Several minutes after separating with his friends, Akito and Yuuka asked someone who looks like a teacher, and got the location of Yuito and Lilia"s room.

And now, they have come to the front of that room.

When he knocked the door, an appropriate familiar response "Please come in." could be heard, so Akito stroke down the handle, and opened the door.

When he came in, well, it"s a normal room. There are 2 beds, several chairs and tables. It seems that those 2 borrowed this room together.

When he is looking around the room, Yuito who is sitting in the chair looking at something like a mountain of doc.u.ment, raises his face, and it seems that he has noticed Akito. Then, for some reason he look at Akito with grinning eyes.

"Oh, isn"t it Akito? That girl is….. it?"
"Yes. Father-in-law-sama! Please take care—-"
"That’s wrong! It"s better if you don"t follow it too!"

Yuuka"s eyes were sparkling because of Yuito who smiles and raising his little finger while looking at Yuuka. Then, because they started talking about things he didn"t understand, he denied it with all his might there.

Well, even now they are still linking arms, so it can"t be helped, but even in the hallway, bloodl.u.s.t was scattered, they are still together until he meets his parents, as one would expect, he lets out a sigh.

Then Lilia who was sitting near there smiled while looking at Yuuka.

"But, Akito. She is a cute girl, isn"t she? Even mother thinks that it would be okay if it"s this girl, you know? Can you cook?"
"It"s my specialty. Senpai also has eaten it as well!"
"Akito. She has a wonderful smile, you know? How could you say you are not going out with this girl…………"

Looking at Yuuka whose eyes are sparkling, Lilia lets out sigh as if she was amazed. Well, if anyone saw this situation, anyone would think like that, but……

"Father, would you to stop playing dumb any time now? You have already realized why I brought Yuuka here, right?"

Well, ignoring Lilia for the time being, Akito decides to immediately change into the main topic. Then, Yuito grinned.

"Aah. well, I also know that you would come. Since Fuu told me."

The one called Fuu is the name of the wind dragon which is his contracted spirit. Hearing that, Akito leaks out a sigh as it"s like what he expected.

As expected, it seems that the reaction from a strong spirit can"t be hidden. Perhaps he also know about Yuuka"s ice dragon.

"Well then, the talk will be fast. The thing I want to ask is this."

Saying that, Akito poured a bit magic power to his right hand, and he created a shining fireball. Looking at that, Yuto smiles saying "Oh? Beautiful.", Lilia and Yuuka leaks out a voice of admiration "Wah~".

"As I thought, that divine beast has woken up. Even though there was a reaction when I met you before this, because you didn"t say anything so I was worried about it."
"My memories was returned yesterday. Until that time, she was pretending to sleep."
"Ha ha ha. She is a very playful G.o.d. Of course, she would not be found out if she did that."

When Akito made the flame disappear while letting out a bit bloodl.u.s.t to Yuito who is laughing like he is enjoying it, Feny spoke inside his mind.

『Master, can I go outside a bit? I want talk to him directly.』

Because he was told like that, Akito gets confirmation from the other 3 people, and chants the summoning rite. Then, the flame whirled up from his seal, and Feny who has taken a human form came out.

Because of that, the other 3 people make a surprised voice, but when Feny says "Long time no see.", Yuito replies to her and grins.

"As expected of the immortal bird Phoenix. Aren"t you really amazing to be able to take a human form. Moreover, you"re a beauty."

From the word "beauty", for some reason Lilia glares at Yuito, but Feny ignores it and laughs.

"Ha ha ha. If you have lived for a long time, you would be able to do this much."
"Is that how it is? Well, I also want my Fuu to talk, but I can"t let him out here."
"It"s alright. I"m already talking with him. I apologize for the thing 11 years ago."
"Oh? So you can do something like that as well. Well, that day I forced you to came flying. That guy is–"
"I understand. I don"t plan to blame you in the very first place."

Yuito had such casual interaction with Feny, and then, when Feny looked back at Akito, Yuuka glared at Feny.

"Senpai is mine! Even if you are a contracted spirit you can"t just–"
"What are you talking about? Contractor of the ice dragon. Master[1] is my lord[2], you know?"
"Lo, lo, lord[2] or master[1] is indecent!"
"What do you mean?"

Feny tilts her head because Yuuka who is panicking for some reason, and Akito also tilts his head. What did Yuuka want to say?

"Kuu…… this is the first time for mother to see difficulties in a love relationship[3]…… Kukukuu. Moreover, to see that it is my son….."
"…… It"s nostalgic. I also did not know what to do about your denseness. Genetic, it must be genetic."
"Hmm? What do you mean?"
"I don"t know. Idiot!"

Seeing that her parents has a light quarrel for some reason, Akito become more and more unable to understand.

But he didn"t come here to talk about something like this. Akito opened his mouth soon to change the topic.

"So? Father, why do you keep quiet about Feny?"

When he said that with a bit harsh tone, he immediately got the answer.

"Hmm? Of course. I thought that if the fact that you have such power since you are small was known, the higher ups in the country, people from another country, or criminals, you will be kidnapped by people like that."
"Hee, so you did properly thought about it properly. But, if you told me a bit —"
"If I do that you might become a person who rely too much on that power, and neglected any efforts, right?"

Akito was surprised that he had an unexpectedly solid reason.

"Well, the being called human would grow better if they have inferiority complex. There are people who don"t grow, but– you are my son, you don"t need to worry about those kind of people."

Akito ends up gulping because Yuito said it with a serious face. Because his father"s serious face can be seen only in the middle of battle or his work, being in front of that makes him feels daunted.

Besides, despite coming here thinking that he would give Yuito a beat down, this is not that kind of atmosphere. To beat someone who thinks about you seriously–

"Master. Inside this man, the wind dragon said that you are easy to be deceived, you know?"
"You G.o.dd.a.m.n old mannnnnnn!!!!"

Because he was told like that by Feny, Akito shouted. He may say any kind of lies, but as expected it would be leaked to the spirit inside his mind. He’s glad that Feny said it.

"Oi oi. I"m not a d.a.m.n guy. Even if I"m like this, I"m still your father, you know?"
"Don"t tell me something like even if I"m like this!?"
"Good grief. Fuu is a blabbermouth."
"Listen to what others said!?"
"Aren"t the immortal bird also bad—"
"D e a r?"

Akito gives the tsukkomi to his father who shakes his head. Then, Because Lilia smiled, Yuito coughed.

"Well, even if I tell you a lie, it would be found out by the immortal bird, so I will be honest."

Akito thought that he could talk honestly from the beginning to Yuito who has a wry smile, but seeing Yuito"s face became serious, he gulped down.

Then, while having that serious face, Yuito——

"Look, isn"t it cool that the guy who is thought as talentless is actually the strongest?"
"As I said, isn"t it fun that the one who looks down on us is actually is a strong guy who is not a match for us, then after that they would think about it and become hopeless?"

Akito was completely hardened. He doesn’t understand what his parents said. Moreover with a serious look.

When he tries to look at Feny, thinking that he must be lying, she nods saying "I see.". It seems that it"s not a lie, on contrary she seems convinced.

Confirming that, Akito had thought that his father is S since he received his h.e.l.l like training in the past, but…… he didn"t thought that it would be this far. He gathers his thought……

" Mother, was an M huh……"
"Why does it become that!?"

He muttered while slowly looking at Lilia. Because he thought that to be able to married his S father, she must be M. his mother seems discontent, so it may not be wrong.

"Oh! Do you understand? In bed, Lilia is—–"

In addition, although Yuito was about to say something more there, but because Lilia smiled while taking out her gun which she took out without anyone notices at Yuito, he kept silent. If you observe him properly, Yuito"s face becomes blue and he is trembling. From the frightening of Lilia"s smile, Akito"s body is also trembling.

"Se, senpai"s mother is scary……"

Yuuka is also trembling while clinging to Akito. To make 2 S-ranked spirit users get a cold feet, she is a frightening mother.

"Well, I don"t care whether that woman is M or not, but well, I woke up, and then get named Feny by master. He only came to report that. Is it wrong, master?"

Because no one open their mouth, in the end, Feny gives that conclusion. Lilia muttered "Whatever is not fine……", but it seems that it"s settled.


"Well then, father. Let me beat you once."

Akito smiled while saying that. Then he wraps his right arm with flame. Looking at that, Yuuka took a bit distance and Yuito tilted his head.

"Hmm? Why? I haven"t done anything to be beaten——-"

Akito felt that snapping sound could be heard for sure from his head because of his father who made a blank look even after seeing the flame and Akito"s smile,

"You let your son experienced terrible things! You didn"t give any explanation! On top of all that, you put in me in the wanted list! You forced me to fight that "war princess" in that worn-out state! There is nothing else except beating the one who halves my allowance, righttttt!!"

Akito striked at Yuito while shouting with a loud voice. He readied his fist where the beautiful flame gathered on, then swing it downward with all his might. Then, Yuito dodged it saying only "that was a close call."

"Don"t dodge it!"
"Anyone would avoid that, right!? If it"s my son"s normal punch I will accept it, but it"s not a laughing matter if it"s that flame with your punching power!"
"It"s the son that you train yourself!"
"Then at least, put away the flame! "

Akito swings his fist while noisily arguing with Yuito, and Yuito smoothly avoids that. It is a low level quarrel, but only the movement of those 2 is top cla.s.s.

"Chi! Is it impossible only with my right hand!"

Akito realizes that he can"t make any progress by using his right hand only, so he also gathers the flame on his left hand. Then he began a consecutive attack with both of his hands.

Yuito is surprised because of that, and he also starts dodging with all his might. When he sees the place where the wind blows lightly, it seems that he is using magic. However, Akito just moves his arms without care.

"It"s not a laughing matter, you know! Calm down a bit, Aki—– Uoh!?"

The battle between the dunce and the strongest spirit user happens in a small room. No, it"s a quarrel between the parent and the child. Mutually not using a big skill is, nevertheless it"s dangerous. Inside the room, it"s already pretty hot because of Akito"s flame, and wind which is not strange to be called a hot wind is blowing because of Yuito"s wind.

"Uuuu…… the temperature doesn"t drop…… it"s hot……"
"Is that so? Don"t you think it"s only warm?"
"Since my hometown is a snowy country, it"s really tough….. Even Brionac suffers…..Fe, Feny-san, would you stop providing senpai your power……?"
"I can do it, but…… I don"t plan to do it, you know? Because that"s what master desires."

Thanks to Yuuka who is dripping with sweat casting magic, a sudden rise can be avoided, but certainly the temperature is raising. Moreover, because of the wind, it"s in the worst situation. If it stays like this, something dreadful would happen inside the room.

Meanwhile, there is a woman who slowly stands up with her shoulder trembling in anger. There is a lot of sweat on her face.

Yuuka who is the first one to notice that, becomes trembling. Feny was also pulling back as expected. That woman—— Lilia"s expression was scary to that extend.

Lilia got closer slowly to those 2 people who was exchanging blows, then making a sharp sound, and kicked Akito in the stomach, then after confirming he is flying saying "Ugoh!", She pulled Yuito ears.

"Both of you…… do you want to burn this place?"
"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!"

Lilia quietly said that while forcefully pulled up Yuito"s ear. Because of that excessive force, Akito"s face turns blue. He forgot, about the dreadfulness of his mother.

Lilia is the graduate of this Grand Magic Academy, from Magic Engineering Department, in the ranking battle, she is a powerful person that the students in Magic Knight Department can"t hold a candle to her. In other words, her mother whose dreadfulness can be said undefeated, is normally stronger than a skillful spirit knight.

"This is the room we borrowed. Moreover this is my alma mater. Could you stop doing something stupid?"

Because of Lilia who smiles while pulling up Yuito"s ear, Akito can only prostrates himself. When he is doing that, Lilia sighs "Haa……",

"Akito, certainly this time is your father"s fault. That"s why, you can beat him, you know? But that flame is a no go. understood?"

Saying that, Lilia pulled up Yuito"s ear and stood up, then she binded his arms behind his back from his back. Because of that, Yuito is panicking, but Lilia is ignoring that and quietly says "Do it quickly".

"Un, understood."

Akito also nods for the time being, and harden his fist, then when he decides to aim his father"s face,

"Sto, stop it Akito! Your punch is not a laughing matt—— Guhoaa!"

The fist that Akito released sank in Yuito"s cheek.

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