi looks at the blackboard and acts calmly: “The 4th angle equals to 72 degree.

Chen Ming Xu is used to this innocent female student so he isn’t easily deceived. He takes the ruler and slaps it on the table again. He says with a sneer: “I haven’t talked about that one!”


Sang Zhi starts to feel troublesome. “Then why are you calling me….”

Chen Ming Xu asks her back: “Tell me why do you think I am calling you?”

Sang Zhi thinks for several seconds and guesses: “Is it because you cannot do it?”

Chen Ming Xu: “……”

Sang Zhi: “You call my name to teach you?”

Chen Ming Xu: “?”

“I get it.” Sang Zhi understands and looks at the blackboard. “Because the 1st angle is equal to the 2nd angle, so AB is parallel to CD. The two straight lines are parallel. The interior angle……..”

Chen Ming Xu comes to the end of his patience. “You are so great, then should I pa.s.s my position as a teacher to you?”

Sang Zhi is somewhat frustrated by his action of cutting her explanation. She wants to speak up then hesitates. She finally says: “But I cannot s.n.a.t.c.h away your job ah.”


The cla.s.sroom is silent for several seconds, then everyone starts to laugh outloud.

Chen Ming Xu flies into a rage. “Be quiet! Don’t make a noise!”

Most of the students are still laughing, the cla.s.sroom turns noisy as the market.

“Lao Shi (Teacher), I feel that it can happen! Let Sang Zhi teaches all ofus!”

“Then it means there’s no more homework!”

Chen Ming Xu roars: “Shut up!”

“Sang Zhi.” Chen Ming Xu looks at Sang Zhi again and takes a deep breath to let himself not to lose his self-control. At last he still feels so furious. “Tomorrow let your guardian come over!


The bell rings.

Chen Ming Xu keeps a straight face and leaves the cla.s.s without even turning his head.

It’s the last subject of the day so everyone is tidying up their stuff and leaves.

“How could you offend that Chen Tu Tou (The bald Chen) ah?” Yan Zhen Ru approaches Sang Zhi. “Don’t you know that he loves to call over the guardian of the student? In this half month, your Mama has come over twice.”

Sang Zhi puts all her book inside the bag and zips it. “I also don’t know what provoke him.”

Yan Zhen Ru opens her eyes big. “You don’t know?”

Sang Zhi looks irritable and whispers: “Didn’t I answer his question?”

“Didn’t your answer purposely shows that you want to be beat by him?” Yan Zhen Ru smiles. “You also said to him “I cannot s.n.a.t.c.h your job ah”. Let alone him, I also want to beat you if I were him.”

Sang Zhi snorts: “Then you and him are the same. You guys are unreasonable.”

“Ay, for real how could you not listen to the lecture? Moreover you keep on being caught?” Yan Zhen Ru asks.

“Don’t you feel that Tu Tou (bald person)’s way of speaking like he is lulling us to sleep?” Sang Zhi puts on her backpack and yawns. “If I listen to him seriously and do nothing, I will definitely fall asleep.”


It’s a reasonable.

Yan Zhen Ru still wants to something then notices there are several men on the front of school gate. She changes the subject. “Oh right, will you go to the bookstore?”

Sang Zhi looks at her: “Why are you going there?”

Yan Zhen Ru answers; “Fu Zheng Chu is asking you . Also there are several men from the cla.s.s 6, let’s go together.”

Sang Zhi asks once more: “Why are you going there?”

“He said,” Yan Zhen Ru thinks about it: “To buy Huang Hou Xiong?”

“…..” What is Huang Hou Xiong?

Sang Zhi is silent for a while. “RIght right right, will you go?”

Sang Zhi: “No.”

“Why? Fu Zheng Chu is quite handsome ah.”

They both leave the cla.s.sroom.

Hearing Yan Zhen Ru’s compliment of Fu Zheng Chu makes Sang Zhi shos indescribable expression. “You should go to the hospital to check on your eyes.”

Yan Zhen Ru is unhappy. “What happened to my eyes? There’re a lot of people that think that way too!”

Sang Zhi nods and once agains suggests: “then you guys can go together as a group to check.”


Then Sang Zhi takes out her phone from her backpack. She opens the messaging up. She hesitates then sends a message to Sang Yan.

[ Ge Ge, it’s been a long time since you came home. When will you come home? Could you come home tomorrow for a while? I miss you so much oh! TAT]

Yan Zhen Ru says disappointedly: “Are you sure you are not going with us?”

“I’ll not go.”

“But they are waiting near the school gate…..”

“If you want to go, then just go.” Sang Zhi says. “I’m not in the mood today.”

“Ah, why?”

Sang Zhi still looks at her phone, she is waiting for Sang Yan’s answer. “I’ll not tell them.”

Yan Zhen Ru reminds her: “But if your Pa Ma don’t come, Chen Tu Tou will give them a call.”

“It’s okay.”

She hasn’t said “I’ll call my Ge to come”. And there’s a message coming in.

Sang Yan: [?]

Sang Yan: [ I cannot]



At the front school gate.

Yan Zhen Ru says goodbye to her. Then she walks toward Fu Zheng Chu and friends.

Fu Zheng Chu’s expression is dull, he watches Sang Zhi leaves. He asks while knowing the answer. “Sang Zhi will not go?”

Yan Zhen Ru nods: “She was scolded by the teacher so she is in the bad mood.”

Fu Zheng Chu frowns: “Her parents are called over again?”

Yan Zhen Ru: “Em.”


There’s been number of times he encounter this situation.

It makes he feels embarra.s.sed!!!

Fu Zheng Chu stands there silently for two seconds then walks toward the school.

The other male student, Liu Wei Qi, calls after him. “Hey! Where are you going there? Aren’t we going to buy w.a.n.g Hou Xiong?”

Fu Zheng Chu returns and pokes Liu Wei Qi’s head. “I’ve told you to read more books.”

Liu Wei Qi strokes his head: “?”

“It is Huang Hou Xiong, stupid.”


On the other side.

Sang Zhi continues to send message to Sang Yan — she angrily rebukes hm to be heartless and ruthless. He completely doesn’t care about his powerless thirteen years old Mei Mei (Younger sister). For attending the university, he has given her up and let her runs her own life.

She waits for a while.

Sang Yan doesn’t reply her.

She waits for another while.

The heartless Sang Yan doesn’t reply her message.

San Yan has turned completely hopeless. She gets on the public bus to go home and starts to consider how should she explain to her parents why this month teachers have called her parents three times.

How should she say it?

Should she say that she is too excellent that the teacher is jealous of her so the teacher calls her parents.

Or perhaps, her words during the cla.s.s had offended the teacher to have misunderstanding. It makes him feel that his job is under threat;

Or perhaps the weather is too hot, the teacher is too free, he is bored so he wants to call them over to have a chat and a cup of tea……

Sang Zhi scratches her head.

It seems to be ineffective.

She lifts her head and notices that the bus has reached her stop.

Sang Zhi gets off the buss and walks toward her house.

She enters the house and sees a familiar environment. Her scalp is tingling and she feels like she cannot say anything.

This time, her mother, Li Ping, calls after her from the kitchen. “Zhi Zhi, you are home?”

Zhi Zhi is Sang Zhi’s nickname.

Sang Zhi answers and takes off her shoes. Because she is full of her worry, she doesn’t notice there’s another pair of sneakers on the shoe rack.

Li Ping calls after her: “Zhi Zhi, come here for a while, help Mama.”

Sang Zhi is considering how should she confess to her mother, she answers: “What is it.”

“Help Mama take this plate of fruits to your Ge’s bedroom.” Li Ping comes out from the kitchen, she says: “Your Ge Ge is home…”

“Em…. Em?” Sang Zhi regains herself and asks: “Ge Ge is home?”


Sang Zhi cannot believe this happened.

It’s like a surprise blotting out the sky and covering the earth. That cold and feelingless annoying Sang Yan. This moment the cold Sang Yan has changed into a perfect Ge Ge.

Li Ping is still talking: “When you come in, pay more attention. Your Ge Ge is bringing a —-“

“Okay okay okay!” Sang Zhi has no patience to hear more. Sang Zhi takes the plate of fruits and runs toward Sang Yan’s room. “I get it! I will give it to him!”

Li Ping is confused: “What happened to this kid today.”

Sang Zhi thinks that she doesn’t need to be scolded by her parents. She smiles so brightly and opens Sang Yan’s bedroom.

His room is bright and s.p.a.cious as the sunlight can penetrates inside through the window.

She breaths in and notices a scent of cigarette. She chokes and coughs.

She frowns and looks aroudn the room.

There’s a skinny man sitting down on the sofa near the computer table. He is looking at her phone.

He looks similar as Sang yan.

Yet she feels unfamiliar to him..

Sang Zhi stops walking and blinks. She hasn’t even called her Ge Ge.

That man just lifts his head up.

This moment she can see his face clealry.

That man looks calm, his facial features are in order and clear. He is smiling gently yet he seems hard to approach.

His eyes have a light brown pupil, it looks different from her Ge Ge.

At first she thought she would meet her Ge Ge, yet she encounters a stranger. She cannot see her Ge Ge.

This time Sang Zhi is at loss, she doesn’t know how to respond.

The time seems to freeze.

They both don’t move and just stay quiet.

After a while.

That man looks down and throws away his cigarette. He is sluggish. He stands up and walks to the window to look at the scenery outside.

Looking at his action, Sang Zhi is at her wits’ end and calls after him.

“…… Ge Ge?”

Hearing this that man stops and raises up his eyebrow. He watches Sang Zhi and smiles. He answers.



This reply is a lightning strikes on her head.

She cannot understand the situation.

It’s been months since she met her Ge Ge.

Now they finally can see each other, but his appearance has changed a lot.

She cannot believe it. She watches him and says: “you, you…..”

She pauses for a while, then swallows her saliva. She cautiously finishes her sentence. “Did you do plastic surgery?”


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