Seized by the System

Chapter 370: Targeted Stalking

Chapter 370: Targeted Stalking

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

No matter what was going to happen in the future, there were a hundred Heavenly Merit Points for them to use for free.

As for the wish of setting up a Milky Way Nets Above Snares Below, they could put it off to several hundred years later…

After all, the System could only earn one Heavenly Merit Point after defeating one of Zhi Nan’s avatars.

From that, it could be surmised how difficult it was to collect one hundred Heavenly Merit Points.

Soon after, the System asked avariciously, “Billionaire Host, quick, think of more ways to lick Axiom Daddy’s boots, gimme more wishes to complete. I remember a fairy tale in which an old monk wished fifty wishes consecutively and became a saint.”

Fang Ning was extremely speechless. ‘As expected, this idiot can be more bloated up than I am.

‘It wanted to exploit Axiom Daddy.’

“Fairy tales are all lies, do you think wishes like that are everywhere, like steamed buns? I may be able to do it, but why should I? Setting up the Milky Way Nets Above Snares Below is already exhausting enough. I don’t want to be paying my wish-debt every single day of the rest of my life…” Fang Ning refused outright.

He had already dug a hole for himself. If he had a few more of those, how would he be able to keep being a shut-in?

He would be worked to the grave!

“What are you worried about? I’ll take over your body and finish it on your behalf, capiche? Quick, do it now. If my wishes would work, would I ask you to do it?” The System was determined.

“Of course not. I don’t even have enough time to focus on myself… If I wished the wishes, my body would be taken over by you twenty-four-seven!”

Fang Ning’s tone expressed his non-negotiable att.i.tude.

“Are you trying to go against me again?” Asked the System in dismal.

Fang Ning noticed the System’s tone and said, “You have to be content with what you have, greed can destroy anyone. What if your Axiom Daddy took the last wish back? You know, it’s not a persuadable sheep, it’s super shrewd.

“Look, we wanted to complete a ma.s.sive project like the Milky Way Nets Above Snares Below, so it gave us thirty thousand Heavenly Merit Points. It looks like a lot, but from the way it froze 29,900 points on the get-go and only allowed us to use a hundred points freely, we can tell it’s not easily tricked.”

Fang Ning’s words were logical, the System could only relent.

“Uh, you’re right. We shouldn’t upset Axiom Daddy, I better not be getting so in over myself.”

The System gave up. At the end of the day, it was afraid of Heavenly Axiom, so it stopped trying to push it.

Even though it could not get extra Heavenly Merit Points, there was one other thing that it did not stop obsessing about.

To its host Fang Ning, everything else, including the important things, could be put on hold except for food and maybe a novel or a game or two.

In the same vein, the System could not put its experience points on hold. Experience points are its food, in a way…

Birds of a feather do flock together.

“Now that we have a hundred Heavenly Merit Points, Axiom Daddy could be summoned once. Do you think we can farm that Zhi Nan now?” The System was eager to try its new power out.

Fang Ning gave it a thought and decided to be conservative.

“Eh, let’s save up to two hundred points… It’s safer that way.”

“Mm, Billionaire Host, you’re right.” The System agreed immediately. “We should earn a hundred more, I know Billionaire Host is afraid of death.”

“Thanks for your compliments.” Fang Ning said unabashedly.

At the mouth of a volcano somewhere, the smell of sulfur permeated the air to the point of regular people were warned not to get close.

Gu Buwei who was reading his novel while enjoying the lava sauna at the crater looked up suddenly.

He realized from the formed images that Vigilante A was flying toward him once more.

Gu Buwei was puzzled. ‘Setting up the Nets Above Snares Below for the Heavenly Axiom is such a tedious project, how did the Venerable One still find time to pay me a visit?

‘Could it be that he has other questions?

‘That’s not right…

‘He must be concerned about the Earthly Monument.

‘He’s probably only taking a slight detour while upholding justice somewhere.

‘Understandable, especially when he’s such a penny-pinching miser.

‘Divine, Earthly, and Mortal Monuments are three treasures of the Heavenly Axiom. As long as the Heavenly Axiom exists, the treasures would not be destroyed.

‘Even the strong bear spirit, Misha, and the Lake-level Xue Ba were not able to scratch it.

‘If it were other types of treasures, they would already be ripped apart.’

Before long, Vigilante A had appeared in front of him.

Vigilante A asked expressionlessly, “Aside from setting up Nets Above Snares Below, are there any other ways to earn the Heavenly Merit Points?”

Gu Buwei immediately recognized the fault in his thinking.

‘I can’t believe I’ve judged the Venerable One’s intention with my small-mindedness. He did not come here to check on the Earthly Monument.

‘He must have researched and known that the Nets Above Snares Below couldn’t be done within a few years. He must think that it takes too long.’

Gu Buwei knew the time China took to set up their own Nets Above Snares Below. It took China nine years, and if he wanted to include the pre-planning, troubleshooting, technological research, it actually took them more than that.

With that speed, the time-saver Vigilante A would not be satisfied.

He did not know that the System could persevere the few years of hard work.

Unfortunately, Fang Ning made too big a wish. To start the Milky Way Nets Above Snares Below, the System would have to become Divine-level, that was several hundred years too early to speak of.

Gu Buwei contemplated and said hesitantly, “There are a few places I know that could give you Heavenly Merit Points. They’re very dangerous though, should I tell you?”

“Tell me.”

“Do you know where the Descended Ones entered our realm?”


“Those who descended with their spirits were not physical, so they could enter from wherever they appeared. Those who did so physically would choose to break through the barrier if they didn’t get pointed toward a specific location to descend.

“Zhi Nan, Great Green Insect, and Dragon Carp all used the latter method. Of course, with different power level, they are met with a different fate…” Gu Buwei explained in detail.

Vigilante A nodded.

‘Someone as strong as the baldy monk Zhi Nan would have no problem surviving.

‘Chong Daqing lost her body, Dragon Carp lost its power and became a parrot-carp, and the two dogs were almost made into a stew.’

Gu Buwei continued, “You can definitely earn some Heavenly Merit Points in those weaker spots of the barrier. Earth’s Heavenly Axiom wouldn’t want certain creatures to pa.s.s through the barrier, even though they wanted to.

“Currently, there were too many of them who were able to pa.s.s through it. If you could vanquish those malevolent creatures before setting up the Nets Above Snares Below, it would definitely award you with Heavenly Merit Points.

“Of course, after the Nets Above Snares Below was set up, you would be able to fish the Heavenly Merit Points like a veteran fisherman every year. That’s the Heavenly Destiny, as long as you do not spread chaos in the world, the Heavenly Axiom would not fight against you who build the Nets Above Snares Below for it.”

Vigilante A asked, “Where are the places?”

Gu Buwei kept his silence but swiftly pointed at a cloud, on which images appear.

There was a tropical jungle with dense growth, the seemingly-unending Gobi Desert, the dark and mysterious ocean floor too deep for light to penetrate… The places were all too varied to count.

The System was slightly upset. “So many loopholes… Looks like Axiom Daddy is not as strong as I thought it was. As you said, it’s comparable to a human’s conscious mind and could only do so much.”

Fang Ning did not have a response. “What are you so worried about? Isn’t this where we s.h.i.+ne? If it is really that omnipotent, why would it make the entire thing about the Divine Monument?

“In the end, your Axiom Daddy has its limits, it has its own Maxims to follow.”

“You’re right, I didn’t know Axiom Daddy was also limited and not entirely free, just like me. What a pity…” The System said as if it was empathizing.

“You’re not pitiful, you’re super unconstrained. As soon as you come up with ‘The System is evaluating’, you would go nuts and no one would be able to hold you back.” Fang Ning rolled his eyes.

[The System is evaluating…]

[The System is evaluating…]

[The System has decided to farm Heavenly Merit Points…]

Vigilante A nodded at Gu Buwei and zoomed into the sky.

Fang Ning immediately reminded the System, “There are so many loopholes, where are you going to farm them?”

The System answered, “Somewhere that’s not an eyesore and wait there, of course. How else can I do it?”

“Oh, that’s such a low efficiency. Let’s go look for the guys.”


“Chong Daqing, Dragon Carp… no need to look for the black and yellow dogs, they’re at home. Ask them to bring us to where they broke through the barrier. I’ll write a program for you to calculate the probability of them appearing in each place so we can stalk for the hare targetedly 1 …” Fang Ning was unusually vigorous in his approach.

‘I can’t not be vigorous. From the past few days, I can tell the System had already suppressed a lot…

‘Even though I managed to persuade it to let it go, I should have confronted the problem before it escalated.’

“Oh, can that work? You’re unusually initiative.” The System was happy, but immediately asked, “are you having any ideas again? Trying to negotiate for a holiday?”

“Don’t accuse me just like that! Am I that kind of person? I know my priorities. The Heavenly Merit Points are lifesaving trump cards, of course I need to look for it for you, this time for free.” Fang Ning protested loudly.

“Oh, looks like I wronged you. Alright then, let’s go find them.”

Vigilante A turned around and flew toward the headquarters of the Truth Department. The entrance to the Land of Heritage was there, and Chong Daqing and Brett were in there.

Vitality spread all over the Land of Heritage where it nurtured all kinds of living creatures like the milk of life.

The area was peaceful and booming with life, as usual.

That, aside from the scattering of Bloodthirsty demons that started wandering about again.

On a green hill, huge beehives laid neatly in rows on the ground. Giant bees buzzed around busily.

“Achoo.” A green insect sneezed as it gawked and drooled at the beehives.

“It must be daddy from the Upper Realm, he must be worried if I have had enough to eat. Hmph, he doesn’t need to do that, not only do I have nice food, I have better food than he does…”

The great green insect laid on the black dog’s head as it said proudly.

It told the dog, “Brett, when do you think the honey will be ready?”

“Miss Daqing, I think it’ll be soon. I have a really good nose, second only to Xue Ba. I think it’ll take three days at most.” Brett answered.

It had become the great green insect’s personal carrier, so it tried to answer whenever she had questions, all because it had to depend on her to find it a date…

After moving the Sacred Beehive into the Land of Heritage where the concentration of vitality was ten times thicker than Earth, the Sacred Bees were able to reproduce really quickly.

Within a month, they had already built several dozens of beehives.

Sacred Bees as large as a human fist bustled in and out of their homes.

Funnily, there was an abundance of b.u.t.terflies around the Sacred Bees, some were even helping them clean their hives.

The b.u.t.terflies were Chong Daqing’s subordinates, the Spiritual Insects…

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