Sensual Confessions

Chapter 19.

He didn"t wait for a comment. Instead, he simply reached out and ripped the tank top off her body, tossing it somewhere behind him. A furious look crossed her face. "d.a.m.n it, Blade. That"s going to cost you."

He gave her a haughty smile. "Send me the bill."

His gaze then went from her face to her chest to see what his handiwork had unveiled. Beautiful and plump b.r.e.a.s.t.s with the most gorgeous dark tips he"d ever witnessed. He"d thought that before when he"d seen them and thought the same thing now. He"d been around enough to know that no two women had the same b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Shapes, sizes, textures and tastes varied. But he could stand there and say that hers were in a cla.s.s by themselves. They were made for his hands and mouth alone.

"Give me my top back."

Her request pulled his gaze back up to her face. "I don"t know why you"d want your top when you"re about to lose your bottoms. But I think I want to hear you beg me to take them off of you."

Sam glared at him. "Don"t hold your breath because I don"t beg."

Blade shrugged. "There"s a first time for everything."

And before she could open her mouth to give him a scathing retort, he tumbled her back onto the sofa.

Chapter 19.

Blade"s game plan was to seduce her body and then conquer her heart. And ignoring Sam"s shrieks of rage, he captured her mouth the moment her back touched the sofa cushions.

First she had been the object of his seduction, then the object of his obsession. Later, the object of his protection, and now she was the cause of his frustration.

But he was about to remedy that.

Nothing was going to stop him, not even the angry look that was flashing in her eyes when he lifted his mouth. She was a h.e.l.lion. There was no other way to describe her, and he loved every inch of her. He smiled at the thought that he could confess to such a thing and feel feel like smiling. like smiling.

"I"m going to count to ten, Blade, and you better be off me before I get to the last number," she said through gritted teeth.

He wouldn"t tell her not to waste her breath. He had her pinned down on the sofa with her b.r.e.a.s.t.s bare. That wasn"t good enough for him, especially when he remembered how she"d looked on the floor Monday night, totally naked as he"d been.

He could vividly recall her curvy body and sliding between those long, gorgeous legs.


And how good it felt to be pressed between such a luscious pair of thighs.


And then he glanced down at her chest.


Those were the s.e.xy twin mounds that he had enjoyed tasting.


He recalled almost making her come just from having his mouth on them, sucking them like crazy and licking them all over.


Blade dipped his head and captured a torrid nipple in his mouth, sucked it in like a whirlwind and then began licking it with his tongue like candy.


He smiled, thinking that the sound of the number six hadn"t been as blistering as the others. He noticed her breathing had changed. It was now faster and she had begun wriggling under his body. He began sucking on her nipple a little harder, as if he was trying to draw something out of it. He heard her moans turn into cries, not of pain but of pleasure. He knew that was the case when she captured his head in her hands to hold him to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

His mouth switched to the other nipple, and he didn"t waste time before giving it the same attention and torment-the same pleasure. She had stopped counting. Instead what he heard pouring from her mouth were moans of the most sensuous kind. And now she was writhing beneath him. His ears perked up when she said his name.


He smiled. That was a start. She was coming around nicely and he intended to keep her coming-literally.

Keeping his mouth glued to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, he slowly inched his hand downward and smoothly began easing her zipper open. Her body tensed for only a second and then she began writhing again.

And then she said, "Blade! Please!"

His fingers made their way inside the opening, moved past the silken material of her panties and slid to the crotch that shielded her womanly charms. The moment his fingers touched her, soaked in her wetness, he began stroking her.

Her feminine scent filled the air and her moans became groans as he continued to work his fingers while still not letting up on her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. And then she cried out his name again, bucked against him, tightened her thighs to capture his hand, and thrust out her chest so her nipple wedged deeper into his mouth.

He felt her muscles clench his fingers, and wished it was his erection that was being taken. He lifted his mouth from her b.r.e.a.s.t.s to stare into her face. Her o.r.g.a.s.m was so intense and the look on her face was totally beautiful. Her eyes were tightly shut and her lips slightly parted, and she was breathing through her mouth in short gasps.

One day she would learn to keep her mouth closed, he thought, inching his lips toward hers and sliding his tongue inside the opening. She latched onto it, tangled with it, mated with it. And while his fingers continued to work her, she exploded into yet another o.r.g.a.s.m.

He pulled his mouth away to let her scream. He wanted to hear it. He needed to hear it. And at that moment, hearing the sound sent desire racing through him in a way it had never done before. Mainly because that scream had come from the woman he loved-the only woman that mattered, the woman who had captured his heart.

His woman.

With her eyes tightly shut, Sam felt drained, totally spent and shocked. Two back to back! She would not have believed such a thing was possible-maybe for some women but not her. She had been happy with her last encounters-as infrequent as they were-but to get not just one real good one but two? Wow!

No, actually, Blade had given her four. She couldn"t forget the night in the parked car and Monday night here on this same floor. A total of four and he hadn"t fully penetrated her yet.

She opened her eyes and gazed up at him. He was looming over her and still had her pinned to the sofa. It was evident he wasn"t planning on letting her go anywhere. He was probably thinking that she"d had four to his one and that he was due a few more. She hated to disappoint him, and she wouldn"t. She was tired of fighting with him, tired of denying herself the very thing she wanted.

She had tried teaching him a lesson, humiliating him in a way most men would not have put up with. But he was still here. The man had staying power if nothing else. Did he want her as a notch on his bedpost that that bad? Evidently. But still, she wouldn"t be easy. Di Meglios never were. bad? Evidently. But still, she wouldn"t be easy. Di Meglios never were.


She glanced up at him, ran her fingers through her hair and said, "Well, what?"

"Ready to go again?"

She would have laughed if she"d had the breath to do so. He really thought highly of himself. "Two is all I can do in a twenty-four hour period. Sorry."

"Says who?"

"Me. I know my body."

He moved his fingers and it was then she realized they were still inside of her. "I know your body, too. I"m getting six out of you today."

He had to be kidding. "Six?"


"And how did you come up with that number?" she asked.

A smile touched both corners of his lips. "That"s the number you stopped at. The number when you gave in."

She didn"t like the sound of gloating in his voice. "Doesn"t matter. You still didn"t make me beg."

"Yes, I did."

"No, you didn"t." She would have remembered. Wouldn"t she?

"You said please."

She frowned, vaguely remembering what she"d said. "So what if I did? That wasn"t begging."

"Yes, it was."

She didn"t intend to argue with him.

"Say it was, so I can get you out of these shorts," he said, not letting the matter drop.

He was working his fingers again and the feel of them was sending tremors through her body, and then she began feeling a wave of hunger building up inside her once more. How in the world was that even remotely possible?



"Why are you doing this?"

"I"d rather show you why rather than try to explain," he whispered, his voice confident and arrogant, yet at the same time tender and warm.

She stared at him as he continued to work his fingers, while the hunger kept growing inside of her. And she knew as miraculous as it could be, if he kept it up that she would come again. But this time, she didn"t want his mouth or fingers to deliver such pleasure. It was time to stop evading what she really wanted-total and complete penetration.

He was still holding her gaze and wouldn"t let it go. And in a move that she figured surprised him, she leaned up and took her tongue and ran the wet tip along the edges of his lips, those same lips that could arouse her just from looking at them. She smiled when he released a quick rush of breath.

And then she used the tip of her tongue and wiggled it through the center of those lips, and when he all but sucked it inside his mouth to join with his, she flicked it all over the place.

Moments later, he pulled back and stared hard into her eyes. "Just what do you think you"re you"re doing?" he asked in a strained voice. doing?" he asked in a strained voice.

She knew this response would be easy. "I"m begging, Blade."

But not for long, Blade thought, when he shifted his body to remove her shorts. He was stripping her and stripping his control all at the same time, obsessed with antic.i.p.ating the feel of her muscles clamping him and pulling him in as they had done before. But first he had to make certain of something. More for her benefit than for his.

"Are you on the pill?"

She blinked. "The pill?"


She nodded. She was on them more so to regulate her period than anything else, but he didn"t have to know that. "Yes, why?"

"If you want me to use a condom, I will, but I like the feel of being inside of you bare. I"m healthy," he said, twisting around to pull his wallet out of his back pocket and then taking something out of it to hand to her.

She took what looked like a laminated business card, but when she studied it, she saw that it was a health card. She glanced back up at him. "You carry around a health card?"

"Yes. Don"t you?"


"It doesn"t matter," he said, when she handed the card back to him. "I"m making love to you regardless."


He stared down at her. She was totally naked as he straddled her, and he would be removing his own clothes shortly. Now would be a good time to tell her how he felt, but he knew he couldn"t. His woman was a "show me" woman and he intended to show her in both deeds and actions.

"Because of this." And then he leaned closer and captured her mouth in a way he"d gotten used to doing, yet still found exciting. When he eased off of the sofa to remove his shirt, she sat up with him.

"Let me, Blade," she said.

Sam"s voice was filled with s.e.xual desire, so much that she could hear it herself and knew he had to be aware of it, as well. He stood there as she pulled his T-shirt over his head and proceeded to toss it aside. Instead of going straight for his pants she used her hands to roam all over him, touching places on his chest she had often fantasized about. He was built. He was masculine. He was all man.

She felt him tremble at the touch of her hand. She liked the feel of the crisp hair beneath her fingers.

"Having fun?" he asked in a tense tone.

She smiled at him. "Not as much as I intend to have."

Surprise glinted in his eyes. "You"re dangerous."

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