Chapter 41 part 3

My heart made a thump sound. After I rolled into the netherworld, I stood up, pulled Chu Kong and asked: “The pervert just smiled at you! Has…..he set his eyes on you?”

This question didn’t get an answer. Instead, Chu Kong grabbed my skirt and asked: “He hit you, do you only know how to stupidly be beaten?! When you fight with me, aren’t you really brave? Why didn’t you resist? Why didn’t you dodge?! Is your brain just full of cow dung?!”

I was scolded by his inexplicable rage.

“Why are you so furious? If I can resist do you think I’ll stupidly be beaten? If I’m able to dodge will I still stand there? Do you think I really want to die?”

In my opinion, even though Chu Kong is arrogant, he isn’t someone that isn’t reasonable. Previously my soul has been hurt by the flamed beast. The strength between me and the light blond hair man is also there. Even he himself has been eaten. He ought to know how strong that person is. Fight back or dodge won’t happen just because I want it. His rage now is really puzzling.

“You don’t want to die! You soul has already been taken and you still say you don’t want to die?! You!”

He was speechless. He gritted his teeth and watched me with an unknown expression. Then suddenly he raised his hand and put it on my forehead. The burning feeling burned for a while and then disappeared. It was him who took my soul back from that man. He hung his head: “Do you know that your soul has almost been wiped out?”

Seeing his expression the fire burning in my heart also disappeared.

He must be worried about me……

Waiting patiently on the other side for an opportunity to attack. He is probably angry because he isn’t strong enough. Or maybe he is venting because he is restraining himself from showing that he was scared just now.

This idiot who doesn’t know how to express himself. (totally agree)

I stretched my hand and touched his head.

“You’re the idiot whose brain is full of cow dung.”

We rested for a while in the netherworld. Then we tidied our clothes and moods and went to Yanw.a.n.g’s palace. I asked Chu Kong curiously: “Who is that man? His whole body is covered in evil energy. He’s so powerful. What did you encounter in that cave?”

Chu Kong was silent for a while and then said: “When I was filling the hole with fluorites, he suddenly flew out from the hole. I and he exchanged some blows.”

He coughed loudly. He seemed to be reluctant to admit that his immortal power is inferior to that man.

“……Because before I fought with the flamed beast and the wounds hasn’t healed yet, so I lost. But I’m unlike you. Xiaoye on the last moment, even facing death and bleeding has closed that hole with fluorites. Evil energy won’t leak from there again without two, three thousand years. As for whom that person is……if I didn’t guess wrong, he must be a sinful G.o.d locked in the eighteenth floor of h.e.l.l. He took the opportunity and escaped. This matter should be reported to Yanw.a.n.g, let him search for people to solve it. Anyway, our task of filling the hole has been completed.”

Hearing him say that, my heart felt happy and I said: “So, we can go back and get married!”

Chu Kong’s face turned red, coughed twice and didn’t answer. I happily narrowed my eyes.

“From today onwards, I’m also someone that has somebody who’ll provide for me. How much money do you earn per month? Can you really provide for me? Don’t say that the Morning G.o.d is as stingy as Yue Lao?”

I talked all the way to Yanw.a.n.g’s palace. Surprisingly, Yanw.a.n.g is writing something with a serious expression on the desk with a brush. The magistrate is sitting beside him, marking the files. It’s the first time that I saw the Yanw.a.n.g’s palace look like a Yanw.a.n.g’s palace. It made me not know how to react.

I and Chu Kong froze for a moment before we entered the hall. Chu Kong put his fist together in front of him to show Yanw.a.n.g courtesy: “Yanw.a.n.g, Hua Mountain’s hole has already been closed, but there’s still a matter that I need to report to you.”

“I already know,” Yanw.a.n.g didn’t let Chu Kong finish speaking and interrupted him. “A sinful G.o.d from the eighteenth floor has been escaped to the human realm, isn’t that it? I am now writing a report and was about to bring it to heaven to let the Jade Emperor a.s.sign the heaven’s general and military to arrest the sinful G.o.d.”

I froze for a moment. Yanw.a.n.g actually can work so efficiently. Can it be that the matter of the sinful G.o.d escaping, be an event that can destroy heaven?

Chu Kong’s eyebrows also rose. He nodded and said: “In short, I’ve already reported this matter. The hole has also been closed. Yanw.a.n.g is going to heaven. You can take me and this thing beside me with you.”


Yanw.a.n.g’s body backed slightly and leaned on the chair. He looked serious: “I’m afraid that this time I can’t take you two……”

Yanw.a.n.g’s voice hardly left, Chu Kong expression turned serious. He grabbed me and walked away.

“If that’s so, then we’ll go back ourselves.”

“Ah, ah! Wait, wait, ah! Celestial star Chu Kong! Aiyou, don’t be like this, ah! If there’s something, let’s discuss it!”

Yanw.a.n.g kept calling from behind. He was so anxious that he almost cried out.

“I really don’t have anyone, ah! I really have no other way. If there’s another person, I definitely won’t have bothered you! Everyone’s life is in the grasp of your hands. Celestial Chu Kong, how can you neglect a G.o.d’s duty?!”

Chu Kong’s footsteps halted. I crashed into his back. My nose turned red. I turned to Yanw.a.n.g and said: “We’re hurrying back to get married! The fate of the bad guys will be unlucky their whole life!

“Aiya, you two really got together. I won the gamble in heaven”

“Don’t chat about this and that,” Chu Kong said slightly angry. “Xiaoye just messed up a few red strings. You all have been looking at me as a joke and called me to do so many things! You said to fill the hole and go back to heaven. Xiaoye won’t do anything else. If you love to give yourself headaches then go on. It has nothing to do with me.”

“Does it really has nothing to do with you,” Yanw.a.n.g’s voice sank. “Do you know who the sinful G.o.d is who escaped the netherworld? Celestial star Chu Kong, do you know that you have been wors.h.i.+pped as a star under the Morning G.o.d? But beside star we still have to call you celestial?”

I was also curious and looked at Chu Kong. He frowned: “How would I know? They’ve been calling me like that since I was a child.”

Yanw.a.n.g said solemnly: “The sinful G.o.d who escapes is called Jin Lian. Long ago, he is the first disciple of the South Pole G.o.d. Because of his talent, he won the South Pole G.o.d’s love. He was the most favorite disciple of the South Pole G.o.d. After completing his practice, he liked to go to the human realm to seek for baby’s that has spiritual power and let them cultivate into an immortal. Many war general’s came from Jin Lian. His ident.i.ty is very n.o.ble. Besides Chu Kong, you’re also one of the baby’s that he sought. The sinful G.o.d that escaped today is also your s.h.i.+fu.”

I am shocked. Chu Kong is also shocked. I suddenly remembered just before entering the netherworld, Jin Lian’s pensive eyes. Could……it be that he has already recognized Chu Kong?

Chu Kong frowned: “I only remember that I once had a s.h.i.+fu, but I only know that that s.h.i.+fu suddenly disappeared. All the disciples scattered. He…….such a person, why will he be locked in the eighteenth floor?”

Yanw.a.n.g sighed loudly: “Naturally, you won’t remember this. The key to the spell that Jin Lian G.o.d was practicing is that he needed the a.s.sistance of another refined transformation. He let his sister Jin Luo went down to search for it. But after going down, she didn’t come back. Later Jin Lian G.o.d became obsessed (走火入魔, walking fire into the demon), committed many sins and has been thrown into h.e.l.l.”

So this is another tragedy of life……

But I thought of that blond haired man’s cunning and perverted appearance. He really doesn’t seem like someone who’ll wait patiently in heaven or a fool who has been cheated by his sister. There must still be many hidden secrets……

The air was silent for a while. Chu Kong pulled without care and continued to walk to the door. Yanw.a.n.g shouted: “Hey! Celestial star Chu Kong, are you really still leaving?!”

“A broken matter from so many years ago, what does it still has to do with me? Regardless, go find someone else. I won’t help with anything.”

Yanw.a.n.g was silent for a while: “Even if it is related to Xiao Xiang Zi, will you still not help?”

I halted my and Chu Kong’s pace. I turned and looked at Yanw.a.n.g: “Related to me? Does he want my life?”

“Last time when you and Chu Kong reincarnated into the princess’ and the general’s bodies, there was an error in time. The time in which you needed to reincarnate was late by decades. This is a mistake that shouldn’t have occurred. I specifically investigated it. Xiao Xiang Zi, has you ever been attacked by that evil energy?”

I scratched my head: “It should be……”

Chu Kong glared at me: “Why didn’t you tell me?!”

“I didn’t know what it was then.”

Yanw.a.n.g nodded: “Indeed, the evil energy must’ve wrapped around Xiao Xiang Zi’s whole body then, letting an error happen when you reincarnated. Now it has invaded in your soul. After that, it’ll disturb your mind. Jin Lian is already obsessed. He escaped from h.e.l.l. If we let his cultivation get higher; in the future, maybe he’ll use this evil energy to control Xiao Xiang Zi.”

My face paled. Chu Kong frowned: “To put it plainly, Xiaoye can’t beat him. What do you want me to do in the human realm?”

Yanw.a.n.g grinned: “I won’t let you fight your s.h.i.+fu. I only want you to drag his steps in cultivating. As you know, one day in heaven is one year in the human realm. I go up to ask for soldiers. I certainly can’t get down in a year or half. In this time if Jin Lian causes trouble, I’ll not know how the human realm will turn out to look like. So, I hope you two to go drag down Jin Lian’s pace. Disrupting his plans will be good. After all, if I get reinforcement and get rid of Jin Lian, Xiao Xiang Zi will also be safe. You can go back to heaven, get married and lead a happy life.”

Chu Kong looked at me for a while and then gritted his teeth: “This matter…….there won’t be a next time.”

The perfect expression of Chu Kong now

Chinese people see h.e.l.l ( 地狱, dìyù) and netherworld (地府, dìfǔ) different. The netherworld is place that everyone who has died needs to pa.s.s. h.e.l.l is a place only used for punishment.

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