Seized by the System

Chapter 696: Do Less Talking

Chapter 696: Do Less Talking

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Seven days went by just like that. In the morning at 8 am on the dot, Fang Ning got a call from Qiao Anping.

“Venerable One, long time no see. I’ve missed you… Hahaha,” a loud and hearty laugh could be heard from the other end.

“Hehe, this guy is still as brusque as ever,” Fang Ning said to Sir System with delight.

“I like people like him, they won’t play tricks with me. Unlike you, always full of mischievous intentions,” said Sir System bitterly.

“Stop maligning me, I’ve always been an honest person,” Fang Ning imitated Sir System’s tone.

“…” Sir System was speechless.

“Oh, just suggest a location and I will meet you there,” Sir System quickly replied as Vigilante A and stopped the nonsense with Fang Ning.

It realized that it would be unable to win this conversation with him.

“We will be meeting at the Rocky Mountains in North America, the exact location would be North Lat.i.tude XX, West Longitude XX… Time would be 10 am in the morning.”

“Okay, you guys can head over first, I will follow soon,” said Vigilante A lightly.

“Got it, Venerable One. Be there or be square,” Qiao Anping said happily. It was very comforting that this great G.o.d would be joining them. There had not been anyone on Earth who was able to defeat him.

Unfortunately, he was unaware that the Earth today, is no longer the same as the Earth before.

Seeing as there was still time, Sir System went off again to catch some thieves…

Fang Ning was speechless and said helplessly, “You sure do have a big heart, taking the time to catch a few thieves before heading off to deal with such an important matter. Those who are unaware would have thought that you are on holiday.”

“Hmph, so what? I can’t waste these two hours. Time is precious. I’m not like you, who is a spendthrift that has wasted who knows how much gold,” Sir System retorted matter-of-factly.

“Urm, I think no normal person would be able to effectively fill up their time in such a precise manner. I doubt even the powerhouses will be able to do what you do, they are after all, not machines,” Fang Ning shook his head.

This was one of the advantages of being taken over by Sir, the ability to utilize every minute without distraction as long as it was not affected by the outside world.

If it were some other genius facing this situation, they would not be doing anything else even if they did not feel nervous. They would probably be focused on preparing what to pack, adjust their state of mind and prepare for the upcoming battle.

Sir System was the only one who could maintain his usual rhythm while moving forward.

Two hours later, Vigilante appeared at the predetermined location.

It was a valley of pine forest filled with thriving North American Larch, looking luscious and providing cool shade.

The ground acc.u.mulated a huge amount of dried leaves and branches. It was not hard to imagine what would happen if a fire broke out. It will definitely turn the place into a sea of fire.

Qiao Anping and his team were waiting here.

The moment Vigilante A appeared in the air, they walked towards him in welcome.

“Venerable One, how have you been?” Qiao Anping said politely.

“Not too bad. I’ve seen your cultivation progress, it’s pretty fast,” Vigilante A sized him up and nodded.

“I have fallen short of your praise, Venerable One. Anping has inferior qualifications. I’m very embarra.s.sed to report that my juniors have already caught up to my cultivation,” Anping replied humbly while pointing to a team of people following behind. It was Qiao Zishan and his team from the Special Investigations Unit.

Vigilante shook his head and stared at him, ignoring Qiao Zishan and his team.

There was a big, st.u.r.dy looking man around forty years old standing there. He had a murderous air around him. Still waters ran deep, and it looked like he had achieved a very high level like he was meant to.

There seemed to be a blood cloud hovering over his head, as if he was on the verge of breaking through the Inland-Sea level.

The Inland-Sea level had a distinct characteristic. One would need to first be blessed with the natural gift, bestowed with the strength of Heaven and Earth between attack and defense.

Much like the ebb and flow of the boundless sea, there was an unlimited power that could not be compared with Lake or Pond-level.

In contrast, the rest of the people with Qiao Zishan had no such omen. Instead, the air around them exuberated uncertainty and they were obviously lacking in the fundamentals. They were far from being at level with Qiao Anping.

Fang Ning, however, was still feeling very stressed.

He could not help but sigh, “Looks like he’s been busy. After all, this is not a single player game, others would be constantly improving themselves. We can’t afford to stand still and not make any progress. Once we slow down, others will catch up very quickly.”

They may not have Sir’s Pay-To-Win ability but the organization behind them had departments in charge of resources, upgrading cultivation speed, solving difficulties faced in cultivation and strategic planning. These were unattainable to Fang Ning.

In return, they would be controlled by the organization and were placed in whichever department the organization deemed fit. They would have no power over their own life and death. This was the main reason Sir System would not allow Fang Ning to join any organization.

It was to be decisive during crucial moments and would choose to escape. It had no moral compa.s.s and had no qualms when it came to public pressure… No rule in the world could stop it.

“That is why I am always telling you to play less, I may have ten threads but you would still need to take care of the general situation,” Sir System said resentfully.

“I know, stop bugging me,” Fang Ning was speechless.

A few people greeted each other. They were just about to broach the subject of the day when they heard a man’s voice.

“It had never occurred to me that a hero such as Vigilante A would also be coveting another man’s property. It looks like you are a hypocrite, what a joke…”

Everyone turned toward the source of the voice.

Three people approached from afar, the leader being someone familiar. It was the trusted subordinate of Demon Lord Zhi Nan, Black Robe.

He remained the same as always, wearing a black robe. He had a common looking face that was plain to look at but his eyes exuberated a great spirit that displayed a sense of capability in the man. He was, after all, the trusted lieutenant of the Demon Lord.

He was the one that openly mocked Vigilante A.

There was a flash of uncertainty on Qiao Anping’s face. Where did Black Robe gain that surge of courage? Did he just mock the Venerable Dragon G.o.d?

For the past two years, anyone who had been openly disrespectful to the Venerable One had either disappeared in shame or locked up in the Draconic Penitentiary for self-reflection. There were almost no exceptions.

He was unaware though, as an opponent of Vigilante A, Black Robe had already done his research.

As long as he was not doing any bad deeds, there was nothing Vigilante A could do.

Black Robe was after all a demon, his methods were more about spreading ideals and thoughts.

When the inspection was going on, he was intercepted by Vigilante A. He had kept that anger brewing with nowhere to vent.

If he had vented on an innocent, he would probably be dead by now…

This was why Black Robe had been prepared to taunt and ridicule Vigilante A as much as he could right now, killing two birds with one stone.

On one hand, he was able to vent his anger. On the other hand, if he could mock Vigilante A into retreat, there would be one less strong opponent and would improve the situation.

The latter was the main motive for him.

Vigilante A did not answer immediately at the words but just stared straight at Black Robe.

Black Robe had a strong sense of satisfaction, Vigilante A indeed had no comeback for this.

“Urm, Mr. Rich Boss, isn’t this the exact problem that I had been worried about?” Sir System realized.

“Yes, so why don’t you use the answer I provided just now…” Fang Ning replied confidently.

“Okay,” Sir System replied.

With that, everyone heard Vigilante A lightly reply, “The land naturally belongs to the first occupants but if it was a group of robbers that occupied it, how could that stand to reason? All land under the heavens, the virtuous shall live in them, that is common knowledge. Is there anyone more virtuous than I? America based the country on the Path of Robbers. Today, I’d like to give them an eye for an eye, and use this chance to ill.u.s.trate Heavenly Axiom’s theory of Karma.”

Urm… Everyone was stunned speechless.

This reasoning did seem forceful.

Black Robe laughed wildly at the words, “Hahahaha! You really do know how to use your perverted logic to manipulate the concept. How could you compare America’s pioneers with its people? Looks like this is all there is to your claim of virtuosity. It is really laughable.”

“We are done for, Mr. Rich Boss. We can’t outtalk him. You may be able to get away with it when it comes to me, but you can’t get away with him,” Sir System said bitterly.

“In that case, if we can’t take care of the problem, then let’s take care of the person causing the problem,” Fang Ning tried to divert the strategy.

“Then let’s turn him red, right now,” Sir System quickly agreed.

“That would be easy. He’s been a thorn in my side for a while. Don’t speak so much when you look so ugly…” Fang Ning said stubbornly.

The next moment, an ‘innocent’ Black Robe turned into a red dot on the System Map.

“This is great!” Sir System said delightfully.

Vigilante A then looked coldly at Black Robe, and suddenly said, “You, who follow the crooked path, are making a sudden appearance here for no seemingly good reason. There must be a conspiracy going on and I will not allow you to spout your nonsense to get your way. Now, get out of here!”

Without waiting for an answer from Black Robe, he gave a wave of his hand and a Great Hand of Heaven came slapping at Black Robe.,

Black Robe panicked at the sight, this was not how the script was supposed to go!

Before he had the chance to react, he was already flying off into the horizon and was eventually just a black dot that disappeared…

His Master Zhi Nan would take the trouble to hide from Vigilante A, what more him?

That was the reason why he was easily slapped away into the horizon.

Everyone else watching the scene looked on blankly…

Little lady Saki Yamanas.h.i.+ however, watched with her eyes gleaming. She did not feel any hostility towards Vigilante A despite the attack on a team member, instead, she was filled with admiration for him. Someone as powerful as Uncle Black Robe flew off with just one slap by her idol, that was too awesome!

Still, she worriedly lowered her head and asked, “Lord Azure Dragon, you won’t be slapping me away too, right?”

“As long as you keep quiet, you will be fine,” said Vigilante A lightly.

“Okay, okay, I will definitely do less talking,” she promised immediately.

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