Sensual Confessions

Chapter 20.

"You should have considered that before taking me on, Blade Madaris."

And then she leaned forward and captured one of the dark pebbles on his chest in her mouth, doing just what he"d done to her nipples earlier, licking and sucking.

She liked the guttural sound that he made and enjoyed the way his heart felt beating wildly in his chest pressed against her lips. Knowing she needed to take things to the next level, she pulled back and lowered her hand to undo his jeans, slowly easing down the zipper. It didn"t take her long to work both his jeans and his briefs down his legs and toss them aside.

"I need you to sit on the sofa so I can remove your socks," she said, taking a look at him and enjoying the view. He was totally naked except for his socks.

He eased back on the sofa to sit down and she crouched down in front of him and slid the socks off his feet and tossed them aside. He then reached out for her, but she pushed him back against the cushion and, while still on her knees, leaned forward and licked his stomach, tracing wet rings around his navel with her tongue. She felt him clench his abdominal muscles as her mouth brushed against them.

She leaned back on her haunches and looked up at him. "You didn"t ask, Blade, but I"m healthy, too. I get regular checkups. Now move your hips toward me."

He eased forward as she requested and the moment he did she dipped her head to his lap.


That was the only word Blade could think of when his head fell back against the sofa. What was this woman doing to him? She had taken his heart, so what else did she want? He knew at that moment Samari Di Meglio had his soul, as well.

This woman who was kneeling in front of him with his full erection in her mouth was doing things to him with her tongue that had him shuddering deep in his groin. He reached down and grabbed ahold of her head, tightened his fingers in her hair as he was devoured by what had to be the naughtiest mouth on earth.


Her name was a tortured moan from his lips and he quietly conceded that he wouldn"t be able to handle what she was doing to him much longer. If she was retaliating for his earlier actions, she was getting retribution many times over. And when he felt his body nearly ready to explode, he slid his hands from her hair to her shoulders and, before she realized what he was doing, quickly eased her back, tumbling her to the carpeted floor and then swiftly joining her there.

The moment he straddled her body, he parted her legs and, gripping her thighs, eased into her warm, wet womanly charm. This time he didn"t intend to stop until he thrust to the hilt.

Her body was tight and clenched him mercilessly as he stared down at her and pushed forward, only pausing when she needed to draw in a deep breath. "When was the last time you did this?" he asked. If he didn"t know better he"d think she was a virgin. Her pa.s.sageway was just that tight.

She looked up at him and for a moment he didn"t think she was going to answer. "Over four years ago."

He blinked and decided that would be a discussion they would have later. But for now, he knew he intended to make this the best she"d ever had. Make it worth waiting four years for.

She dug into his shoulders as he moved deeper, stretching her body to accommodate his size. If there was any other way than this he would try it. However, he needed to feel her clenching him. He needed to give her all the pleasure she could handle.

When he had spread her to the hilt, he again gave her time to adjust. "You okay?" he said, wiping sweat off her brow.

She smiled up at him, "Yes, I"m fine now. I feel you."

He chuckled. "Good, because now I"m going to fill fill you." you."

By the time he figured that she"d gotten his meaning, he had begun moving, lifting her hips to receive his thrusts, easing in and out of her as if it was natural...and one day it would be.

Over and over he made love to her, stroking inside of her, slow and deep, imbedding himself to the hilt and then almost completely pulling out before going deep back inside again. Then he leaned forward and captured her mouth, making love to it with the same rhythm and pace of his thrusts.

When he felt her body buck underneath him, felt her detonate as her feminine juices began drenching him, he threw his head back and clamped down on her thighs and thrust as deep as he could go and then he exploded.

His s.e.m.e.n shot straight to her womb. Hot, thick and potent. And he knew it had to be coating her insides, filling filling her. Once his sperm realized they were free, and no longer confined to a condom, he bet they would instinctively swim around like crazy to find an egg. her. Once his sperm realized they were free, and no longer confined to a condom, he bet they would instinctively swim around like crazy to find an egg.

Not this time, fellas, he thought. He knew that had it happened this time, it would not have bothered him in the least. This was his woman. One day he wanted her to have his babies. He loved her and he wouldn"t be satisfied until she loved him back.

Before he could pull in a deep breath, more shudders racked his body, and another release shot straight to her womb when yet another o.r.g.a.s.m claimed him. And he knew at that moment that he would never, ever get enough of her.

"Why haven"t you done this in four years, Sam?"

Sam refused to open her eyes, doubting she had strength to do even that. She pulled in a deep breath. That had been her sixth o.r.g.a.s.m. Back to back. Once they"d christened the floor, he had taken her to the sauna, saying he"d never made love in a sauna before and wanted to try it. They had added to the steam and by the time he had stretched her out on the bench and entered her, thrusting in and out of her like he needed to mate with her as much as he needed to breathe, she could still feel the tremors that had rammed through her body.

Afterward, they had drunk plenty of water and then together had prepared lunch. After lunch he had taken her on the kitchen table, claiming he was getting his dessert again, and then they"d made love in the shower. The remaining times had been in her bed.

She glanced over at the clock on the nightstand. It was six o"clock and time for dinner, but she didn"t think she would ever be able to move again.


She forced her eyes open to look at him. "What?" she said in a near whisper.

"Why haven"t you made love in four years?"

She closed her eyes. Moments later she reopened them, figuring he wouldn"t let her be until she told him. "I"ve been too busy setting up players. Building them up and letting them down."

He lifted a brow. "At the risk of your own pleasure?"

She rolled her eyes. "What pleasure? At the risk of your ego getting inflated more than it probably already is," she said. "This is a sensual confession that you can take to the grave. What I"ve shared with you today is the first time I"ve done this and gotten any real pleasure out of it. I"ve only done it three other times and the men were selfish."

"But I wasn"t?"

She chuckled and rolled her eyes. "You can ask me that after six times? Pleeeze."

He grinned as he shifted his body to lean over her. "Did I hear you say please please? That"s the magic word. I think you should get ready for number seven."

And before she could tell him he was crazy if he thought that, he lowered his mouth and proved that he wasn"t.

Chapter 20.

"If I wasn"t seeing it with my own eyes, I wouldn"t have believed it. Blade actually brought a woman to the party," several voices whispered.

A number of heads turned to stare at the couple who had just walked in.

"Who is she?"

"Don"t know."

"Her face looks familiar."

"Hey, wait a minute. Isn"t that one of the girls who was in Luke and Mac"s wedding, one of Mac"s attorney friends?"

Blade knew that he and Sam were being discussed the moment they entered the huge room at Whispering Pines, his uncle Jake"s ranch, where most of the Madaris parties were held. He and Sam had arrived in Houston late yesterday evening, but had only notified Slade when they had gotten to town. Blade knew for his family to see him and Sam together would be a shocker.

He"d gone through the receiving line and had met Rasheed"s wife, Johari. The rumors he"d heard were true. She was a beauty, but he thought that no woman was as beautiful as the one standing beside him.

Getting Sam to come with him to Houston hadn"t been easy. She had grumbled all the way, claiming he was just trying to boss her around. He"d finally convinced her that due to Alex"s hectic schedule it would be better if she came and talked to him here. The sooner Alex got a handle on things the better.

Blade still didn"t like the fact that Sam"s life could be in danger. That day when they had finally made love had turned into a lazy day filled with s.e.x, s.e.x and more s.e.x. She would blush every time he teased her about the number of times she"d come. By the time they had closed their eyes that night it had been a whopping ten. And he had awakened the next morning ready to make love to her again. He had set a record not only for her but for himself, as well. He"d never wanted any woman that much and for that long. He had driven her into work at ten on Thursday, a time he considered a reasonable hour.

Her security team at the office had been apprised of the threat by Mac, and everyone was being cautious and alert. No packages were to be accepted that looked suspicious, and the only persons allowed in to meet with Sam were those appointments previously scheduled with current clients.

Blade had taken the initiative to speak with the security force himself and everyone was ready to do whatever had to be done to protect her. Even Rita had pulled her head out of her romance novel long enough to listen, and by the look in her eyes Blade had a feeling this was probably the most excitement she"d ever experienced as a security guard.

"Do you get the feeling that we"re being watched, Blade?"

Sam"s question reined in his thoughts and he could only smile. Being watched was just the tip of the iceberg. Wait until his great-grandmother saw them. That"s when the interrogation would begin.

He glanced around, not surprised to see a number of curious eyes on them, mostly those of his relatives. They were trying to digest it all, making sure they weren"t seeing things, or drawing the wrong conclusion. In this case the conclusions they reached would probably be right. The woman standing by his side would one day become Mrs. Blade Madaris.

He smiled at her and said, "We are are being watched. I usually don"t bring anyone to family functions." being watched. I usually don"t bring anyone to family functions."

"Why not?"

"I"m a player, remember. It"s not good for my image," he teased, and couldn"t help but laugh when he saw the frown on her face.

"Come on," he said, taking her hand. "I see my parents over there, as well as my grandparents. And I"m sure my great-grandmother is around here somewhere. I want to introduce you. The last thing I want is for them to get ideas about us. We"re nothing more than friends and the sooner they know it the better."

Sam nodded. "I agree."

Blade figured she would. What he didn"t tell her was that although he would tell his family she was nothing more than a friend, there was not a single one of them here tonight who would believe it.

An hour or so later Blade had made the rounds with Sam by his side, introducing her to everyone. After claiming he needed to go discuss a business matter with Slade, he had left her in his great-grandmother"s and Syneda"s care, something that hadn"t gone unnoticed. Mama Laverne and Syneda were two of the most opinionated and nosy women in the Madaris family.

Felicia Laverne Madaris, who was sitting on one of the sofas, glanced up at Sam and smiled before asking, "So, how long have you and my great-grandson been seeing each other?"

Syneda noticed the surprised look on Sam"s face before she responded. "Blade and I aren"t seeing each other. We"re just friends. He"s sort of helping me out of a jam."

Syneda and Mama Laverne exchanged knowing looks. First of all, Blade didn"t have female friends, he had bed partners. And Blade wouldn"t help any woman out of a jam unless there was something in it for him. But what was so crystal clear to both women, although the waters were evidently still rather murky to Samari Di Meglio, was that somehow, someway, Blade had singled her out. It was also rather obvious Ms. Di Meglio had no earthly idea just what that meant.

"I understand you"re expecting," Sam said to Syneda, breaking into her thoughts. "Congratulations."

Syneda beamed. "Thanks. I"m happy about it, although it did come as a shock, since I was on birth control. But that"s the thing about a Madaris man. If he wants to get you pregnant, a simple thing like a birth-control pill or a condom isn"t going to stop him."

"Oh," Sam said, and quickly looked away. She had nothing to worry about, since the last thing Blade would want to do was to get her pregnant. She was sure of it.

After meeting them, Sam was convinced that she liked Blade"s family. Some of them she"d met before, at Mac and Luke"s wedding. They were friendly then and they were friendly now. Christy Madaris Maxwell had pulled out a bunch of photos of her little girl and Sam thought she looked like a doll, absolutely adorable. For a moment Sam could envisioned her own little girl, who would look like her father. And for some reason a little girl with Blade"s features flashed across her mind.

She almost choked on the wine she"d been drinking. Lorren Madaris, who was married to Blade"s cousin Justin, and Caitlin Madaris, who was married to his cousin Dex, glanced over at her with concern. "Are you okay?" Lorren asked.

She nodded after clearing her throat. "Yes, I"m fine." Deep down she knew she wasn"t fine. For some reason she"d just thought about being the mother of Blade"s baby.

Deciding that was the last thing she wanted to think about, she glanced around the room and smiled when she saw how attentive Sheikh Rasheed Valdemon was to his wife. She thought they made such a beautiful couple, and Johari Valdemon was practically glowing. Sam knew why. They had announced to everyone a few moments earlier that they would become parents this fall.

Sam knew that her own parents would jump for joy if either she or Angelo presented them with a grandchild. The thought of having a baby had never crossed her mind before, but now with so many pregnant women here tonight, she found herself thinking about it. And whenever she did, those thoughts would include Blade. She wasn"t ready to think about why that was the case; for now she would just accept that it was.

She turned, knowing the object of her thoughts had returned to her side. He smiled at her. "Missed me?"

She chuckled. "Of course."

He glanced over at his family. "Excuse us for a minute." He took Sam"s hand in his and led her over to a secluded spot near where the band had been playing earlier.

"I"ve made arrangements," he whispered. "Alex wants to talk to you before the party ends tonight. We"ll use Jake"s office. Will that be okay?"

"Yes, that will be fine. The sooner he finds out something the better. It"s been crazy at the office with everyone looking over their shoulders."

He nodded in understanding.

"Sam! I didn"t know you would be here."

Blade and Sam turned when Luke and Mac walked up. Sam gave her best friend a hug. "When I saw you in the office before you left town on Thursday, I didn"t know, either," she said to Mac. "Blade had asked me the day before but I turned him down. And then he kept pestering me about coming, so I changed my mind Friday morning." She chuckled and added, "He finally asked me nicely instead of making it an order."

Mac nodded as she and Luke glanced over at Blade, who only shrugged his shoulders. "I thought it was best to bring her with me instead of leaving her in Oklahoma with that crazy person still on the loose."

Luke stared at Blade a moment. "I can see you thinking that way."

Luke knew it was a lie even as he said it. He couldn"t see Blade thinking that way at all. For Blade to bring Sam to the party could only mean one thing. A woman had finally captured his cousin"s heart.

Chapter 21.

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