Seized by the System

Chapter 693: A Family of Dragons

Chapter 693: A Family of Dragons

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Vigilante A finished his inspection of the beehive very quickly. His ability to communicate with the Sacred Bee had increased his efficiency greatly. At the very least, he did not need to worry about the people accompanying him during the inspection to lie and hide things from him. This was a situation commonly faced during a hive inspection…

The Sacred Bees do not lie.

There were a total of three hundred boxes of beehives spread out in the area. A hundred of these boxes were split out for the inspection while the rest of the two hundred had entered the production period. The efficiency of the bees’ breeding was still at an acceptable rate. They were, after all, no ordinary bees, and were subjected to strict requirements.

After his inspection of the boxes, Vigilante A nodded and turned to Qiao Zishan, “Everyone did a nice job, great effort. You must persist in your efforts and increase the speed of your breeding. Put in more effort into expanding their land and produce tens of thousand more boxes so there will be a higher production rate.”

There was a slightly mortified look on Qiao Zishan as he replied honestly, “Venerable One, the current number of boxes is already the maximum burden we can carry on this Land of Heritage, the Sacred Bees are very particular about the quality of the flowers. They will ignore an ordinary flower, preferring to perish rather than pick its pollen… They are also quite picky with the crops in the Land of Heritage, there is limited land that is planted with them.”

“They really do have integrity. Haven’t you thought about expanding the range of land for these crops?” Vigilante said lightly.

“Actually… Most of this treasured land is used to plant rare and valuable medicinal crops. These crops usually do not flower, which is why…” replied an embarra.s.sed Qiao Zishan.

“Which is why you are powerless with this.” Vigilante A suddenly understood his predicament.

This was the difference between the two. The Truth Department had no demand for the sacred beeswax, Instead, there was a requirement for honey and royal jelly although the demand is not high either. Their predicament was unlike Vigilante A, who was far more pressed to obtain them.

The Land of Heritage may be a vast land, encompa.s.sing hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, but the treasured lands suited for medicinal crops are quite limited. Most of the suitable lands are used for crops that do not flower, and not those that flower. This was a clash with the Sacred Bee’s food requirement.

“Mr. Rich Boss, what are we going to do? I can’t force them all to change their crops into what the Sacred Bee requires. If only I was a villainous System, I can make them all do what I want. If they don’t obey me, I’ll just kill them. It would have been much more efficient,” Sir lamented.

“How can you have this thought? Do you know that using brute force will only bring resistance? It would be less efficient in this case. As long as people are willing to work together and are able to trade their merchandise, it will bring greater efficiency. This was the reason why the Slavery Society was replaced by Feudal Society. The efficiency of the Slavery Society has always been low. Who would want to work when there is no return or reward?” lectured Fang Ning.

He was prepared to stop Sir from having funny thoughts. Although it was limited by rules at the moment, who was to say that it would not evolve and change one day? It was better to ensure that the right values were instilled into Sir System.

“Um, if we can’t force them, then what do you suggest?” Sir ranted.

“That’s easy. Let’s get Zheng Dao to drop by and calculate the Vitality Crop they have now and we will slowly subst.i.tute them into the flowering plants required by the Sacred Bee. We will make up for the minimized quant.i.ty of crops since we still have the Morality City in the Draconic Arcane Realm, which is able to produce Vitality Crop. As for the specifics of the exchange, we’ll let Zheng Dao deal with them. As long as they are not lacking in medicinal ingredients, I believe they will not reject our request,” Fang Ning suggested quickly.

“That’s a good idea,” Sir praised him at the suggestion.

Later on, there was a flash of grat.i.tude on Qiao Zishan’s face after listening to Vigilante A’s suggestion.

This was the mark of a hero.

Vigilante A was a man of position with power and status, not to mention his importance to the Truth Department. He could have easily requested them to replace all the crops into those suited to feed the Sacred Bee, instead, he took the trouble to suggest a trade instead. This was a rare thing to happen.

If it was some deity that was wors.h.i.+pped in another country, they probably would not have much thought for people like them.

They would probably be given a holy decree that would have bankrupted their followers in order to achieve whatever they wanted to.

These powerful deities or G.o.ds might not even have been able to be compared to the Venerable Dragon G.o.d, especially at this moment.

At the very least, Leader Xie had previously witnessed the Venerable One defeat the third brother in the Indian Trinity.

The Indian Trinity was always making demands. Many different temples halls were built in abundance with offerings seen at every corner, sacrificing the flesh and blood of the people.

The praying hours of the Indians are now longer than their working hours…

After making his suggestion, Vigilante A did not immediately leave. He turned to Qiao Zishan asking, “Why didn’t your sister come today?”

Qiao Zishan had not expected the question and replied honestly, “There was a sudden surge of increase in her abilities while her foundations are still not stable, so she is currently training in isolation.”

“Oh, can you tell her to release Mister Long San. I’d like to meet it,” instructed Vigilante A.

“Yes, I will inform her now,” Qiao Zishan replied.

Not long after, a miniature green dragon flew over.

It was the first time many of them had met Mister Long San, and they looked at it with curiosity.

The miniature green dragon had solidified into shape and seemed exuberant but its body remained small. He was no longer the sleepy looking dragon as seen previously.

“Long San is pleased to meet you, senior,” The miniature green dragon placed its paws together, acting oddly polite without any air of arrogance.

The one currently standing right in front of it was not only a senior who was a legend of the Dragon Clan, but it also depended on him for its livelihood. Of course, it had to be polite.

It had turned from a sleepy-head into a dragon br.i.m.m.i.n.g with life because of those mysterious Dragon Clan Honey-flavoured pills provided by him…

Speaking of which, it had always been curious about this. While in the Upper Realm, even Long We was unable to turn these low-quality Vitality Herbs into such an effectively good pill.

According to its estimation, one would need herbs with three times the quality in order to cultivate pills with the same effect.

This superb skill of alchemy had revealed the true level of the Supreme True Dragon… Normal dragons could not compare to him, it was impossible to understand the basic theory behind his skills.

“Hmm, you flatter me. How is your current production of ambergris?” Vigilante A went straight to the point.

“I’ve been eating and sleep well, production has been quite high,” the miniature green dragon replied directly.

Vigilante A nodded, “That is good to hear. Well then, I will end today’s inspection and head back. Everyone, please continue with your work…”

With that, he disappeared.

Everyone looked at each other. This was indeed a hero’s flair.

“It’s been a long day everyone. The Venerable one has a myriad of affairs every day and doesn’t have much time to be courteous. Do not feel too bad over this,” said Qiao Zishan helplessly.

“This is how a dragon is. Who would have that much time to chat with mortals such as you all…” the miniature dragon said before flying off without so much as a goodbye.

“They really are a family of dragons,” Qiao Zishan shook his head. He was different from the others as he had already learned Mister Long San’s background from his sister. It was made up of the Upper Realm True Dragon G.o.d’s broken pieces of soul. Its status was only second to the Venerable Dragon G.o.d.

Technically speaking, its existence was equivalent to that of the Venerable Dragon G.o.d… The only difference was that the latter had a human body.


Vigilante A did not stop for a rest after leaving the Land of Heritage and headed directly to Morality City.

Sir was indeed being himself, efficiency and safety came first, a glaring contrast to the procrastinating Fang Ning.

“I wonder how Tom the Cat is doing now? If it dares to take its time as you do, I will get Daqing to come over…” Sir said to Fang Ning worriedly in the Golden Train.

“Stop using me as an educational tool for warning people, I’m a very hard working person too, okay? Tom the Cat is pretty shrewd with work and would provide a weekly report. I’m too lazy to read them but shouldn’t you be up to date with its progress?” Fang Ning replied.

“There are definitely weekly reports but the reports only provide positive news. Things like opening up a million-acre herbal garden and different qualities of Yin attributed herbs growing well. I am seldom at Morality City, who knows if it is telling me the truth?” said Sir indignantly.

“That is so silly. Why would Tom the Cat dare to lie? It has on your specially made tiger saddle…” Fang Ning was speechless.

“Weren’t you the one who just told me that slaves are not efficient? That is why I am worried that it will practice fraud and create a fake impression… Because it’s status now is equivalent to being half a slave,” Sir a.s.serted.

“Urm, that sounds right. It definitely doesn’t seem to be someone who is a.s.sertive. Let’s see how things go,” Fang Ning agreed.

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