Seized by the System

Chapter 425: G.o.d Mode

Chapter 425: G.o.d Mode

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In an instant, the lakewater bubbled, and a stream of innumerable white auras gushed into the greenish-purple orb. 1

A brief moment later, the entire Yin Energy Realm seemed to be quaking.

Fang Ning had no words to describe what he was looking at. It was the first time he felt that the earth appear to have its own will.

This feeling was similar to walking in the deserted wilderness, and then somewhat walking into the territory of a certain ferocious beast and being watched by it from a dark corner.

The greenish-purple orb had already disappeared, it looked like it had blended in with the lakewater or with the arcane realm.

“Sir, does your intuition tell you that a fellow is staring at me ruthlessly…” Fang Ning said in distress as the feeling of being watched became extremely clear to him.

“Of course there is, it’s the orb that’s staring at you. It’s showing signs of dissatisfaction, it yearns for the past after all.” Sir System said indifferently.

“I see, it’s still loyal to its previous owner, this is not easy.” Fang Ning exclaimed, he then casually changed the topic. “Looks like I’ll have to bring out Tom the cat as well, so to let this...o...b..understand the idea of how a wise servant chooses a virtuous master, in case I’ll get tingles on my back when I’m here next time.”

“Mmm, as soon as you’re done exhausting Tom the cat’s precious, pull it in to bring it over, I believe the orb will be conscientious then.” Sir System said.

“Alright, I’m looking forward to that day. Oh right, you’re considered to have taken control of and have competence over the Heavenly Axiom of this arcane realm now, what are the powers?” Fang Ning was itching to know.

“What are you up to?” Sir System instantly became more alert.

Fang Ning said seriously, “Of course I’m thinking of increasing our construction speed. It’s going to be November soon, it’ll be another month before it’s 2019 and next year will be a year of ma.s.sive changes. Since you’ve dominated the Heavenly Axiom of this arcane realm, can you activate G.o.d mode for me?”

“Oh, I get it, you’re trying to fool me again…” Sir System said firmly.

System Notification: [The System saw through the Host’s tricks, intuition increased.]

Fang Ning was fl.u.s.tered as he said, “Your stupid rule notification keeps popping out and affect my emotions, quickly shut it off.”

“Can you stop your own heartbeat?”


“I can’t either.”

“Enough with the nonsense, can you activate G.o.d mode or not?” Fang Ning urged.

“I can, but it’ll consume quite a number of experience points, as long as you’re willing to reimburse me, nothing is impossible.”

“I’ll reimburse you then, how much is it?”

“That depends on what you’re going to do.”

Fang Ning had a clear idea about it, he took over Vigilante A’s body then looked for the old engineer who was previously with him.

“Head Operator Liu, are there any difficulties in the construction work here?” Fang Ning asked with hope.

The honest engineer who was in his fifties answered, “There aren’t any, it’s quite peaceful over here, so we’re naturally free from disaster. The soil is also similar to the lands outside, I guarantee that we’ll be able to finish work on schedule.”

Upon hearing that, Fang Ning secretly shook his head, how could he not act in concert with him?

Hinting him would probably not work, hence he could only cut to the chase.

“Oh, I mean that if some extraordinary powers are introduced, do you think it’ll be of help to the construction progress?” Fang Ning said straightforwardly.

“Tss…” Head Engineer Liu gasped, he then remembered that the person before him was not merely a boss or a billionaire, he was also the prime powerhouse!

At once, he softened his voice and whispered carefully, “Boss, I wonder, what kind of extraordinary powers do you mean?”

“Hehe, the changing of seas into mulberry fields, mountains and plains, growing lakes out of flat land…things like that.” Fang Ning said plainly.

“Then, it’ll be very helpful.” When Head Engineer Liu heard him, he was elated, he quickly added, “If that’s the case, we can make many adjustments to our city design drawing, we can change it into a real hanging garden, the City of Angels.”

“Hehe, report to me about the terrain that you’d like to change, I’ll get it done for you.” Fang Ning said faintly.

“Yes, yes, I’ll contact related members immediately to amend the design drawing.” Head Engineer Liu said excitedly.

Throughout human history, building cities had always been built based on the terrain and local conditions. It had never been the other way round, whereby a perfect city drawing was first made before suitable terrain changes were made.

That being said, this impossibility became possible today.

Head Engineer Liu looked at the huge construction site

beneath him as he stood on a hill; the topography here was mostly made up of plains, which was more suitable for building big cities.

However, there were imperfections to it. Many places were still rough and b.u.mpy, thus they needed to be smoothed out. This was a normal occurrence, as even plains were uneven, but they were usually not that p.r.o.nounced.

Besides that, there was a lack of mountains, leading the shortfall of water here. People from China had this concept where a city was only perfect if mountains and rivers were integrated.

Nonetheless, while China had many cities with quite a number of mountains and rivers, their location was not so suitable. This was because of traffic obstruction caused by it, which could not satisfy the people.

For a constructor of old cities like him, he had always dreamed of building a city on a piece of gifted land.

As he suppressed this exhilarated feeling of his, he quickly dialed the dialogue machine.

Not long after, Head Engineer who had bloodshot eyes from his tiredness looked at the chaotic conference hall helplessly.

“The center of the city must have a big lake, and a mountain should be set in the middle of the lake. It’ll be best if a big river surrounds them. Can you imagine how beautiful the city would be?” Somebody said as he pictured the city in his head.

“Did you think we’re building a city in ancient times? Of course it’ll look great, but are you aware of the troubles it’ll cause if we were to expand it in the future? Plains will still be the easiest to deal with, it’ll be best if those b.u.mpy areas on the east and north side are flattened out, do you know how much of our workload can be reduced?”

When Head Engineer Liu heard all of that, the ideal scene he had in his mind was destroyed heartlessly.

Needless to say, dry buildings were more practical, whereas mountains and rivers were locations chosen by ancient people when they built cities as they had no other choice.

For modern cities, everyone preferred having flat land as it would save time digging and filling…

“That’s right, stop talking about those beautiful sceneries. Modern cities are more particular on effectiveness; they’re intensive and scaled-up. If people want to see pretty landscapes, they can go to specialized tourist spots, don’t put them in cities.”

“What do we do now? Our opinions aren’t in sync.” Head Engineer Liu pulled a long face.

“Do you want to ask the Venerable One for his honest thoughts?” Somebody asked.

“That’s not really nice, the Venerable One has asked us to decide, it won’t be good if we trouble him again.” Head Engineer Liu hesitated and said.

The boss was asked for help even though he was the one who gave the task, clearly this should not be the way things were done.

“How about we ask the dragon carp, it’s the watchman of the Venerable One.” Somebody gave a smart suggestion.

“This is a great idea, but that dragon carp is known to be quite greedy…”

Soon after, a group of people entered the temporary control room and surrounded a large fish tank.

In the large fish tank, Dragon Carp lay on a rockery without moving an inch, its eyes remained still as well.

“This is strange, why is Mr. Dragon Carp lying there without moving? In the past, it will always emerge and greet us when it sees us.” An engineer asked dubiously.

“Maybe it’s ‘cultivating’?” A worker with a foreigner’s look said with uncertainty as he was not fluent in Mandarin.

“Mmm, that’s probably the case.” Another person nodded in agreement.

“What should we do then?”

“This is simple, just toss this gold bar inside.” A stout man with a “Procurement Director” name tag said so.

While he said that, he tossed a s.h.i.+ny gold bar inside.

As expected, once the gold bar entered the water, the dragon carp that was cultivating instantly moved.

It immediately grabbed the gold bar nimbly then hid it under the rockery, then emerged out of the water to greet its guests.

“h.e.l.lo, Smith. h.e.l.lo, Manager Cao…” Dragon Carp was not sn.o.bbish at all such that it greeted its guests one by one, which part of it showed arrogance and insolence of an upper realm Dragon Clan doorman in the past?

“h.e.l.lo, Mr. Dragon Carp, we’d like to ask you a difficult question.”

It did not took long before a group of them left contently, they thought that it was a great deal for them to exchange such high-level information with just a gold bar.

“People here are so wealthy, they’re giving gold bars just to ask trivial questions.” Dragon Carp was pleased as it looked at the s.h.i.+ny spot inside the rockery, it could not help but feel worried after. “If I keep acc.u.mulating them, I suppose the fish tank won’t be enough, I’ll have to come up with a piece of interspatial equipment. Should I think of a way to hoodwink the black dog for its interspatial anklet?”

A day later, all construction teams who were in the midst of work received the same order to stop working for two days. They were asked to leave the machines, to gather beneath the hills northwest, and to only restart the planning of their construction project once the Venerable One was done with casting his powers.

As Fang Ning stood on the hill being surrounded and watched by thousands of people beneath, he instantly felt contented. He suddenly looked at Head Engineer Liu differently and regarded him highly.

Not bad at all, he actually guessed that the terrain transformation did not truly matter to mighty Fang Ning. Most importantly, he was able to boast a little…

“Venerable One, please cast your powers and flatten these b.u.mpy hills. We’d like to to lift a heavy load off the workers.” When Head Engineer Liu saw that it was almost time, he quickly said.

“With pleasure, with pleasure.” Fang Ning said plainly, he then put his right hand out and spun it in the sky.

All of a sudden, everyone’s bodies shook a bit, as if they were losing balance.

Right then, the entire arcane realm experienced a tremendous quake!

Those hills from far away gradually cave downwards!

Each time a hill was flattened, the work consumed was enormous, so most of the time he could only choose to go past them.

The topography was slowly smoothened out, which made it look just like a piece of white paper!

“Miracle, is this a miracle?!” Countless people exclaimed!

With this, a ma.s.sive amount of work could be saved and the progress of building Morality City could highly increased!

On earth’s surface, sunken spots rose up whereas areas with bulges sank. Between heaven and earth, it was as if an invincible iron appeared and was ironing earth’s surface!

All the while, they only knew that the Venerable Dragon G.o.d was unparalleled, but it was only now that they knew of his ability to transform nature!

This was said to be the ability of a celestial being.

On the spur of the moment, a G.o.d seemed to have appeared in everyone’s minds, the figure of that young man on the hill had left a significant mark in their hearts.

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