Chapter 2

“Miss! My Young Miss!”

The girl’s loud and frightening voice from far away, slowly reached my ears. I saw the sunlight from the gap of my eyelids, yawned and rolled over. I feel that these days are more relaxing than the days when I was a cloud. Every day I regard sunning as my job and sleeping as my purpose. There’s no worries, no stingy Yue Lao, no hards.h.i.+p of saving money to buy a fan, no red dressed young man’s unlucky, vicious face…

Red dressed young man…

I opened my eyes. Just thinking about that person, will get me in a bad mood. I couldn’t sleep anymore.

I sat up and heard the girl’s screaming voice, making my eardrums hurt.

“Young Miss! Don’t move, Cui Bi will save you! No, Cui Bi will call someone to save you!”

Under the tree, my personal maid was looking for a pa.s.serby. I said without care: “I can come down by myself.”

I’m still not used to hearing my childish voice. I rubbed my throat and said in a husky voice: “You, get out of my way. I’m jumping off.”

Cui Bi’s pale face turned green.

“Young Young Young…Miss, don’t don’t don’t scare me! Don’t bully Cui Bi just because I’m timid!”

I ignored her, grabbed a branch and climbed down.

In a blink of eye, I was reincarnated as the now five year old daughter of the prime minister. This five year old is spoiled by everyone, doesn’t need to do the laundry, clean or cook. Even when climbing a tree, there’s a maid under the tree, trying to protect her.

I’m puzzled as to how Li Emperor will arrange his favorite play “the wife chasing the husband”.

Moreover my so called husband is probably still being punished in the Nether World. I secretly laughed in my heart.

Thinking about the day of the reincarnation, remembering Chu Kong’s resentful eyes, my mood instantly soared. Revenge is bliss.

When the ground is near I jumped off and asked Cui Bi, who was full of cold sweat: “What’s the matter?”

It took Cui Bi a while before she’s calm again.

“Xiang Ye (the prime minister) let this servant come search for you. He said to take young miss to the General’s mansion.”


I gave an answer without much emotion and rubbed my dirty hands on Cui Bi’s skirt. Cui Bi gritted her teeth but didn’t say anything.

“Go tell my father that he can go first. I know the General’s mansion, I can find it myself.”

The emperor, my father and the general were friends since young. Especially the relations.h.i.+p between my father Song Qin Wen and General Lu Lian, is really good.

The two mansions are opposite each other. The two adults will go to court together. After the official duties, they’ll come home together. When the two families have nothing to do, they’ll visit each other. I know the general’s mansion as good as my own home. There’s no need for somebody to bring me there.

After hearing what I said Cui Bi helplessly frowned: “But today Xiang Ye said that I need to go with you…”

Those politically involved old men always have some business.

I pouted, cleaned my hands on Cui Bi’s skirt again and helplessly said:” Alright, alright, I’ll go now.”

I rushed into the living room. My father was sitting on the chair, he took a look at me and sighed helplessly:”I give up, might as well let her be a little wild.”

I tugged at my clothes and didn’t feel that there was something wrong with it. Comparing to my clothes from Yue Lao temple, this clothes have so many rules. What isn’t he happy about?

While walking to the General’s mansion he talked about the past. While I was in my mother’s belly, the General’s wife was also pregnant. The two families agreed that if we’re the same s.e.x, we’ll become sisters. If we’re the opposite s.e.x, we’ll be husband and wife. But no one ever thought that the General’s wife will fall and have a miscarriage. She hasn’t been pregnant since then.

I interrupted my father’s affectionately story telling.

“This isn’t right. A few days ago I saw the General’s wife. Her belly was really big.”

After saying those words, I got an auspicious feeling.

Father Song looked at me affectionately and nodded: “Yes, it’s today. The General’s wife gave birth to a son. Yun Xiang, now you can see what your future husband will look like.”

I looked up and saw the smiling face of my father, my tears nearly fell out. I asked him:” Have you ever seen a mud horse?”

Song father was stunned.

I lowered my head, cupped my heart and whispered:”Do you know the emotion when ten thousand of mud horse pa.s.sed by? No … you don’t understand.”

I wiped my tears and looked defeated at my father: “Let’s go take a look.”
When we walked into the General’s mansion every servant bowed and greeted us. Their happy voice overshadowed my gloomy words:”The b.a.s.t.a.r.d who came late.”

The news about the General getting a son travelled fast. My father and I didn’t sit long in the living room, before many officials came with gifts for the General’s son.

While father was busy greeting his colleagues, I sneaked to the backyard. Everyone in the General’s mansion knows me, so no one stopped me. I used the image of an innocent lost child to go to the General’s wife’s chambers. Outside the door I heard the General’s wife weak laugh.

“A Liang, our son looks like you.”

The General’s rough voice turned soft like the sound of waters. I almost couldn’t hear what he said:” No, our son looks like you.”

I didn’t let the guards announce my presence and entered the chamber. I hid behind the door and stuck my head out. Beside the General’s wife there’s a tightly wrapped meatball, revealing only his face.

From my angle I can only see the nose and eyes. I deeply felt that the General and his wife were wrong. He obviously looks like a bun or better a dumpling. How can they know whom he looks like?

Seeming to sense my presence the General turned around, looked at me once, smiled, pinched the little bun’s face and said: “Kid, your blessing isn’t light. You haven’t even opened your eyes yet and your wife, hiding behind the door, is already waiting for you. Why don’t you wake up and take a look?”

After hearing those words I was embarra.s.sed and couldn’t hide anymore. So I went out very naturally and said:”Greetings general, greetings General’s wife.”

“小丫头 (Xiao Ya Tao, little girl), you’re already here, so your father and the others must be waiting. Wife, you take a good rest, I’ll go greet our guests.”

Lady nodded weakly. The General pa.s.sed by me and rubbed my head bluntly.

“丫头, go take a look at my son, your husband.”

After saying that he went out.

I ran to the bed, bend over on the edge of the bed and took a look at this lifetime’s Chu Kong. He’s very ugly. I looked up at the General’s wife. I didn’t dare to beat him openly so I asked sweetly: “Lady, can I touch him?”

“Of course.”

I stretched out my finger and poked him. Surprisingly it feels so soft. It’s hard to imagine that the red dressed, vicious devil, who beat my b.u.t.t, has the same soul as this little one here.

I was a little surprised. So this is the new life, all from the past life has come to the present. It lets people in awe.

Seeing the little b.a.s.t.a.r.d tight fists, I curiously poked his fist. I didn’t know that he’ll open his fist and softly grabbed my finger in a tight grip. Then he put my finger in his mouth.

I was stunned and dumbfounded. It feels like my heart was also touched by his soft hands. A warm feeling crept in my heart. This little thing is really mystical.

“Yun Xiang, he likes you.”

The General’s wife gently touched his face and asked me gently:”Do you also like him?”

My heart shook a little. I felt like that if I say “I love to bully him” at times like this, I’ll get struck by lightning. So I nodded: “Yes.”

A soft finger grabbed my finger and put it in his mouth. He began to gently suck on it. I feel like I’m not myself because I relaxed myself on the couch beside the bed.

I was bewitched and said: “Really like…”

This gently touch is more addictive than the warm wind from weaver’s girl fan.

“This is really good. From today on, you two can go hand in hand and grow old together.”

She continued slowly: “Although you’re a few years older than him, it’s no big deal. Now you protect him. In the future he can protect you…”

This gentle voice floated past my ears. The word “husband” brought me back to reality.

I remembered Emperor Li’s crazy laugh when he walked out of the temple. I couldn’t help but shudder and shook my head. I clearly see the future play about the wife chasing the husband getting nearer. And I at this time have let the enemy’s appearance bewitch me!

What a failure, how shameful…

That day I didn’t know how I went back home. I only know that my father touched my head at dinner and said:” Yun Xiang, in the future you need to get along with Hai Kong.”

His face was like he has already has gotten me married.

I asked him terrified: “What is Hai Kong?”

“Your uncle Lu’s son. You saw him today, do you like him?”

I absently nodded: “Like. Uncle Lu gave him a good name. It has a battle feeling to it. He’s really the first general I look upon.”

Isn’t that right? Lu Hai Kong. It has such a domineering  feeling to it.


1. 小丫头. The literally meaning is little girl. It’s a form of endearment.

I was a bit surprised when I realized that the soul of Xiao Xian Zi is now in the body of a five year old. It feels a bit strange having a five year old think like an adult. Luckily she’s quite childish. Can’t wait to see what they’ll be like when they grow up. I also don’t understand the mud horse story.


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