The darkness of the night completely engulfs the world, under normal circ.u.mstances, it’s the time when It should have been really dark.
However, on that day&h.e.l.lip;.. Only that day was different.
In a town, despite in the middle of the night, It is still has the same brightness as the daytime.
The reason is, there is an existence that is dancing in the sky.

&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; A bird.

Of course, it’s not just a mere bird.
It is an existence which emits a crimson red brilliance.
People, called that bird something like this.

The immortal bird Phoenix.

Something that can’t be removed from people’s life&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; fire.
Even G.o.d is referred by that symbol. That is the immortal bird.
However, It’s not something that is grateful to be called a G.o.d.
For human beings, it’s also an existence that causes fear.

“d.a.m.n it!! Lilia! I will stop that thing”
“Da, Darling&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;! Are you seriously planning to fight that thing!?”

Meanwhile, a man came out flying from his house.
That is, a young man with characteristic of having jet black hairs and eyes.
Staying in the back, a woman who seems to be his wife.
Her shining golden hair is beautiful, and tears are flowing from her blue eyes.
However, her cry doesn’t reach him.
The man, chanting while holding up the left hand where a mysterious seal is engraved

&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Wind. O the great wind!
Now, according to the our contract, Manifest that power!

The moment it was chanted. The engraved seal in his hand glows.
After a while, when it’s faded, a big spear was being held in his hand.
It’s the spirit armament of the wind spirit which is contracted to him, .
When the man makes a swing with it, he smiles at the woman in the back.

“It’s alright. I will only go for a while”
“Really!? You will absolutely come back?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I can’t die leaving you and Akito behind”

He puts his hand on the woman’s head gently and smiles, before he turns around.

“Well then, I’m going&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;!”

After muttering that, he swings the spear.
Instantly, his body was wrapped with wind and then departed from the ground.
Immediately, riding that wind, he flies while shouting with a loud voice.


The woman was only able to watch from behind his back.
Praying for her beloved husband’s safety.

“Absolutely&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; come back&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;!!”

At the moment she mutters it.
He lunged at the glowing bird, splitting the light in the sky.

“Chi&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; as expected from the incarnation of flame&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; I can’t approach it”

I can manage only one hit somehow but,&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; I don’t have any trick.
Swinging the spear, while handling the wind, He glares at the existence in front of his eyes.
However, his opponent is a G.o.d who governs fire.
The light is too dazzling to his eyes.

“Humph. Human being like you, that is just an inferior creature, Do you think you can win against me?”
“Oh? You can speak? If that’s the case, our talk will be fast&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;!”

Swinging the spear, He calm down and completely put on the wind.
He asks.

“Why do you attack this town? We didn’t do anything, right?”
“Ha? I attacked this town? What kind of stupid misunderstanding do you have? I just, although I just come solely to ascertain an existence who is able to make a contract with me in this land.”

The man absent-mindedly open his mouth, amazed.
If that’s the reason, The existence in front of his eyes&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; even within the spirits who exchange contract with the spirit users, is the highest existence.
A spirit that holds that kind of power, making a contract with a human?
It was totally unbelievable.

“I have been flying in the sky, had fun playing with spirits all over the world, I got somewhat bored a little. I thought that I want to try to make a contract with a human.”

It’s also appropriate for a G.o.d.
So, he was amazed.
However, without even care about his appearance, the bird continues

“Well, that’s the reason. I will be grateful if you don’t get in my way&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; hmm?”

The bird notices something.
“Jii”&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; The bird stares at the man.

“Wha, What?”
“&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; No? You are resembling to the reaction of an existence I felt. Hey? You, Do you have siblings or children?”
“Eh? The, there is but&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;”
“Bring him immediately”
“Eh? Ehh!?”

Since it was said suddenly, the man was shocked.
Originally&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; He was supposed to defeat or expulse the spirit.
To the opponent, suddenly telling me to bring out my son.
Anyone will be surprised.

“Do it fast. You’re disturbing the people below”

When he looks down, the people in the town is running away while looking at the sky.
No&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; The one who is disturbing the town is you!
I want to retort it, but I strongly bear it.

“Un, Understood. It’s okay if I bring out my son, right?”
“I have said so from the beginning”
“&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; If you do something strange, I won’t forgive you&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; !”
“I promise. Bring him quickly”
“&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Chi”

The man who is told in an all high and mighty manner, clicks his tongue.
After that, turning back, controlling the wind he went home for the time being.
Immediately, he lands in front of his house.
At the entrance, his wife was standing with a face which can’t hide her surprise.
Somehow, It seems that she was observing him.

“Eh, Ehh? Darling? What’s wrong?”
“Who knows? I don’t understand. For now I’m told to bring out Akito to it”
“Akito? Why?”

When I tell her the situation, She is also confused.
That’s because, Suddenly by an opponent who is thought as enemy, I’m told to bring out my son.
anyone will be surprised.

“Well, for now, I want you to listen to what I say. Somehow, It’s not hostile“
“&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Understood. I will believe you”

After putting his hand above her head, he enters the house.
Then, when he enters the living room, he speaks to his son who is preparing to run away.

“Akito, come here a bit”
“Eh? Father, what’s wrong?”

My cute son who will be 5 years old this year, having the same black eyes and hairs as me, is a normal child.
The child who loves the man, was really happy looking at the man with sparkling eyes.
The man drops his knee, meets his child gaze and talks.

“Aa, will you help in father’s work for a while?”
“Ehh! I help&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; father’s job with the order of spirit knight&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;!?‘

My son let out a surprised voice. That’s too cute, the man laughed.
His job&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; The order of spirit knight, it is an organization which is const.i.tuted by people who can use the power of spirits.
Acknowledged by the country, the righteous history of the knight order.
Many spirit users have joined this knight order, It’s not even an exaggeration to say that it happen daily.
Moreover, even though he is still young, he is referred as ace of the wind among them, he had received respects from many people.

That is, even his son is not an exception.

Having a chance to help such great father, Akito’s heart became really happy.

“That’s right. So, let’s go out for a while”

To Akito who acts like that, the man smiles gently.
Akito nodded with “Ok!” with a big smile too.
Taking his son’s hand, he leaves the house together.
Then, the woman who is his wife that is worried, he stopped and look at her eyes.

“It’s alright. Lilia. I will come back soon.”
“But&h.e.l.lip; after all I’m still worried&h.e.l.lip;”

Even if the man makes a gentle smile, the woman is making a face that looks like about to cry
Lifting her chin forcefully like that, he kisses her&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;!

“It’s alright&h.e.l.lip; okay?”

To the woman who have a bright red face, the man smiles gently. Then she pouts.

“Jeez&h.e.l.lip; You are really an unfair person&h.e.l.lip;..”

She said that while hiding her red face. He patted her head and then takes his son’s hand.

“Now, Akito, shall we go?”
“Ahaha! Mother’s face is bright red~”
“He, hey! Don’t tease mother!!”

She says that while hitting Akito’s head lightly. After that Akito laughed while rubbing his head and saying ”It hurts-!”.

“Jeez&h.e.l.lip; Can you not make your mother worried to much? Akito will come back safely, right?”
“Huh? Of Course!”

Whether he understood the meaning of the word or not, Akito smiled at him.
While smiling wryly to how his son react, he prepare his spear.

“Now, Akito. From now, we will go there”
“Wah~&h.e.l.lip; Beautiful! What is that bird-san?”

When he says that while carrying the spear, Akito sighed to it’s beauty

“Aa, That bird. It wants to talk to you”
“Eh? Bird-san?”

Akito let out a surprised voice. While making a wry smile to that sight, the man continues.

“Come on, shall we go? heave-ho!”

Grabbing Akito suddenly, when he brandish the spear, the wind blew violently. Riding it, the 2 of them fly.
At this time from behind, Lilia shouts “Be careful-!!”.
The two of them fly riding on the wind, come to the front of the G.o.d. Then

“Oh? Is that your son? ”
“Yes, his name is Akito”

Because the phoenix says that while looking at Akito, the man responds in that manner. After that Akito also says

“h.e.l.lo! Beautiful bird-san”

He said that while laughing. Then, “Ji&h.e.l.lip;”, ”the immortal bird stares to Akito in order to observe him

“&h.e.l.lip; it’s this child. No doubt about it“
“Seriously!? You’re kidding, oi!?”
“? what’s wrong, father?”

Because it says it quietly, the man was surprised. Contracting my son with a G.o.d? Whether there is such thing&h.e.l.lip;.
However, the immortal bird seems happy. It proposed to make the honor of contract immediately.

“Fufu&h.e.l.lip; it looks like it’s gonna be fun. Well, until this child can control it properly, let’s make several oath”

When the man asks again, regarding the oath, the immortal bird suggested the following.

Until he reaches the age when he can control my power, I will sleep inside him.
In the meantime, his memory regarding us forming a contract will be erased
While he is contracted with me, he can’t make a contract with other spirits

After hearing that, the man thought that it is convenient.
When Akito was still a child, He didn’t want that it is known by the others how he carries the power of G.o.d.
That’s why he immediately accept the condition, and immediately make the contract.

“Akito. From now, repeat what father says. okay?”

When he say that, Akito meekly nodded “Understood!”.

“Well&h.e.l.lip; is it good if I take you as divine beast spirit”
“Ah, I don’t mind that”
“I see, very well. Do you hear it well?”

Taking confirmation from the immortal bird, he confirmed Akito’s face, and then started chanting

— O great divine beast spirit, the one who controls fire, the one who reigns over the top of all human being! Now exchange the contract with me, and become my sword!

Chanting until there, he looks at Akito. Then, Akito learnt the contract method by the book right now, before he held up his right hand to the front of the immortal bird and started chanting.

— O great divine beast spirit, the one who controls fire, the one who reigns over the top of all human being! Now exchange the contract with me, and become my sword!

That day, a great G.o.d of fire, and a boy exchanged a contract.

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