In the morning several days after the commotion which happened right after the promotion, Akito blends with the noisy students, standing in the hallway.
The thing he looks at is, the table of school tournament that will start from tomorrow.
This time too, he is forced to decline his partic.i.p.ation by the teachers, but he has his own way.
The tournament is held for the students from the 2nd year until the 5th year, the winner of each year, those four names will fight for the t.i.tle of the strongest within the school.
Because there are a lot of 1st year students who haven’t made a contract with spirit, they are only able to be the spectator.
In other words, It is also a big stage for Akito, but he can only face his feeling.

(hmm… my name is missing)

He looks at the second year table restlessly. However, in this school, it is not only the second year that has a big number of students. I really can’t find my name.

(The teachers are not willing to let me partic.i.p.ate… No, am I overthinking it)

To shake off his anxiety, he hakes his head. The teachers are educators, they shouldn’t have ignored the student’s will.
But if it’s really like that, He will definitely rampage! Akito thought like that. Though maybe he will be made lose his consciousness in the blink of an eye.
When he thought about it, his eyes blurred with light tears, then he rub his eyes.

“Ah-! Akito-kun! How are you?”

From behind a voice like that could be heard, and he was embraced. After that Akito let out a sigh “Haa…”.
It’s because the voice he knows well. While trying to shake off the existence behind him somehow, he calls the person’s name.

“Alca, Have a little bit more modesty?”
“Ehh! Akito and I are close, right? So it’s okay.”
“Where does it come from?”

After separating himself and turning back, there is a girl in front of Akito.
The name of the girl with beautiful brown twin tailed hair and a bit childish and cute face is Alca Roland. Akito’s childhood friend.

“Fuhahahaha! Man that worries about small thing won’t be popular, you know?”
“Mind your own business”
“Jeez! Just react a bit more!”

Her cheek blushed lightly, even though she replied while puffing her cheek. However, It’s not the feeling called love.
Frankly speaking, Akito likes cute things. Because of that, Alca that looks like a small animal, only giving him the feeling of having a pet.

“… It feels that I’ve been made fun off”
“Hmm? What’s wrong?”
“… Nothing”

Alca averts her face and pouts. Akito has a spot for this kind of behavior.

“Alca is cute……”
“Fue! Really!? Really!?”
“Yeah, like a squirrel”
“….So that’s what you meant”

Alca felt dejected and downcast her face. While thinking strangely about that, Akito pat her head.
(This is bad! She is so cute!) Such thought piles up inside Akito’s mind. At his situation, the students around

“Chi…… The dunce gets carried away….”
“d.a.m.n it… I also want a childhood friend…”
“I have a childhood friend, you know? ”
“But it’s a boy…”
“””Our Friend!!”””

While causing that kind of commotion, they are looking at him with a lot of killing intent. Most of them are the boys. But, It doesn’t reach him now.
Akito is patting Alca’s head with a blissful face. Because of Akito’s state, Alca finally snaps.

“Mugya—! Until when are you want to pat my head! Geez.”

Alca starts fuming. Akito thought that how she changes her facial expression is really interesting… Then he remembered about the tournament table. At the same time he is worried about Alca’s opponent, so he asks her.

“By the way, Who’s your opponent?”

When he asks her childhood friend that is still angry while smiling at her, Alca finally stop fuming.
The reason why he is worried about Alca’s opponent, isn’t just because she is his childhood friend.
Actually, her contracted spirit is a powerful AA-rank spirit. The reason for this lays in her father.
Similar to Akito’s father, her father was working for the order of spirit knight, but he pa.s.sed away 2 years ago on his mission. The cause was a breakout by a military spirit that secretly developed.
Military spirit is an embedded superior spirit with mighty power with a technique to use the spirit’s power without having to make a contract with the spirits.
Although the development is forbidden now, both Akito’s father and Alca’s father were fighting to stop that runaway spirit. As a result, Alca’s father lost his life.
The thunder beast spirit that is contracted to her father, that spirit seems that the spirit really takes a liking to Alca’s father, so after his death, It desires to make a contract with Alca.
The fight of a girl that use that kind of powerful spirit is a must-see. I absolutely can’t afford to miss it.
Besides, if the opponent is weak, I need to remind her to go easy. If she overdoes, I think she will cause injuries.
In such carefree tone, Akito speak to her, but—-

“Hmm? It’s Hiiragi Akito. Hee… It’s the same name as Akito. How strange”

The moment she said it smilingly. Akito froze. Moreover, her eyes are not smiling. There is a monotone in the last part of her sentence.

“He, he—… So this kind of coincidence is exist too. Seriously…. How strange”

Akito said that while trembling. The person himself didn’t realize it, but the last part of Akito’s sentence is also monotone.

(Those rotten teachers… they think it’s fine if it’s my childhood friend!!!)

His face was smiling, but blue veins appeared in Akito’s head. His teachers’ kind consideration, that was a death sentence for him.

“Well, because of that reason. ”I will practice advanced magic for the match. Let’s go, Arno!”

Alca is walking while smiling at Akito. From her back, her contracted thunder beast spirit cried “Won!”.
That thunder beast spirit is a cute spirit with an appearance like a golden wolf, but he knows that it also has a mighty power. Moreover, she said that she will use advanced magic.
… It’s the sign of the end of the tournament for Akito.

“Wait! Please hold back a bit!? Your contracted spirit is a monster—–!!!!”

Just before her figure disappears, she looks back and shouts “Hah!”. Then Alca fearless smile could be seen.

“This is bad…. It would be better if my withdrawal is announced….”

After that, Akito regretted it though it’s already too late, He walked hobbly to the cla.s.sroom while his face turns blue.

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