The fight between Akito and the military spirit.
That was shown on the monitor, the academy students were not the only people watching it..
5 researchers who created that military spirit and released it in the academy to collect data, hacked the academy"s information server and also monitored it from inside the laboratory.

"Wha, What is this spirit magic! It"s ridiculous!"

Looking at the military spirit was annihilated without leaving any trace by a bullet released by Akito, the woman that one of the researchers shouts.
Similarly, the male researchers who was surprised by that excessive power also mutters after hearing the woman"s shout.

"See. This is the result of your proposed "experiment""

The man who turns off the monitor and looks back towards the woman says in a trembling voice.
Although it"s true that she"s responsible to it, their creation was blown away in one shot by a boy who was still a student.
That shock was the same for all researchers here.

"What! Even you agreed—–"
"I don"t remember agreeing. I completely refused it, right?"

The woman replied to the man who says it calmly. Certainly among this, only that man is different, because he knows that it will be the opposite.

"Even I want to refuse it, you know? But Nee-san won"t hear anything I say."
"That"s right. Actually I also think like that."
"Ahahaha. It"s because I"m just afraid of you too."
"E&h.e.l.lip;Even you guys&h.e.l.lip;.!"

Towards the woman, the other researcher said it individually. The woman can"t hide her anger from the att.i.tude that is like flipping a palm.

"Do you understand? This is our evaluation to you. Because of this recklessness, we lost the result of our precious research"

Towards the woman whose shoulder is trembling, the man says it quietly. Towards the man, the woman yelled with a big voice.

"Wha, What! So you said that it"s my fault!? The one at fault&h.e.l.lip; The one at fault is that boy who didn"t die obediently"

The cornered woman, in the end directed her anger towards Akito. The male researcher who saw it let out a sigh as if he is amazed.

"Are you an idiot? Even that boy is alive. As long as we are alive, living beings have the right to struggle in order to live. As a result of that, he survived. Is it not admirable"

He gave that kind of praise to Akito who defeated the military spirit splendidly. To that really fair argument, the woman shuts her mouth.

"Certainly, that"s right&h.e.l.lip; An idiot who will play along when he is told like that, to die obediently, is not a human"

The youngest male researcher among them says while having his back on the chair. Then the woman,

"Bu, But! That magic is ridiculous! That is&h.e.l.lip;. not human!"

The flame bullet Akito released. While remembering that, the woman screamed. Then the man let out a sigh,

"Have you forgotten? That boy is the son of the current strongest spirit user in this world, you know? It is not strange for him to be able to do it that much"
"Bu, but at that age, such high ranking spirit—–"
"Especially, if he has the strength of that Hiiragi Yuito, it"s not a wonder. I have said it, right? "Did you say that we will put the crystallization of our effort into something we don"t know?" "

The woman who heard that, grits her teeth. What the man just said is totally right, the woman was unable to counterattack.
The man who saw her state, lost any interest in the woman and snorts "Hmph".

"If a researcher has fallen that far, then he/she will be worse than a bug. That"s enough, you are not needed in our team. Please leave from here immediately"
"8Wha!? Don"t joke with me!!! I"ve done so much for this team—–"
"That"s right. Certainly, you have given your dedication in this team. I also gives you a high evaluation for the paper, "The Relationship Between Spirits and Magic Power Drifting in The s.p.a.ce.", that you presented to me."

When the man says it, the woman yells "If, if that"s the case!". The man looks at her with a face that has completely lose interest,

"But, the important research that make use of that paper, you blast it into ash instantly. It didn"t even leave any trace!"

"Wham!" The man shouted while slamming his hand to the table, and the woman"s shoulder started trembling. From that eyes, tears flow one after another.

"Hmph. Even though nothing will change when we cried. We researchers have no emotions. We have discarded unneeded things like that many years ago"

While looking at the woman shedding tears with an amazed face, the man said. After that, the man turned to the nearby researchers.

"You guys, from now, we can do something that is a little bit more enthusiastic. Let"s make something that is useful for people. So&h.e.l.lip;"

Cutting the words there, the man turned to the woman. Then,

"Let"s throw away the "trash" that we don"t need in that research here"

When he snaps his finger, the researchers who is sitting in the chair stands, lift the woman"s body. Carrying that, the 3 people walk outside.

"No! One more time! Give me one more chance!!!!"

While being carried by the men, the woman screamed. The man snorts "Hmph" ignoring that, The monitor is activated suddenly.

"Hiiragi Akito&h.e.l.lip; such a young man like that, it was a beautiful and excellent flame. It seems that you have made us return to the path of humanity"

While looking at the face of the young man who fights inside the monitor, the man muttered. On his face, there was a good smile as if he has been released from evil spirits.

"Thanks. I hope that I can talk with you someday. At that time, not as an enemy&h.e.l.lip;. But as a friend"

The man who turn off the monitor, shut down the laboratory"s power and go out to the corridor. From that back, float expectations that seems has pulled off something great.

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