Seized by the System

Chapter 299: Daddy Axiom

Chapter 299: Daddy Axiom

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Inside the System s.p.a.ce.

Fang Ning spoke to Sir System nervously, “Things are getting out of hand. The sky might really be falling this time.”

Sir System replied, “Why are you so paranoid? There’s only a selected few who can run faster than me on Earth…”

Fang Ning felt speechless. He completely forgot that Sir System was not a human by nature and had no remorse for the lives of the others. The only reason it was always trying to act righteously wherever it went was that of the restrictions implemented by its own chivalrous virtue.

He immediately said, “You’re not looking at the bigger picture, you idiot. If there’s n.o.body left in this world, what is the point for you to continue serving justice? How are you going to further improve your ability?”

The System realized its mistake and replied, “Oh my, you’ve opened my eyes, Richman Host. What should we do now?”

Fang Ning frowned and said, “I have a hypothesis in my mind that might explain the situation, but I don’t have any evidence to prove it. It would be nice if we have someone who can communicate with the Heavenly Axiom. What we are doing right now is trying to guess what the Heavenly Axiom is thinking without any solid evidence. There will surely be some parts that we might be wrong. I myself had faced a lot of issues due to miscommunication when I was still working as a programmer previously.”

Sir System replied firmly, “I have no idea who can directly contact the Heavenly Axiom, but I am sure that you can do that.”

Fang Ning was shocked, “I didn’t even know I am so resourceful… Sir System, can you show me how to use my power?”

The System replied, “Have you forgotten that you can summon the Celestial Dragon? The Celestial Dragon is the child of the Heaven, so it can surely communicate with its father.”

Fang Ning was enlightened by its suggestion and said, “That is actually correct. The people from the older eras used to call their emperor as the True Dragon Son of the Heaven. They believed that the emperor was the son of the G.o.d and the incarnation of a dragon. So, a true dragon can be considered as a child of G.o.d.”

The longer he thought the more he realized. He remembered that multiple novels that he came across mentioned about the root of wors.h.i.+ping totem. According to them, it started from the respect towards nature by the primitive people from the older days.

While the people of China were trying their best to survive in harsh conditions, they were hoping they would be protected by nature, and that desire led to the creation of the dragon totem.

However, that totem was just a symbol to unite the people in the older days.

It had no special abilities. The true dragon never showed itself to the people of China regardless of how much they were wors.h.i.+ping the totem.

Things were different in the modern era though. Totems like the Spirit Bear had become alive, and the Russians were the first to successfully summoned their totem.

These totems were originated from species existed naturally. In the modern era, with a new set of natural laws, they gained the ability to utilize the faith of the people.

The people that they protected in return were those that were providing the energy they required, and that was where the separation between nations occurred.

As for Heavenly Axiom, it was the will of nature. It started as a bunch of lawful yet unorganized polymer, and slowly formed an administrator that had his own thoughts.

That nature’s administrator was the Heavenly Axiom.

Totems, on the other hand, were natural spirits that were created from nature. They were the guardians of the human race and continued to be wors.h.i.+pped throughout the world.

That was why totems and the Heavenly Axiom had a close connection. They were family.

Fang Ning finally understood everything and said in surprise, “Sir, I am surprised. You always looked like an idiot, but when it comes to issues related to power, you turned out to be dangerously clever. How did you manage to come up with the solution? Tell me honestly, were you trying to act stupid all the time to try to avoid getting involved?”

The System replied, “Why should I? I am always the same honest System that never hides the truth. Unlike you, I don’t act like I know it when I don’t.”

Fang Ning ignored the System and said thoughtfully, “If that’s the case, the Russian Spirit Bear should also have the ability to communicate with the Heavenly Axiom. The Russians must have found out about this earlier, but it seems like they never tried anything crazy. Maybe they realized that all this wouldn’t affect them?”

The System replied, “I don’t know. Go ask that stupid bear yourself. I thought it promised to challenge us again after three months? It is well past the time now and we can see how gutless it is.”

Fang Ning would never seek guidance from his enemy who he defeated previously.

He felt that it was better to depend on himself rather than trying to ask for help.

For example, if he was to visit an unfamiliar place, he would rely on his GPS instead of asking others for directions unless absolutely necessary.

Even when he was playing his online games he was the same. He chose to spend his time trying to build up his own party, and he despised finding party members through the world chat. He enjoyed the process even though the way he did things were not as effective compared to if he took the easier way.

Basically, he started to hate human interactions due to staying secluded for a long time.

This was also the reason why most of Vigilante A’s followers were animals instead of humans.

The System was tied to him, so its personality and ideals were strongly influenced by him.

This time, he decided to once again rely on himself like how he always did and took up the mission to communicate with what was above.

The person he would try to talk to is the Heavenly Axiom, someone or something that no one had managed to communicate with since the start of the world…

The others just looked at the Venerable Dragon G.o.d dazing like he usually did, and none of them tried to disturb him.

After a moment, the Venerable Dragon G.o.d finally spoke.

Fang Ning said with confidence, “Looks like this time, I will need to personally talk to the Heavenly Axiom.”

“Oh…” His followers and allies heard him and relaxed, before showing their admiration.

He was the idol that deserved their admiration!!

In the modern era, who else other than him would have the confidence and abilities to communicate with G.o.d?

Ren Ruofeng felt at ease. The fear that was brewing inside his mind cleared away at that moment.

He was both delighted and appreciative.

Vigilante A was really being honest when he said he was here because he was given the responsibility by the Heaven!!

How would they overcome such incoming tragedy if G.o.d didn’t send Vigilante A to them?

Zheng Dao smiled and thought, ‘I really made the right choice following this hero. With him, I can see more things while creating miracles for the others.’

The other animal followers felt excited and full of pride.

Zheng Dao saw their reactions and felt happy.

For him, the righteousness showed by the Venerable one would be enough to refresh and pushed the mental prowess of his followers to a higher level. It would also be easier for him to deal with the followers in the future…

The great green insect flew in midair and just thought, ‘I can finally have a nice feast this time and no one will comment on it. No one will mind if we manage to achieve such a feat.’

The black dog stood straight, ‘There should be some girls that will come to me after I save the world with my master, right?’

Xue Ba the yellow dog said to himself, ‘I have been slacking too much recently and I should do something about it.

‘The black dog and that d.a.m.n dragon carp will be getting all the credit this time. I need to find another way to impress my master.

‘There’s some clue that popped up recently regarding the weird photo of a snake’s head. Duke Yun mentioned through his surveillance system he found out that the photo is being spread in a school.

‘The difference was that someone in that school somehow obtained some extraordinary power through that image.

‘I need to investigate further when I am free.’

White hamster stood up like he finally found the goal of his life. He decided to work for justice, just like the Venerable one.

The dragon carp just waved its tail vigorously inside its pond and thought, ‘That’s right, show them what a true dragon is all about!!

‘This is such a familiar scene. Last time when the Dragon Lord became an adult, he said the same thing when he was tasked to handle something by himself.

‘Hehe, even though I lost most of my powers after descending to the lower realm, I can still walk like a boss just by following such a strong master…’

Ren Ruofeng’s phone started ringing at that moment.

He looked at the number displayed and smiled. He waited for a few seconds before picking it up, and he decided to talk in front of the others.

“Hehe, old man. You finally thought about me?”

“I remember someone said that the Truth Department will operate the same without me?”

“Why don’t you ask that other person for help?” 1

The animal followers were shocked.

It was obvious that Ren Ruofeng was purposely trying to vent his anger at that moment. He was trying to show that he was on the rise once again, especially to those that laughed at him when he fell from grace…

What followed was a voice of an old man screaming through the phone!

“Do you know what situation we are in right now?!”

“And you want to talk about all this bulls.h.i.+t? Do you think I will forget what you have done for us? d.a.m.n you, I was trying to help clean up the mess you left behind!”

“Have you forgotten your oath! Where is your humanity! Do you think just because your face turned younger you are really eighteen years old?! Don’t you forget that you are two years older than me!”

Ren Ruofeng ran to the side shamefully and continued his conversation after receiving such a scolding.

Twenty minutes later, he walked back slowly and said to Vigilante A, “Venerable one, there’s a change in the situation. The Special Affairs Department found that someone was spreading this news through the web, but they managed to stop them before it got worse.

“However, the news is still spreading like a wildfire throughout the internet in other countries. Multiple international media companies are trying to gather as much information as possible. Looks like they are planning to hit a home run with this headline. We believe that someone is controlling everything from behind the scene just by looking at how fast the situation is progressing.”

Fang Ning nodded. The news started appearing on the internet almost at the same moment as when he had figured out his next move.

Someone was obviously monitoring his actions while executing his plan concurrently.

The problem was that this person somehow managed to escape detection from both the System Map and Sir System. This stalker was really doing a good job of hiding from everyone else.

What was this person trying to achieve?

Across the ocean somewhere in the USA, the pasture was green, and flowers were blooming all over the garden of an exquisite villa.

An old man was walking around with a black cat. He was walking behind the cat like he was the private cleaner for the cat.

Tom the black cat was walking left and right on the pasture. He looked around for pretty cats while enjoying the warm sun.

After a while, Old Man Huang Rui asked, “Master Tom, what is the purpose for that monster in black cloak to ask us to spread the rumor about the flooding of the land due to increasing sea level?”

“If he is really planning to destroy humanity he should have just kept quiet and wait for the plan to execute itself. He must have been waiting for the right moment for us to start our part, and now is the right moment for him…”

Tom the black cat replied in disdain.

Huang Rui said with respect after listening to his reply, “I see. This monster is such a joke. He is picking on the wrong people to try his trick. He is just trying to get you to do his dirty work, which is an old trick of yours…”

“Haha, I consider myself better than most humans when it comes to human tricks, even though I am just a cat,” the black cat was enjoying the praise.

He suddenly decided to stop seeking a new advisor. He started thinking of ways to remove the weird Demonic Energy surrounding Old Man Huang.

He realized that after changing his advisor, the new one might not be as good in praising him, which would take years before the new one could master the skill.

He thought about and said, “Right, continue to liaise with that person and make sure you show your sincerity. It would be best if you can find out the exact locations where the tsunamis and natural disasters are planned to occur. I need those details to determine the area that would be severely affected.”

Huang Rui just nodded without asking.

Just as the two of them were going to continue their conversation, a female cat appeared right outside the fences of the villa garden. The cat purred towards Tom.

Tom looked at it and left his follower behind, before jumping across the fences and rushed towards the cat.

Old Man Huang Rui shook his head.

At that moment, he had a disrespectful thought.

‘Looks like Master Tom is still a cat, regardless how clever he is. I think I can ignore some of his orders from time to time…’

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