Seized by the System

Chapter 622: The Backup

Chapter 622: The Backup

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Naturally, Tianjing Faw.a.n.g understood the meeting between the three of them was to figure out how to handle the descent of the Upper Realm Heavenly Beings.

There were three thousand paths in the Upper Realm, many of which are unorthodox.

For each path, there would always be a descent of a Heavenly Being.

He knew those pointed out by Bodhisattva Spirit King referred to the Heavenly Beings who were cultivating the Path of Truth.

As for those cultivating the Path of G.o.d, it was not their time for descent yet.

This was because the earth and its population were too small… It was a long wait for an opportunity for descent.

However, for the Heavenly Beings from the Path of Truth to be able to descent now, there was something much more sinister at work.

The River G.o.d of the Sky River started to say something.

“I’ve recently received a group of Black Jade People from the Upper Realm. They have always been brave and fierce warriors, and the best lackeys you can find. I’ve settled them in a desert, near a big lake. If you need help, feel free to use them, once time has pa.s.sed and they are accepted by the Heavenly Axiom here, there will be able to provide us incense from this world.”

“This is a good move. After all, the people of this world dislike breeding. Only savages in the barren lands multiply prosperously. But as time, there will be more variables.” the Bodhisattva Spirit King nodded.

“Yes, as you mentioned, that is my concern. The Upper Realm has wide territories with a huge population but the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and the Arhats are only around the hundreds. There are only about a thousand major and minor Venerable G.o.ds while the other cultivators who have achieved enlightenment can only maintain their wisdom via reincarnation. This realm is wide and big, the potential is limitless. It’s too bad that most of it is made out of barren planets, which are difficult to populate. This planet we are standing on can only encompa.s.s a hundred billion, otherwise, it will become too compact. The current population can only support a few Bodhisattvas in their prime, and that’s the best they can do. We have to place our sights beyond the skies…” the River G.o.d of the Sky River said solemnly.

“You indeed have foresight, my old friend. This is undeniably the River G.o.d of the Sky River who has made his mark on the Upper Realm, mentally-prepared with deep insight, no wonder you are always one step ahead.” praised the Bodhisattva Spirit King.

Tianjing Faw.a.n.g suddenly interrupted at this point, “Two Honourable ones, from what I understand, there is a demon lord who has set his eyes beyond the skies. As for his purpose for this, no one seems to know.”

“Oh, do you mean our old friend, Zhi Nan, who was banished by the Dragon G.o.d to live on the Mooncake? Sigh, he is too obsessed and it’s difficult for him to let things go. I’m afraid he would be a start of another catastrophe.” the Bodhisattva Spirit King shook his head at the thought.

“Yes, this is the very person I was talking about. His subordinates are busy trying to get in touch with scientists working in the Northern part of the US to create new age research on basic theory. The investment is high and whatever they are planning is big.” Tianjing Faw.a.n.g reminded them.

“We can put this aside for the time being. The time is not right to deal with this.” said the Bodhisattva Spirit King nonchalantly.

“You are right, I shouldn’t bring this up.” Tianjing Faw.a.n.g cupped his fists together.

“Haha, Faw.a.n.g reasons are valid too. Their actions might eventually prove to be an advantage to us. As Bodhisattva has said, we should choose the right timing.” the River G.o.d of the Sky River tried to smooth things over.

As a River G.o.d, he had ears everywhere and was well aware of the conflict between the Bodhisattva Spirit King and the Upper Realm Buddhism. Both originated from the same place and seemed harmonious but were actually divided.

The reason they were able to sit together was that their purpose was the same even though their ideology were not.

That’s right, they wanted talent.

Ling Yunzi and Yun Ze, on the other hand, wanted material objects.

This was the biggest difference between the two.

The River G.o.d did not care for either. The Bodhisattva Spirit King and Tianjing Faw.a.n.g were both his partners. He gained strength by taking care of the rivers and populate the people, which had no conflict with the two.

“However, we need help facing the Upper Realm Heavenly Beings who are on the Path of Truth. The Venerable Dragon G.o.d values human life and won’t ignore their way of life. Yun Ze, who was just suppressed, was always the bane of many Powerhouses in the Upper Realm but was stopped by the Venerable One. He has yet to make an appearance, it could be to prepare for the catastrophe.” the Bodhisattva Spirit King changed the subject.

“The Venerable One can’t be everywhere at once, if there are many to make the descent, he won’t be able to take everyone on. As for us, as cultivators for the Path of G.o.d, we need to consider the many things involved as well as the cause and effect. We can’t face them head-on… We can only act as backup.” a sudden smile flashed on the River G.o.d of the Sky River’s face.

“Haha, you are indeed a cunning one.” the Bodhisattva Spirit King shook his head.

The River G.o.d of the Sky River was not one to be stubborn. When he descended to earth, he was suppressed to be bottom of the sea but yet was able to get into the mix of Earths myths and legends, absorbing strength and power in the process. This was proof of his flexibility.

Tianjing Faw.a.n.g smiled.

As mentioned by the River G.o.d of the Sky River, there was a lot that will be involved. If they were to go head-to-head with those on the Path of Truth, their opponents may very well use guerrilla warfare from this world to eradicate all of them. It was indeed a difficult ch.o.r.e.

The reason both sides were able to achieve a balance in the Upper Realm was the result of many years of war.

It could have been that this fight that had caused the dispersal of Vitality and destroyed the Upper Realm, causing it to now hang at a balance.

It was lucky to have entered this world and start over. Could luck happen a second time?

No saint, G.o.d or Bodhisattva could guarantee that.

Being able to step into this world had, in fact, came as a surprise to the many G.o.ds and saints.

At that point, they were already preparing for the end of everything…

“Well, I am a Water G.o.d… Flexibility is my nature.” laughed the River G.o.d of the Sky River.

“It’s okay. This sudden appearance of the Dragon G.o.d is helping us save a lot of effort and time by ‘helping’ us at the battle’s forefront. As for populating the people, we will have to come up with a plan today. Let’s start from this planet we are on and slowly expand.”

The three descended ones from the Upper Realm’s Path of G.o.d quickly went into discussion over various topics on the b.u.t.terfly flower hill.

This was the core of the Heavenly Axiom, to choose to cultivate people among the many living things…

Before the Heavenly Axiom, there was only nature. Nature did not care about people, but people would notice nature.

It was different with the Heavenly Axiom. It cared about people, especially those with potential special abilities.

Somewhere high in the skies of earth.

“Ahchoo!” sneezed Vigilante A as he flew in high speed.

“Be careful with your usage, don’t freeze my body…” Fang Ning said worriedly.

“There must be someone plotting against me. It’s somebody with high ability. I can’t sense the ident.i.ty of this person… Are you able to find out anything?”

“It’s simple. There are only three people whose ability matches yours. Zhi Nan, Bodhisattva and that River G.o.d. As for those hiding their high abilities, we won’t know who they are anyway, so they are not counted in our discussion.” Fang Ning was acting up again.

“Oh, this is a real headache. If only those people act like you and give trouble only occasionally. Then I wouldn’t need to worry so much about them.” said Sir despondently.

“Don’t compare me for no good reason…” Fang Ning said dismally.

“Hey, hey, I’m praising you. If there were more people like you, this world would achieve true peace.” said Sir suddenly.

“Erm, where do you come up with this nonsense. It sounds good to me but somehow something doesn’t feel right.” Fang Ning rolled his eyes.

“Oh, a ‘sage’ once told me that.” said Sir indignantly.

“Yeah, right. The sage is you, isn’t it…” Fang Ning was rendered speechless.

“That’s right, you are wise, millionaire. I learned it from you.” a.s.serted Sir.

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