No one knows whether Sang Zhi is crying because she is surprised of Duan Jia Xu"s estranged att.i.tude or not. Sang Zhi says nothing else but from time to time there"s a sobbing from her.

Inside the room, Qian Fei suddenly knocks out his keyboard and roars: “Wow, this is stupid c*nt!”

The next moment, Sang Yan throws his pillow toward Qian Fei: “If you keep on noisy, I"ll beat your a**.”

“Sang Yan! This is an important moment for me!” Qian Fei yells: “Dammit, don"t sleep anymore, let"s—“

Duan Jia Xu pursues his lips and locks the door of the balcony. He leans on the railing and looks around. He calms his tone. “Xiao Hai, what time do you usually arrive at school?”

Sang Zhi chokes and answers honestly: “07:40 a.m.”

“You wake up around 07:00 a.m.?”


“Tomorrow could you wake up at 06:00 a.m?”

This time Sang Zhi stays quiet.

Duan Jia Xu doesn"t mind it so much, he considers his words. He attempts to reason thing out with her. “Xiao Hai, this homework is given by the teacher as your responsibility. It"s your own matter. You don"t bring it home, you can confess it to your teacher, apologize to you teacher. Tell him that you"ll make it later. You cannot ask someone to do it for you.”

The little girl sobs again and says “em” with low spirit.

It"s been two months and he realizes that this little girl is more sensible tha before.

Duan Jia Xu sighs: “So tomorrow could you wake up at 06:00 a.m.?”

This time she just turns silent for several seconds and says with a bit of confident: “I could…..”

“Then tomorrow….” Duan Jia Xu thinks about the time, “Tomorrow 06:40 a.m, Ge Ge will wait at the bus station for you. I"ll accompany you to finish it, okay?”

Sang Zhi: “Em.”

Duan Jia Xu: “Don"t cry anymore. Think it by yourself how will you write it down. Then go wash your face and go to sleep.”

Sang Zhi says: “Okay.”

Then Sang Zhi quickly requests with a low voice: “Ge Ge, could you not tell my Ge Ge about this matter?”

Duan Jia Xu laughs: “You even don"t dare to tell that you leave your homework with me?”

“No.” Sang Zhi doesn"t know how to explain, she just says: “Anyway don"t tell him about it.”

“Okay.” Duan Jia Xu even feels surprised that he can be that patience toward this little girl. “Tomorrow 06.00 a.m., remember to wake up. That time I"ll also call you.”

Sang Zhi says obediently: “Okay.”

Duan Jia Xu: “Go to sleep.”

The time he hears the call ends, he puts down his phone.

The phone"s screen is off but Sang Yan"s phone has no pa.s.scode. He turns it off and finds the call log. He looks at Sang Zhi"s phone number and turns off the phone

He tidies up his clean dry clothes and returns to the room.

The room is so noisy. Sang Yan already gets off the bed. He is playing his game beside Qian Fei.

Duan Jia Xu the phone ot him.

Sang Yan asks: “What did you leave at her place?”

Duan Jia Xu just answers casually: “Just a toy, just let her have it.”

Sang Yan nods and asks nothing more.

Duan Jia Xu goes inside the room to have a shower. The time he is done showering and coming out of the bathroom. The light is off. He uses the towel to dry his hair. Then goes to his table and turns on the light. He looks at the table and doesn"t see Sang Zhi"s book.

He takes a look inside his backpack.

Indeed he has a light blue book, which is clearly not his.

Duan Jia Xu puts it aside. Then he turns on his laptop to do the report, which he has done for two days.

His roommates have quiet down.

Everyone starts to have a rest. Only Duan Jia Xu is still doing his work.

The time the clock in his laptop shows that time is 02:00 a.m., he finally switches off his laptop and tidies up his things.

Suddenly he notices Sang Zhi"s book. He takes it and opens one of the page.

It"s her newest piece of writing.

Duan Jia Xu is interested to read it. He completely doesn"t respect the little girl"s privacy.

He takes a quick look.

The t.i.tle is < a="" stray="" dog="">>

24 June 2009, Wednesday, Gloomy Day

Today the weather was not very good. The was is dusky. It looked like it"d be raining soon. I didn"t bring my umbrella. The time I got off the car, I sped up to arrive home quickly. I ran back toward my complex. The time I pa.s.sed a thick clump of gra.s.s area, I suddenly noticed an all black stray dog.

The time I saw him, I stopped moving, my mood suddenly turned gloomy as the weather today. I looked at that dog"s face. Suddenly I was even sadder, I couldn"t control myself so I came over to have a chat with it.

The time I saw the dog, I just remembered my Ge Ge because it looked like my Ge Ge. They are very similar, it seems like it is my Ge Ge"s son.



Duan Jia Xu: “……..”

Reading her words somehow make his tiredness go away. He suddenly laughs out loud. Though it"s not as loud that it disturbs the whole room

Duan Jia Xu laughs for quite some time and closes the book. He goes to the bathroom to get ready to sleep.

The he comes out fo the bathroom, he notices the book again. Duan Jia Xu considers for a while and thinks that Sang Zhi said “I couldn"t wake up”. He pauses for a while and sits down on his chair again.

He takes out his new book and tears a new empty page.

The next morning.

Sang Zhi struggles for half day and keeps on hearing her alarm continuously rings. In her mind, she keeps on looking for ways to stand Duan Jia Xu up. At last she sits up.

She kicks her blanket unhappily and gets off the bed to freshen up.

Li Ping has waken up. She hears a door is opened and thinks that Sang Rong is awake. The time she comes out of the kitchen, she notices Sang Zhi with her tired face. Sang Zhi is sitting down on the dining table and eating her breakfast. She is startled. “Zhi Zhi? Why are you awake so early?”

Sang Zhi rubs her eyes “I leave my homework at school. I should go early.”

This never happens before so Li Ping doesn"t scold her. She just says: “Then let me ask your Pa to send you over to the school? You can sleep on the car for a while.”

“No need.” She remembers that Duan Jia Xu is waiting for her at the bus stop. Sang Zhi says: “I have agreed with a friend to go together.”

Li Ping doesn"t anything more. Sang Zhi carries her backpack and leaves quickly. She waits for the bus for a while. She gets on the earliest bus and finds a spot to sit down.

Her tiredness has been replaces with nervousness.

The time the bus is about to arrive, she feels even more nervous.

She doesn"t know how could be so nervous.

Sang Zhi holds the backpack"s belt and gets off the bus.

She sees no one around.

She is afraid that he might stands behind the station sign so she walks round. But still there"s no one around.

Sang Zhi takes out her phone and notices now it"s still 06:30 a.m. She also doesn"t know about Duan Jia Xu"s phone number so she couldn"t call him. She is a bit depressed and just sits down on the bench at the bus station.

After two minutes, Sang Zhi"s phone starts to vibrate.

The screen shows unknown numbers ID.

Sang Zhi answers her phone.

Indeed it"s a call from Duan Jia Xu, his voice is magnetic. He says sweet-soundingly: “Xiao Hai, are you awake?”

Now he is asking her whether she is awake or not.

Sang Zhi is speechless and answers unhurriedly: “I"m awake.”

She thinks about it and asks again: “Are you still sleeping?”

“Em?” Duan Jia Xu just laughs lightly: “How could I am not awake when I give you a call?”

“I couldn"t see you.”

“Maybe because I am not leaving my room yet?”

It"s completely like Sang Zhi"s guess. She isn"t surprised and just kicks the stone in front of her. Her face turns serious. “Ge Ge, if you are late, then in the future your girlfriend will look like Ru Hua.”

She thinks about it and feels it"s not threatening enough. She adds again. “Her body will be like a transformer.”

Then she feels something warm is sticked close to her face.

Sang Zhi is so surprised and turns her head to look over.

Duan Jia Xu is leaning on the station sign at the bus station. He is holding a bottle of milk. Today he is wearing a red stripe t-shirt. The color is faint and looks insolent. He looks at Sang Zhi.

He stands up straight and says humorously: “Ru Hua?”




“How could I find someone like that?”


“Xiao Hai.” Duan Jia Xu acts like he is smiling yet not smiling. “Do you have any kindness in you?”

She doesn"t expect that he immediately comes over. Looking at his face, Sang Zhi somehow feels diffident. She lowers her head and doesn"t dare to see him. She says nothing else.

After two seconds.

“But.” Duan Jia Xu raises up his eyebrow and the bottle of milk to him. He seem lost in his thought, he says: “Listening to yours, this seems to be….”

“…. fascinating.”


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