Seven Nights

Chapter 2 - Wield the fabled blade - Part 4

Chapter 2 - Wield the fabled blade - Part 4

For the third night I"m all sure and set. I"m expecting to see the children"s park at the dead of night. Just like what happened twice before.

Well then, to check my stuff at hand. Before hitting the bed, I"ve placed various things around my bedside. A saw (I"m really using this as a weapon), a shiai (I"ve bought this one for my PE cla.s.s), a golf club (Dad"s), a laser blade (I used to play this toy when I was a kid), and my table tennis racket (for some unknown reason); perhaps within this dream somehow I would have something? I looked down and,

"... ... uu--n .."

I groaned instinctively. On my left leg a plastic tube lies (laser blade). ... ... That"s it. No racket, no saw, no shiai, not even a golf club. None of them lay on my feet.

"Why this .... Well, it must have a good impact."

To sum it up, even my memories have gone old. I really used to play with Shun "Cosmos Wars" make-believe games.

"Tch ..."

For a test run, I drew the grey plastic tube from its holder and wielded it. But nothing happened. Unlike what would happen in the movies where a beam of light would appear from the saber.

It would be good if even an edge had come out. I pull out the blue-green colored bamboo shoot-shaped blade from the plastic tube.

"Wow, how nostalgic ... !"

Remembering my past, I set up my sword in a cool-looking way. To prepare myself, I swing the blade again and again. It only made a buzzing sound, cutting the air.

"Nothing changed ... at this rate it should have been turned to a weapon, somehow it"s not happening? Looks like plastic no matter how I do it ..."

I hold my breath, shut off my emotions.

This is a dream. There is no common sense. Therefore cast away common sense. Imagine it. Imagine your thoughts coming to life in this world. So ---

"... ... ..."

Beside me is a tree. I imagine it as my old enemy Darth Gazer. Closing my eyes, I imagine that one scene from the movie. My entire body tenses up. I swing my weapon with all my might ---


I have swung forcefully! In the next instant,


"Aaaaagh!!? My treasured item"s ..."

As the blade struck the tree trunk it merely bent, no make that broken! As I pick up the tip tumbling on the ground in hot haste, the core of the blade (etc) was completely destroyed. I see, this is what happens when you hit a plastic toy ...

"I ... it"s all right! This only a dream, a dream --- !"

That house that was destroyed by that dragon was not in reality! It"s all right, it will be AOK as before if I wake up from this dream! So calm down, you. By the way might there be some other worrying matters? Because in the end I have nothing to be able to use as a weapon. Unarmed, in short.

"This is gonna be difficult, ..."

If I"m spotted by a monster I have no choice but to run away. I wonder if will I be able to meet up with Akeno ... ?


I"ve promised Akeno to "meet up in school". We haven"t decided the time (time stops within the dream); I try to use the phone, but as I thought, the lines are dead.

I should be like "Go hide somewhere safe until I find you"-kind of a knight this evening, but as expected my equipment"s fit for an average level 1 hero, a fruit knife from the convenience store. By the time the need to protect the princess comes, (in a change of situation) it"s not unlikely I will be protected by the princess. Honestly, I would not win even against a slime ...

Though I could just throw this reminiscent item, this broken laser blade, away within this dream, I couldn"t go on incognito, so I carried along the remaining unbroken blade.

Along the way, as I pa.s.sed by the place where we were attacked by the dragon last night, the brick was standing as it was before.

"... ... ah, the station"

Though I walked on nervously due to my trauma, I did not encounter not a single monster, so I unexpectedly and quickly arrive at the south entrance of Nanaobi Station.

That evening, there were lots of cars pa.s.sing by as Akeno and I walked on the main street. Right now, no moving car is in sight. The one-way three-car-wide lane is empty. But, there were cars parked on-street and on the parking lot; for bicycles, in the rotary guard rail south of the station, there would be some standing along in this dream world.

"!! There ..."

There should be some bicycles left alone unlocked. I could go the to school with those. With bikes I could go on fast. I can rejoin Akeno in a hurry, and if some monster finds me perhaps I can run for it. At any rate, it"s better than walking.

As I begin my search, I have found three unlocked bicycles. But they"re dusty and totally worn-out, with extra warning stickers put on.

"Hm, at least a rider is in a far better state ..."

Perhaps, it"s much easier to get one at the north exit of the station ---

"Oooii ---- !!"

"-------- !!?"

I totally froze on hearing someone"s voice. Not a monster"s growl, it"s a human call. Not Akeno"s, not Valkyrie"s, it"s a deep male voice .... Are there more people within this world ... !?

A lad was coming down alone in the south exit stairs. With his head styled like a sea urchin, an oval face, a tapered jaw. Though his clothes are so tattered I can"t recognize it at first, I can make out the Suijou Academy uniform markings.

"Hoshi!! Ain"t that you Hoshi!"

"... eh ... Saitou ... ?"

Coming at me with a smile is Saitou Masanori, a young toughie the same year as me. Though there are special promotion courses set up in our school to devote our energies to studying them, it"s a mammoth school anyway. If there are pins, there are dowels. There are bad guys too in the likes of Saitou.

"You were "called" by this world, eh."

"Just like you."

We"re not normally buddies, but it"s another story if we meet suddenly in an uninhabited street. I smile naturally.

"It"s nice to meet "ya. I"m getting worried at being separated from my comrades."

"Me too, I"m getting lonely ... eh, what comrades?"

Are there other people besides us that see the same dream we"re seeing?

"We"ll chat later. First we change locations. It"s dangerous here, we could get spotted by that monster."

Saitou shivered lightly as he scans the surroundings. For him to be vigilant, it"s probably appropriate to think that there are other monsters in this dream besides the dragon.

"Well, how "bout the convenience store?"

I pointed at the Clan Mart across the main street.

"Fine with me. I"m just getting hungry. We"ll talk as I eat."


Within the agreeably air-conditioned store interior, Saitou spreads out the food on the floor in front of the register, sat down and began to speak. I too this time leave the payment behind. This made Saitou amazed, but I also left behind an amount roughly to how much he got.

"... after Ma.s.san, Homura-san. That makes us 5 in all"

"5 persons ... and 5 days before ..."

Saitou"s group was originally a group of five young toughies, for them it"s their fifth night in this dream. They have probably encounter many a monster on their way, the varieties ranging from dragons to slimes. This dream world is way bigger than we think otherwise.

"Well, the way we see it, monsters like that ain"t that scary that all ..."

Saitou proudly gulps down a can of beer. For them with the ability to control the dream already in their hands, they would be using that to fight the monsters.

"It"s way different unlike being a normal human; if you become a superhero, you"ll be using ESP, or the way we see it, magic."

For me who"s feeling frustration from the laser blade back there, I could only feel admiration.

"Is that so ... For example, what ability do you have? What can you do, Saitou?"

"M, me? Me, ... well it"s ..., quite good. I can control fire at will. With only one wave, I can turn a monster into a fire daruma."

"Really! Awesome. Let me see your power!"

"Eh, you want to see it?"

"Can"t you do it?"

"Well, what can I say ... I can"t control it. Even if I can bring down a monster, I can"t even use it for a lighter ..."

"I see, you"re saying it"s impossible"

If we do some flashy fireworks in the narrow store, it would only end up burning buildings down. We do it outside, on the other hand, would only attract monsters and danger upon us.

"Anyway, I"m counting on you"

"Right, leave it to me"

Saitou struck his chest. It"s usual to think of not mixing with toughies, but in this condition these guys are reliable.

"Anyway, from here on it"s my call. I have a friend waiting for me so I must go for the school. Care to join me, Saitou?"

As we were eating and drinking, I think Akeno must have been feeling helpless. We can"t stay here longer worrying.

"Can she use her powers?"

"Dunno. She"s the same as me, trying out her powers tonight."

"Whether or not she can use it is a delicate matter, hmm ..."

"It would be fine if she can realize it, until then I can"t help but protect her. Either way I just can"t leave her behind. On the other hand, I can"t use my powers. So please, Saitou, I ask of you."

" ... ... I know ... ... But I have my comrades to worry about, so I must find them quickly ... but where were they going I don"t know."

Saitou lowered his back, considering on his answer, and entered the toilet diagonally opposite of the register. While he"s inside, I"m thinking as I stuffed on an egg sandwich. Only thoughts of Akeno crossed my mind. I"ll be worried hearing Saitou"s answer.

Until a while ago I recognized the next monster that I might encounter will perhaps only be a dragon again. That changed on hearing Saitou"s story. As far as I"m concerned, I misjudged. Akeno could be waiting inside the school building by the school racks, but is it safe to say that she"s in a safe place? For a monster with sharp senses, it could sniff out someone lurking inside a building. If that"s the case, there is the possibility of stealth backfiring.

It"s not limited to inside the school. It can happen even where I"m standing right now. If that dragon from last night would come busting in, that pane of gla.s.s would easily be brok ---

---- *sound of gla.s.s smashing*

I was taken aback by a violent smashing sound. One side of the gla.s.s barrier was broken, its countless fragments flying! From the darkness into inside the store, a black shadow comes flying ... !

"Wh ---"

For the shadow bringing down the display cases, it could only mean it"s trying to take me down! As I tumble down the floor, I immediately slam into the counter, my breath leaving me, the stuff from the shelves all tumbling down in a loud noise.

"Oh s.h.i.t ..."

I"m lucky that I"m not hurt for now. But my ominous feelings has come true, we"ve been quickly found out!

As I got myself up, I quickly checked what"s inside the store. Some of the ceiling lights were broken, others were flickering. The monster must have been hit by the gla.s.s shards when it busted in. All of the display cases were knocked down to one side, its contents like cup ramen and toothbrush scattering on the floor.

And standing on them in the middle of the store is the monster. It"s jet-black body is the size of a bull, and it has three heads! It"s six ruby-like eyes were scanning the store interior.

"... Kerberos ..."

I"ve seen that name in either Western movies or video games. The three-headed dog from h.e.l.l --- the one standing in front of me now, is just like what its popularly depicted.

It"s growl, mingled with its breath, goes out from its three mouths in unison. It"s canines would probably easily bite a human off. And with its tough muscles and protective fur, I don"t think golf clubs, shiai, or saws would touch it.

"... Oh no ... this is scary ..."

We were scared by the unknown when we were attacked by the dragon last night, but tonight I can understand my situation. It can observe its opponent silently and meticulously. Hence, it"s scary.

This one"s different from the dragon. It is intelligent. Moreover it sees me merely as bait. Its six eyes are scanning me. It eyes looks like it"s simulating how will its prey moves and how to capture it.

But, my best choice is not to run away. I breathe deeply and,

"Saitou!! Help me, Saitou!!!!"

I shouted in a loud voice.

*Kerberos growling*

The Kerberos" menacing growl grew louder. Undaunted, I shout as loudly as I could.

"It"s a monster! Now"s the time to use your power!! Saitou, over here!!!!"

... But there"s no reply. The toilet door remained closed, not moving even an inch.

"Saitou ..."

Why can"t he come out? Can"t he hear my voice? I"m sure he was there, Saitou!!!

Desperation overcame me. I don"t have the power to take on this monster by myself. Without Saitou to rely on, I have to choice but to run for it. But where to run to?

I thought desperately. Get outside and I"m gone. No matter how much I struggle, this monster"s way stronger than me. It will merely overtake me, and I"ll be dinner for it in no time.

"... ... ..."

This leaves running for the interior of the store. I straddle around the counter, ready to turn around and run for the back room. The dog"s huge body can"t go through the door. Then it"s a matter of waiting for it to give up.

I"ve been thinking for about 2 or 3 seconds. At that interval, I"ve been aimed at.

*Kerberos growling and attacking*

With a roar, Kerberos jumps through the air!

"Tch ..."

I"ve jumped sideways instinctively! There"s no time to go around behind the counter. But had I hid behind the counter, it would be smashed by the gargantuan dog"s body blow, possible crushing me to death.

The door to the back room has been closed. Should I run into the toilet room Saitou had just entered? Well, thanks to the downed shelves, goods about the floor, and broken gla.s.s on the floor, my foothold is at its worst. Going back there slowly would only tire me out. That leaves me only one alternative ---

"Guh ... !!!"

There"s no time to hesitate. As Kerberos calmly rose from the crushed counter and scanned the corner, I made up my mind. From the store interior I made a mad dash for the main street!

I did not even look sideways. With all my strength I cross the main street. My eyes are set on Nanaobi station, south entrance. It is the only place I could run to!

*Kerberos growling*

A trio of howls strike at my back. It"s the chaser"s signal! It won"t overtake me! I apply more power to my legs pushing at the ground ---

"eh ... uwaa!?"

I collapsed!

In my haste I twisted my leg. I fall down forward. Can"t be helped, but my head would have been hit. Immediately bringing out my arms, my left wrist pained, every part of me from my left shoulder striking the asphalt!

"... when ..."

Of all things I would stumble in a situation like this! I was totally flattened. As I get up holding my left wrist with my right hand,

"------ gaa!!?"

I was immediately pinned down! My left foot is in sharp pain. My left calf"s like being eaten by something. As I was lying face down I turn around to look at it,

**Kerberos growling**

Six eyes met my own eyes. It"s right head (I"m seeing to the left) is biting down on my left foot ... !!!

"No ... ..."

It"s lowered head began to rise. I"ve been dragged along, hanging upside down. At this rate, I think I"ll be swallowed ---

**Kerberos biting**

It"s mouth carelessly closed. It"s mouth where my foot is located closes! It"s thick fangs rip through the flesh and smash the bones of my foot!

"Aa ... .. . aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!"

I quickly fell to the ground. Everything below my left shin is missing. Within the torn flesh I see the whites of the bones. As I was agonized from convulsing pain I roll over, trying to hold the injury with both of my hands, unable to stop the freely flowing blood at this rate.

"... ... s.h.i.t ... ..."

Kerberos bites on the foot it has taken from me like a chewing gum. It has three heads. Soon its two remaining heads open their mouths. Their drool drips, saying "we want food".

**Kerberos growling again**

As the giant dog"s front paw extends, I carelessly rolled about just like a ball a cat plays with. As I was already rolled down I was forcibly rolled up, its paw trampling down on my left shoulder. On hearing a snapping sound, I knew my shoulder"s been dislocated.

"s.h.i.t ... head ..."

I groan weakly. At a condition where I was pinned down by an overwhelming force, even I cannot move. Just like that, a face approaches me ...

... the Valkyrie will come save me again ... ... at this time ... ... if not ... ... I might die here right now for sure ... ... ... if I die in this dream I die in the real world ... ... Akeno ... at least only you ... ...

"... ... ..."

To my rapidly darkening consciousness, only a small uncomfortable feeling it pulling it. There"s something below my behind. It"s not a pebble. It"s hard, long, slender thing ... ah, it"s my laser blade ....

... ... I"ll do it one more time. This is the only thing that could save me from death. I"m not giving this one up even if the chances are low. I do not want to throw away alternatives for any reason. For only death awaits me should I give up ...

So I move my free right hand to my left side. Fumbling for the plastic grip, I brought out the blade from its holder.

Now show yourself, lightsaber! My last remaining hope! Even if for just this moment. Imagine with your mind ... ... bend this dream to my will! Bend this world to my will! Show me the light!

**Sakuya screaming**

With a painful scream, I swing my right arm! And in that instant,

**light saber humming and slashing**

A dazzling light surged out! As I thought "eh?" for an instant,

**Kerberos yelping**

An eardrum-splitting moan reverberated overhead! The Kerberos raises its front paw high, and backs away from me. Did the light just now inflicted an injury to it?

As I wearily get up, I follow the giant dog. Then I saw. This is no injury. The middle and left heads, they feel like they"re dead tired. In the joint of the left paw, I can roughly make out a slash mark entering it. But somehow, blood did not flow out.

**Kerberos howling**

The remaining right head howled with a sad look. Then it finally folded down, laying down on the ground. Is it ... dead?

"... ... ..."

I stared at what my right hand is holding. Within the small plastic tube, only a chipped blade remains. Must have probably happened in an instant, but ---

"It can"t be a dream ... ... or is it?"

In my confused head, I could only see a mere toy laser blade.

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