"Senpai. I can see it."

Akito and the others ride the ice dragon, continue traveling in the sky for several hours.

While looking at the school building of Grand Magic Academy which had became visible, Yuuka said that.

"Finally. As expected, it"s far."

It"s not even an exaggeration to say that it"s already midnight, and Akito who has a backache, even though the feeling of riding the dragon can"t be said as bad, muttered.

"I can only see forest down there, and travelling in the sky is quite slow, right~"

While having a wry smile, Rutia firmly cling on Akito.

"Ru, Rutia-senpai!? Hey……"
"Hm? What is it?"

Because of that, the sensation of her breast become stronger, and Akito is shaken. Moreover, Rutia looks like she doesn"t realize it at all.
Akito unconsciously blushed.

『Fufufu…… Master is also a man.』

Inside Akito"s head, Feny was grinning.

If Yuuka knew about this situation, she would be angry, but luckily she didn"t realized it, so she said "well then, should we go down?".

Because of that, Akito is in panic.

"Wait a moment!? Do you plan to land in the academy!?"
"Eh? Of course, is there a problem?"
"No no no! We will stand out! We will really stand out! Let"s land in the nearby forest!"
"It"s troublesome to walk. Isn"t it already too late? Look, somehow the people on that side has already noticed us here, right?"

Yuuka answered it as if it"s natural, then when Akito tried to look at the academy, there are students from Element Academy who for some reason was looking up here with a blank expression.

Looking at that, Akito becomes more panic.

"Oi oi oi!? Out of all things, aren"t they the students from the academy! Wait! It"s better in the nearby forest—–"
"Isn"t it okay? Besides, either way senpai has already stood out. Since you are being wanted. So you might as well make a cool appearance."
"Noooo! I don"t want to stand out! That stands out in a bad way!!!!"
"Well, Brionac. Land in the place that looks like a courtyard over there."
"Listen to other people talk!?"

Ignoring Akito, Yuuka let out the command. Then, after Brionac roared "Guoooh", it started to drop its alt.i.tude. Then when it had dropped the alt.i.tude to some degree, it flapped its big wings, and Don!

It lands while making a tremendous sound. The students from the academy who saw that lets out a scream.

Looking at that, Yuuka smiles while looking happy.

"Ooh. This is quite interesting."
"……Yuuka, so you"re a S."
"If it"s for senpai, I will even be an M."
"I see, but I"m fine with being normal……. Well, Rutia-senpai. Please let me go."

When he asked Rutia while sighing, she immediately let him go. Then Akito jumped down from the back of the ice dragon first.

Then after he stretched his body lightly, he looked back.

"Well, both of you jump, I will catch you."
"Ye-s. I will go first~"

When Akito said that, Rutia jumped first. Akito who caught her as if hugging her had his face buried by her breast. While having a throbbing heart because of that, he slowly put her down.

"Hiiragi-kun is good at catching~"
"I, I"m glad."

Because Rutia thanked him with a smile, Akito answered while somehow holding something that getting hot.
The soft feeling still remains on his face now.

"…………Useless meat……Don"t get carried away……"

Yuuka who saw that, looked at Rutia with cold eyes from the top of the ice dragon. There is no light in her eyes. Even if it"s just a small muttered voice, it was filled with bloodl.u.s.t.

But, the moment Akito shouts "Yuuka~ Come quickly~", she smiles.

"Then senpai! I"m coming!"

When Akito answered Yuuka who is smiling from ear to ear as if— looking happy for some reason, she let out a cute voice "Ei!" and jumped. Akito caught her gently.

"Whoops, Yuuka is light."
"Mu!? Does that mean that you"re thought that I"m heavy!?"
"No, That"s not it—-"

Akito was surprised by how light Yuuka is when he caught her. Then, Rutia seems displeased. When Akito somehow calmed her,

"It"s because of the useless meat."

Akito has frozen because the words which are said by Yuuka in whisper. Then when he tries to look at Yuuka"s face, and looks down.

"Ufufufufu…… I"m happy."

There is Yuuka who was making a happy face, and rubbing her face in Akito"s chest. Then Akito looks toward Rutia.

"……Hee~…… You are loved so much"

Fortunately, it seemed that she didn"t hear the word "useless meat", but somehow Rutia is directing a cold gaze toward Akito there.

Looking at both of them, he sighed. After that, he turned back and——– there are students of the academy who are looking at Akito with a blank look.

(I…… What should I do?)

Confirming that, once again Akito had a big sigh.

Alca, Asha, and Raios, the 3 of them were also mixed with the students from the academy who was having a blank look, and they stared at Akito who had suddenly appeared.

When they have a magic training, suddenly a dragon flew in the sky, landed on the ground, and moreover Akito were riding it. As expected, the 3 of them couldn"t hide their surprise.

They were told by Sylvia that she even made a search warrant. That"s because he is uninjured, riding a high ranked spirit like dragon, and moreover——–

(((Who are those girls!?))))

The 3 of them thought that at the same time. At the time they were not there, they didn"t know what had happened to Akito, so they are worried at first.

Even though I"m worried! Even though I"m worried! What are you doing! Such thoughts filled out those 3"s head.

Then Alca finally snapped.

"……Hey, Asha."

A low voice which can"t even be imagined from her usual self were leaked out from her mouth.

"……What is it, Alca-chan?"

A similarly low voice also came out from Asha"s mouth.

Hearing that, Alca points at Akito—- no, at the silver haired girl who buried her face in Akito"s chest.

"……That girl—-Who?"
"Who knows? Isn"t she his girlfriend?"

When Asha immediately answered Alca"s question, Alca"s eyes immediately become narrow.

"I know that the other one is Rutia-senpai, but~ that girl is sly~"
"Hee~ I don"t care though~"
"That"s right~. But, the one who can act like a spoiled child to Aki-kun is only me~…… That"s why. Asha."

Alca slowly directs her eyes which don"t have any light to Asha. then, Asha readied her "Shower Tempest" and created an arrow.

"Shoot that girl together with Aki-kun?"
"Understood…… Pierce! Water Arrow!"

The moment Alca gave the sign, Asha"s arrow was released.

Raios could only see that situation while trembling.

『Master! There is an attack from the side!』

Feny yelled, and when Akito turned his sight to his side, a projectile that for some reason is familiar, was coming near until in front of him.

"Watch out!"

After Akito confirmed that, his natural reflex was triggered.

Akito hold Yuuka strongly first, and then jumped forward. Then when he rolls his body in the air, he falls to the ground on his back.


Because of the impact to his back, a anguished voice leaked out from Akito"s mouth. Looking at that, Yuuka says "Senpai!?" in panic and looks into Akito"s face.

It"s alright. Saying that, Akito immediately get out from under Yuuka, and stands up. Then he stretched his hand to his waist, and drew his sword.

"Who shot me just now!"

Because he had been targeted many times recently, Akito"s nerve was always tingling. Because of that, the voice which doesn"t usually come out, comes out naturally.

"d.a.m.n it! I am still targeted even after I came here!"

Akito shouts while prepared his sword. In Addition, the students from the academy are surprised.

It"s normal that they would be surprised as Akito who is being called "The Dunce", is making a tremendously tense expression.

Indeed, there are a lot of spirit users who perform well in battle. But, people who let out a bloodl.u.s.t up to this point, are pretty much none.

He was also considerably trained by his father since his childhood, but thanks to the recent fights, Akito was showing the atmosphere that he couldn"t see them as students.

"Haah! Yuuka. For the time being, I will search for my father who should be here. Rutia-senpai, please equip yourself for now! Since we don"t know what would happen!"
"Understood! Brionac! Come back!"

When Akito yelled, Rutia deployed her large sword"s spirit armament "Sword Guardian", and Yuuka returned the ice dragon spirit to her seal. Because of that, the students from the academy shouts "Ehh!?", but Akito and the rest ignore them.

"Blow them away! Blizzard!"

Yuuka yelled and then a snowstorm appears. Because it"s purpose is to camouflage them, it is adjusted so that it doesn"t have the power to kill.

The 3 of them confirm the students from the academy who are in panic, and begin to run. In order to ask his father about truth about the sudden search warrant…… and then about Akito"s own contracted spirit.

The snowstorm that blocked their visibility is vanished, and the students from Element Academy were dumbfounded as if seeing something from a dream.

Among them are Asha who shot the arrow, and Alca who instructed it. Then Raios is also standing while being dumbfounded.

"A, Aki-kun…… somehow made a terrifying face….."

Alca who pointed it as a joke let that out while recalling the expression of her childhood friend just now.

It"s something she has never seen before. Akito, having such expression filled with bloodl.u.s.t,

"Tha, that"s right…… for the time being, even if he is. .h.i.t, it seems that there is no wound……"

Asha also has a blank look while prepared her bow. Meanwhile, Raios were standing alone and leaked out some words.

"Akito…… he said that even if he had come here. In other words, even on his way here, there is a lot of things happen. he didn"t even hesitate when unsheathing his sword, and that intimidating air is frightening."

Raios was also surprised by his friend"s expression that he doesn"t normally see. Then, he said the next words.

"In other words, that girl and Rutia-senpai are the only people Akito can rely to now. Because we know that he is having a hard time, we should really have spoken kindly to him. That——–"

Saying that, Raios looked toward those 2. Just like that, it seems Alca and Asha understand what Raios wanted to say.

"So, sorry Aki-kun! It was just supposed to be a joke!! U, Uwaaa~aan…… He will hate me!!"
"Uu, I"m the one who shot him, aren"t I the bad guy!"
"That"s right. Both of you are bad. Well, I don"t have anything with it though. Won"t he perhaps put some distances with both of you?"

Because of Raios who said that despite it"s cruel, Alca burst out crying again, and Asha started to groan "Uuuuu!"

Ignoring that, Raios turns his back,

"Well then, I will be the one who help him. Ah, I will tell him properly that both of you are the one who attacked him~"

Saying that, and he tries to go search for Akito.

Both of them hold his shoulder. Then, both of them have a cramped smile.

"He, Hey, Raios-kun. Could you say that you are the one who attacked him?"
"M, Mhm! I also have the duty to help Aki-kun~"
"It"s what you deserved right?"

Alca who heard that started crying, and Asha"s face became pale.

Looking at those 2, Raios who got a bit mischief mind, opened his mouth to tease those 2 a bit.

"Aah. How terrible~ these 2 people. Let alone helping him, Alca attacked Akito despite being his childhood friend, and Asha, although Akito should be your saviour~"
"Uwaah~~ Aki-kun so-rry!"
"Ra, Raios is mean!"

Those 2 were teased magnificently by Raios.

"Thank you!"
"Mhm. you are quite good. I will fight you again."

At the Grand Magic Academy"s arena. Training by using wooden sword are done there.

Sylvia who looked down at the student who became her opponent until just now, then gently replies.

"Ah, but rather than sword, You are probably more suitable with spear. Because it seems that you are a bit afraid to enter my range."

After gently giving an advice in the end, Sylvia turns her back. From behind a voice come out "Thank you very much!".

She has gained a considerable popularity in this academy. She is known as a good princess who is a good opponent and has a good advice, she loves people who put efforts more than anything, and she is also good with sword.

"Well then, who"s next?"

When Sylvia smiles, the people who are interested gathers. When she said "Well then–" and decided who she wants to fight after looking at them,

"Hime-sama-! This is serious-!"

In the middle of the arena, Sylvia"s exclusive maid, Raiya Alaiser ran, and shouted.

Looking at that, Sylvia tilted her neck wondering what happened.

Then, she asked what happened to her maid who came in front of her.

"What"s wrong? Raiya. Right now I–"
"Hime-sama! He has come! Hiiragi Akito!!"
"What!? Is that true!?"

Then she was surprised by the words said by Raiya. It"s already midnight and also there isn"t any report. Moreover, there is quite a distance. She thought that tomorrow is the soonest she can meet him.

Because of that, Sylvia"s heart was filled with happiness.

"So? Who!? The one who bring Hiiragi Akito! Immediately reward—-"
"About that, he is not caught! He came here by himself riding a dragon!"
"Are, Are you serious!? Are you serious, Raiya!?"

Sylvia who heard about that became more delighted. Because Akito who came to a far place like this by himself despite being a wanted person, and from the word "riding a dragon",

"Aah! Hiiragi Akito! Until how far do you want to make me desire you before you are satisfied!? I want to meet him soon! Where is he!?"

Sylvia made a sparkling face and looked at Raiya. Then Raiya makes a bit clouded face.

"About that—- it seems that there was someone who attacked him when he just arrived here. Because of that, it seems that he is running from place to place inside the school building."

When the maid said that, Sylvia thought a bit…… then, her face brightens as if she remembered something.

"If that"s how it is, let"s catch him ourselves! No, tomorrow I will also fight, and it"s bad to show my hand. Hmm…… That"s right! Please generate the "Magic Damage Conversion Field" within the academy. Then…… you guys!"

After Sylvia gave an instruction to Raiya, She looks at the students in the arena, and shouts with a loud voice.

"I have a request to you guys! Please catch a male students from Element Academy in this academy who bring a sword magic armament on his waist! The one who catch him will be rewarded!"

The students who heard that, shouted "Ooooo!!!" with a loud voice.

Looking at that, Sylvia—–

"Well then, Hiiragi Akito. I will also enjoy the entertainment, you know? You have to do it too, or else it won"t be interesting, right?"

Muttered like that, and smiled.

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