
Chapter 33 - Dungeon Subjugation Start

Chapter 33 - Dungeon Subjugation Start

Multiple wagons and carts formed a line, with a great of number of people moving.

The sun is blazing down. The air is humid. The horse and their p.o.o.p are stinky.

We were able to advance through the highway until midway, but it"s not like the dungeon was born while giving consideration to people"s convenience…….

「Heave, ho-!」

I, Rondo-san, and Ralph-san are pushing from behind a wagon that got its wheel stuck in order to move it.

The gra.s.sland that is hard to walk on has bright green gra.s.s growing until our waist.

「The weed entangled the wheel.」

Rondo-san wiped his sweat and checked whether the wheel is broken or not. He cut the entangling weed with a short sword. When I look around, there are a lot of wagons having the same problem.

When I look around in order to be vigilant, Sophisan came bringing us drink. She is also distributing the water to Rondo-san and Ralph-san.


「Thank you.」

After I accept it and drink it all at once, I felt slightly eased.

The Second"s exasperated voice comes from inside the Jewel.

『There should be better way like having the advance party clearing away the gra.s.s or something.』

The Fourth expressed a different opinion.

『Perhaps they thought that a path would be opened anyway while the group is going there? Well, certainly the efficiency is bad like this.』

It"s possible to search for a path that is easy to be pa.s.sed using my Arts. However, there are also people and horse carts around us, so we cannot leave them and take a different route by ourselves.

The goods that we"ll be using are loaded in the horse cart that we rented. Water, food, change of clothes, and then the necessary tools, the spare weapons, etc.

The Fifth was irritated since some time ago.

『Isn"t the planning too bad? Just what are the people who arrived ahead are doing? I wish they will think about the people coming after them a bit more.』

I heard that an adventurer party are going ahead in order to investigate.

The group doesn"t advance. Zelphy-san who headed to the leading group in order to check the situation is returning and waving her hand.

「We"re resting for a while. Several of the horse carts at the lead became unusable. It seems slimes latched on the horse causing it to go wild. Aah, it"s the worst.」

At the schedule we should be arriving at the afternoon today, but right now it"s already afternoon.

「Won"t it be better if we sent some people ahead to check which path is easier to go through?」

Zelphy-san also agrees with my opinion. She agreed but, she snorted.

「This is the result of moving with the guidance of those guys" direction. Good grief, I wish they didn"t use amateur for this.」

Ralph-san who was sitting on the nearby boulder asked Zelphy-san.

「What is the guys who arrived at the dungeon ahead of us doing?」

Zelphy-san received water from Sophisan and drank it all at once before answering while wiping her mouth.

「Those guys are adventurer party that was dispatched from Centralle. They have various excellent magic tools for investigating, but what they are doing is basically only dungeon investigation, not」

The adventurers who came from Centralle are special adventurers who have unique skill. It seems they came here because of the request of the guild here.

There is no way they would do any, is what they said.

The Seventh snorted.

『Hmph, as expected the like of adventurer is useless.』

The Third also of the same opinion.

『The prejudice is strong in the Seventh"s case but, I think I also feel the same. I wish they won"t think that job like creating a path is useless and do it properly.』

The Fourth laughed a little.

『Well, if you look at the doc.u.ment, there are a lot of parts that look pointless even though they will be indispensable on the site. In everything, the best result doesn"t always mean to be the most optimum result.』

The best result isn"t the most optimum. Those words made me wanted to tilt my head. But rather than that, when will be the unmoving group start moving again……that"s what is in my mind.

The horse cart following behind us is really large and splendid. People are coming down from there.


Rondo-san is surprised. Ralph-san is also surprised, and me too.

The people coming down are stretching and rotating their shoulders as they please. What is surprising is that all of them are female, and their appearance isn"t like adventurer.

They are wearing showy dress. In addition, the chest part of their clothes is opened, and there are also women among them wearing dress with slit that showed their thigh.

While we are watching in surprise, one more person──it"s a man this time, an old man is coming down. The thin old man wearing a hat addressed me with a soft expression.

「Pardon me. The girls are bored. I told them to go outside to relax some. By the way, is there still no sign of resuming our journey?」

I answered the old man with a fl.u.s.tered state.

「Eh!? No, yes. It seems the horse cart at the front become unusable, so it doesn"t look like we"ll move for a while.」

The old man took off his hat and pressed on his forehead.

「That"s troubling……. Oops, I haven"t introduced myself. I am Byron. I"m coming along with this group as a post exchange merchant. If you have any business please talk to me. I have anything from food, weapon, alcohol, and many other things prepared.」

The old man who introduced himself as Byron pointed with his thumb at the horse cart──no, the prost.i.tutes behind him.

The Sixth laughed.

『Hoo, this is also quite good……』

The Fifth was exasperated.

『This guy is really…. Lyle, be careful. After all the merchandise that this kind of merchant is handling will be more expensive than normal. And the increase won"t be limited to just a fourth or a third, there are even some people who will double the price.』

A rip-off? While I"m thinking that, Zelphy-san seemed to notice what"s going on here.

「You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, this s.h.i.tty geezer Byron!」

I"m shocked hearing Zelphy-san hurling out such foul-mouthed insult, but Byron-jiisan was laughing.

「What, isn"t this Zelphy. With you being here, does that mean these young people are trained by you?」

Zelphy-san was approaching here with large stride. Her gaze ran around the relaxing prost.i.tutes and Byron-jiisan before she formed a twitching smile.

「Are you promoting your ware while also taking a rest? You"re really hard at work.」

「Daily effort is important for a merchant like me. Besides dispersing stress is important for the young people.」

The Sixth was agreeing with the words of Byron-jiisan while laughing.

『Exactly! That"s an important matter.』

Hearing that, the Fifth and the Seventh are──.


『It"s really irritating.』

The Sixth……did he have some kind of problem in regard to woman relations? Well, certainly he is the one who looked like the type to play around the most among the ancestors.

While thinking of asking him about it someday, Zelphy-san called at Novem and others.

Novem, Arisan, Sophisan, Rachel-san──the four of them lined up and made shooing away gesture at Byron-jiisan.

「Our group don"t need anything like that as you can see.」

Byron-jiisan looked at the four and laughed.

「Excuse my rudeness then. But, I also have other merchandise. Come talk to me if you feel like it.」

Byron-jiisan waved his hand and headed toward another group of horse cart. The prost.i.tutes also moved following Byron-jiisan.

It seemed his intention was really to promote his wares.

「How surprising.」


When Rondo-san and Ralph-san said that, Rachel-san"s cheeks twitched.

「Despite that the two of you looked like you were going to bite at the offer though?」

When the two started to make excuse to Rachel-san, Zelphy-san cautioned us.

「Think really carefully when buying various things at the post exchange merchant"s place. It"s the norm for their price to be fairly expensive. Depending on the situation the price can possibly be doubled or tripled. Be careful so that the money you earned don"t get sucked by them.」

The ancestors also said the same thing, so surely it"s not wrong.

Although, there won"t be any nearby place where we can buy items in a dangerous place. If we are going to make use of such service we won"t have any other choice except Byron-jiisan"s place.

Sophisan seems unable to swallow the current situation. She asked to Arisan.

「Say, the women just now……」

Arisan answered naturally.

「They"re prost.i.tute. Rather, it"s amazing that their business spirit makes them comes this far.」

Hearing the word prost.i.tute, Sophai-san recalled the conversation just now and looked my way. She become red until her ear and her mouth is opening and closing.

「Do, don"t tell me, Lyle-dono will also use their service!?」

The Third answered that question of Sophisan even though there was no way she could listen.

『Too bad! Lyle don"t have that kind of guts.』

Certainly I won"t make use of such service but, it feels somewhat irritating hearing it got said like that.

「I"ve never used that kind of service.」

Sophisan is relieved hearing that. I wonder why?

Novem smiled with a troubled look, and then she said while looking around.

「It looks like we will start moving soon. Everyone, let"s prepare.」

The group at the front started moving. We finished our break and resumed moving.


We who arrived at the destination although it was late started preparing the camping ground.

We raised the tent, checked the luggage and unloaded them down, and then had dinner.

The meal during the dungeon subjugation including during the travel was taken care of by the cooks that the guild hired.

But, bluntly speaking, the content of the dish was terrible.

It was only a soup of vegetable and bean, and hard bread.

There would be no end to it if we complained, even so there is no other way to call it except terrible. And above all else, the amount was little.

「It feels insufficient.」

When I complained, Zelphy-san glared at me.

「That"s why I told you to buy various things. More importantly, don"t you hold grudge at the cooks. Even they normally would cook more delicious dish. It become like this because they"re cooking in this kind of environment and without any decent ingredients.」

When I looked around, there is only gra.s.s, rocks lying on the ground, and a small forest nearby. There isn"t any village, and the watering place is also far away.

Rondo-san"s shoulders dropped.

「I heard that the nearest river is several kilometers away but, it seems the actual distance is five or six kilometer. It will be difficult even just to fetch water.」

Zelphy-san explained apathetically.

「If there is a watering place nearby and the area look livable, then the events will naturally flow for a reclamation to be carried out here even after we finished the dungeon subjugation. But, in case of a place that isn"t suitable for living like this, everyone will move out after the dungeon subjugation and that"ll be the end of it.」

However, in the Second"s opinion.

『……I got the feeling that there"ll be watering place if you enter deep into the forest but, it"s also troublesome to search and check if it"ll be usable.』

Well, even if there is such place, it"s not my job to draw water.

That kind of ch.o.r.e is the responsibility of the adventurers who are hired as rear support. It seems the adventurers who will challenge the dungeon won"t need to do any

「Now then, I"ll explain about tomorrow. Tomorrow we"ll receive report from the investigation team before starting the dungeon subjugation for real. After that──」

I listened to Zelphy-san"s explanation and questioned whether the dungeon won"t get stimulated by doing such thing.

The next day.

We welcomed the first day of the dungeon subjugation.

After confirming the detailed information of the dungeon, we decided our role and standby at the entrance of the dungeon.

What is waiting for the nearly forty adventurers in front of the dungeon, are monsters.

A trap was set up, and then a commotion was raised near the entrance to lure the monsters. Like that when they came out──.

「They"re coming!」

The loud voice of an adventurer whose name I don"t even know served as the trigger. Novem held her staff and started preparing her magic. Rachel-san also did the same.

The remaining members readied their weapon and waited at standby. From the entrance of the dungeon──trees entangling unnaturally with each other to for the shape of a gate──five adventurers rushed out.

Right after that, goblins, orcs, and then insect type monsters are coming out in swarm.

The adventurers nocking their arrow and the magicians preparing their magic simultaneously launched their attack at that timing, blowing away the monsters.

It seems there is no surviving monster, so we relaxed our shoulder.

「……So we"re repeating this from the morning.」

Yes, this action has been repeated several times since the morning, defeating a lot of monsters. This is done to not stimulate the dungeon, and to blow away the monsters all at once──certainly the monsters inside the dungeon are decreasing, but I"m tilting my head wondering if this is alright.

Inside the Jewel.

The Fifth saw this scene and,

『The subjugation method itself hasn"t really changed huh.』

He muttered such thing.

When I looked behind, an adventurer wearing an over the top robe made from fine quality cloth that has gems attached on it is pointing at something and giving instruction.

The adventurer who listened to it came this way and conveyed the instruction.

「It"s over. With this the number of monster inside the dungeon is reduced. The dungeon subjugation will start for real tomorrow. Also, except for some party, the rest will move immediately to monster subjugation in order to secure the safety of this vicinity.」

At the first day, it seems the subjugation of the monsters at the vicinity is also our job.

There are also adventurers working the guard duty around the campsite. But, in the end they only have guard duty, they don"t want to move too far from the campsite.

「Somehow, it"s different from my imagination.」

Rondo-san also smiled wryly at my words.

「Well, thanks to that the monster inside the dungeon decreased. It"s efficient. Even so, all the material and magic stone here are taken by the guild huh.」

We were fighting more than a hundred monsters since the morning. The result from that is all taken away by the guild. Well, it"s unclear who defeat what monster and it would be absurd if a quarrel occurred when deciding everyone"s share, so perhaps it"s better like this.

Zelphy-san sheathed her sword and put her shield on her back before giving us instruction.

「Come on, let"s go quickly to the place a.s.signed to us. Lyle, you"re searching the monster.」

I used Arts hearing that. The Jewel felt slightly hot.

The Fifth"s Art, Map.

The Sixth"s Art, Search.

The two Arts showed me the map of the surrounding in my mind, with red, blue, and yellow light dots crawling on it.

Blue is ally, red is enemy──yellow is neutral.

「This way. The number is……16 in total.」

Arisan and Sophisan are in charge of the baggage in the tent. Because of that, the lineup right now is me, Zelphy-san, Novem, and Rondo-san"s party.

Ralph-san looked at me.

「Lyle"s Art is really convenient. Hey, what can it do?」

Then Rachel-san lightly hit Ralph-san with her staff.

「Ralph, that"s a breach of manner. Don"t carelessly ask about other person"s Art.」

「I get it.」

Rondo-san apologized to me. I smiled wryly while telling him I don"t mind.

Like that we started moving, then in the middle we found the party that Dalel-san is included in.

The leader, a male adventurer has purple hair that is slightly curly. His body is wrapped in leather armor and he carried a metal shield.

The fighting style using a sword and a shield is the same like Zelphy-san. The metal shield is drawn with a crest of sword with feather growing from it.

Dalel-san waved his hand.

「You guys do your best.」

We also waved back, but the adventurers who are acting together with Dalel-san glared at us when they looked our way for some reason.

「What"s with those guys?」

Ralph-san said that in wonder. Then Zelphy-san opened her mouth.

「Oops, I forgot to tell you but, actually we are betting with each other. It"s a bet of who can earn more in the dungeon subjugation this time. It"s a compet.i.tion with the adventurer party that Dalel trained so you guys do your best.」

I"m troubled at how to react from suddenly getting told that.

「Err, I don"t know what to do even if you told me that so suddenly.」

Setting aside the perplexed me, the Sixth laughed inside the Jewel.

『It"s fine isn"t it. It"s fun if you have someone to compete with. Putting that aside, tomorrow the dungeon subjugation will start for real huh.』

The Fifth has low tension like usual.

『Seems so. Well, let"s check the situation first. It"s also not interesting to suddenly teach the right answer. And there is also the adventurer"s style to consider.』

The Second seemed to be of the same opinion but,

『Before that they"re still not used to the dungeon. Lyle, it will be harsh at the beginning. Prepare yourself.』

What should I be careful with?

Before I could ask, we found a group of goblin so we immediately prepared for battle.

──The adventurers that Dalel trained.

They introduced themselves with party name of Sword Wings. The party name gave the image of sword and wings, but in reality the party leader Rex and a single vanguard warrior were the only one using sword.

Other than Rex, there were four warriors serving as the vanguard. At the rear were one magician and two people with light equipment. And the last one was a supporter.

Including Dalel the party had ten members, it was cla.s.sified as a large party in Dalien. They had steadily continuing their activity in Dalien and the party grew this big after several years.

They hired Dalel as instructor as a part of their preparation to depart from Dalien.

For them, this dungeon subjugation was convenient for obtaining fund for their activity.

They were thankful they could partic.i.p.ate but, they couldn"t feel honestly happy because there was an opponent that they couldn"t help but felt conscious to.

「Dalel-san, it"s the party just now isn"t it?」

Dalel laughed when Rex asked in confirmation.

「Yeah, that"s right. In my opinion, those guys are really capable. You guys need to work hard too.」

They heard from Dalel that he used them as betting subject, but Rex and others never even imagined that the opponent they would compete with would be the "Womanizer" Lyle.

For Rex and others who had been working as adventurer steadily and diligently until now, an existence like Lyle was an object of envy.

He was able to obtain instruction from a veteran right after becoming an adventurer, and when they noticed he had subjugated a bandit group, and even received a direct request from the feudal lord, becoming like a celebrity.

From the view of Rex and others, they couldn"t help but think that it was unfair.

「You believe that we will lose against those guys?」

Dalel laughed while responding to Rex"s th.o.r.n.y words.

「I believe that in this world there isn"t anything like absolute chance of victory. That"s why it become a bet, and above all else they are the bunch that missy Zelphy trained. You guys might lose if you let your guard down.」

Rex gritted his teeth.

(You said we"re going to lose against that kind of guy……)

The rumor about Lyle"s group was famous in Dalien. They heard that Lyle was keeping several beautiful girls at his side. Even just that fact was irritating for a party that consisted of only man.

「……We absolutely won"t lose.」

Rex renewed his determination. Dalel laughed while tapping his shoulder.

「That"s the spirit! Don"t worry, you guys won"t lose if you do it like usual. Be confident.」

The members of Sword Wings glared at Lyle"s group that was moving to the distance. In contrast with Lyle"s feeling, this side was burning with sense of rivalry──.

Inside the tent that the guild staffs used.

Several staffs were placed there. They were in charge of the reception desk which was different from usual.

They brought the guild card of the partic.i.p.ating adventurers──the second guild card that was entrusted to the guild, and lined them up on a display board.

A map of the dungeon was drawn on the paper above the simple working table. The confirmation of where the adventurers would go inside the dungeon was being done. If it looked like the adventurers would be concentrated to one area, a different area would be recommended to disperse the partic.i.p.ants.

Inside the small tent was packed to the brim from early in the morning.

「There"re a lot of people.」

The Second looked fed-up with the way the guild was doing thing.

『the efficiency is bad as expected. Well, adventurer has to earn money for themselves, so this might be inevitable but……』

A feudal lord could just give order and that would be the end of it, but in the case of adventurers, it"s necessary to make adjustment depending on their opinions which takes time. It seems he is displeased with that.

Inside the tent, I saw Hawkins-san talking with the extravagantly dressed adventurer from yesterday. He is the adventurer that was dispatched from Centralle.

They are looking at doc.u.ments and checked various things.

「Then, the changed spots are here, and here is it?」

「Yeah, that"s right. Also, regarding the deepest room, it"s too far and I cannot grasp any response from there. My bad but, tell the adventurers entering inside for the subjugation to search for it.」

Hawkins-san filled the spots where a change happened at the map on the working table.

Looking at that map, the Fifth a.s.serted.

『It has become convenient now. Rather than searching for a guy with an Art suited for investigation, you can just buy an expensive tool that can investigate until this far.』

But, it"s inferior compared to the information that can be obtained from the Fifth"s Art.

Without pause Hawkins-san started with his next work busily. The reception is being done by a single woman.

The blond haired and blue eyed receptionist who is the most popular in Dalien"s adventurer guild, Santoa Maillet. Although, rather than being the most popular, should I say that this person is the only girl of the appropriate age.

「E~rr, then your group will be in this area~」

She is doing her job leisurely but, knowing how she is normally I feel really uneasy. As a receptionist, she would take a look at the other side and b.u.t.ter them up, she will also make mistake with paperwork and other thing without any guilt.

I"m feeling amazed how she can stay as receptionist like that, but is it because she is popular with the young male adventurers that she cannot be easily removed? Recently that"s what I"m thinking.

My turn has come, so I take care of the procedure.

「We want to go to this area──」

When I pointed at the map and told which area we wanted to investigate at, Santosan looked at me and smiled.

「Aa~, it"s Lyle-san. Usually you never come to me for taking care of the procedure, so we never have any chance to talk.」

I was casually addressed by her. I scratched my head and apologized.

「Tha, that"s right isn"t it. Usually I would be going to Hawkins-san"s place after all. So, we"re going to this──」

「That"s terrible~. Even though I"ll help out with various things if it"s Lyle-san.」

I don"t really care but, it somehow felt unpleasant to be called 「Lyle-sanMr. Lyle」. The Third often made fun of me by saying "Mr. Lyle", so hearing those words would make me perceive it in a bad sense no matter what.

「I"m sorry but, I"m in a hurry here.」

When I cut off Santosan from talking, I could hear tongue clicking from behind. When I turned around, the male adventurers are glaring at me.

Santosan herself looked a bit tearful.

「Horrible. Even though I only want to talk a bit with Lyle-san.」

「N, no, that……a, anyway, let"s do it another time!」

I finished the procedure and left the tent as though escaping from there. I could hear the conversation of Santosan and the adventurers from behind.

「Santochan, you want to come for dinner at our place today?」

「Ee~, but~」

「It"s fine. It"s not bean soup, we"re going to buy tasty things from old man Byron"s place.」

「Then I"ll come~」

I can hear a really carefree conversation, but Rondo-san and others are waiting for me, so I leave from that place quickly.

The second day of dungeon subjugation.

Novem and Ralph-san are staying behind, while the other members stepped into the dungeon.

Because at the first day we had exterminated all the monsters near the entrance, we won"t get attacked around this area. Setting up a trap is forbidden, so we can enter inside easier than expected.

We were able to enter inside easily but…….

「What"s this!」

Rondo-san covered his mouth, while Rachel-san is walking unsteadily.

I"m the same too.

I pressed my forehead with my right hand and somehow walked dizzily.

「Could it be, we got caught in some kind of trap?」

When I said that, laughing voice came from inside the Jewel. It was the Second.

『Calm down. At first you will be unused to it no matter what. Inside the dungeon is a harsh place for first timer.』

The Fourth thoroughly explained about the reason.

『The inside of the dungeon is filled with mana dozens of times thicker than the outside. Because of that, you will feel in a bad shape. Well, you will get used to it after a while so don"t worry. Also, you mustn"t force yourself at this kind of time. Even so, perhaps the density is a bit high here.』

Perhaps because it appeared inside a forest, the ground of the inside of the dungeon is made from soil. Trees grew from the wall, forming a pa.s.sage, while the ceiling is covered with tree branches and green leaves.

Light is shining in from between the branches and leaves, it"s nice that we don"t need any lighting.

Ralph-san who is unsteady on his feet and using his spear as a cane looked up to the ceiling and noticed something out of place.

「Wait a second. This morning it was cloudy wasn"t it? It wasn"t this sunny before we entered.」

Sophisan is carrying her battle axe on her back while her hand is placed on the wall.

「I"ve heard about it. In order to eat human, the dungeon will arrange an environment that is easy to enter. This is also a part of──uh!」

I approached Sophisan who is pressing on her mouth and tried to rub her back. But, her battle axe is in the way so I cannot rub her well.

Zelphy-san shrugged seeing our situation.

「You guys are a bit unlucky. This place, even though its scale is small but the mana is really thick. This is too harsh for a beginner.」

Zelphy-san who is laughing looked composed.

「Say, we"re going to get used to this right?」

When I asked, Zelphy-san nodded.

「Yeah, you"ll get used to it for sure. If you stay inside here for several hours, you"ll feel better than now. Although, during that time you won"t be able to do anything though.」

Zelphy-san started walking after saying that. We desperately followed her. Perhaps there was a party who went ahead of us, because we were able to come out to a s.p.a.cious room without encountering monster midway.

Zelphy-san checked the map and looked around before she found a part of the wall got wrenched open.

「Aa~, as I thought someone got ahead of us. Well, it can"t be helped.」

There is a spot that was covered with several branches overlapping as though to protect something──it seems, to be the treasure box of this dungeon.

「Is this a treasure box?」

Arisan who is looking pale asked. Then Zelphy-san said we are resting here and told everyone to sit.

「First, we will use today and tomorrow to make everyone get used to the environment inside dungeon. Battle or investigation is secondary. It won"t be a joke if you force yourself and get injured.」

No one is objecting. No, no one could. Even if we are told to fight in this situation, I"ll want to refuse as much as possible.

Even if we can fight enemy like goblin or insect type like this, stronger enemy than that might force into a hard fight.

「Also, fundamentally there is great variety of dungeon. We won"t even know what kind of shape the treasure box will take. That"s why, if you hear something like "this is the absolute method of capture!", there isn"t anything like that, so be careful. Gather as much information as you can, and then prepare before challenging the dungeon. That"s the correct way.」

From some time ago, Zelphy-san"s gaze kept turning at me. She must be wanting to tell this to me.

Rachel-san looked pained, even so she asked Zelphy-san.

「Even so, nearly fifty people are challenging this dungeon……can we, earn result like this?」

This is really important for adventurer.

Zelphy-san nodded.

「You can rejoice about that. This dungeon is vast even though it"s small scale, and it seems changes are happening frequently inside. The treasure box will also similarly get restored. We still don"t know what kind of thing will be inside but, surely you will be able to recover one or two when challenging a dungeon like this.」

I silently used the Arts of the Fifth and the Sixth and confirmed the situation inside the dungeon.

Inside the dungeon is swarming with yellow and red light dots.

There is no trap, as for the location of treasure box……I"m able to clearly locate them.

The Fourth spoke enviously.

『These Arts are really nice. I wish I also had them in my time.』

The Seventh talked while recalling the time when he received the benefit of these two"s Arts.

『The Arts of these two were extremely effective. They were really useful not just in dungeon subjugation, but also in battlefield, and then also at peaceful time.』

I have a thought. Won"t I be able to simply go around recovering treasure box without even encountering any monster if I use these two Arts?

But, at present there is a problem before that. Our body won"t move well.

Rondo-san is looking a bit uneasy.

「But, if the scale is small won"t the subjugation end after several days? If these many people are coming in, the subjugation will also be quick won"t it?」

Zelphy-san placed her hand on her chin and answered Rondo-san"s question.

「Although they said that the scale is small, it"s also not a size that can be subjugated that easily. After all we don"t even know where is the deepest room at. If I have to say more, this place is Dalien you know?」

We cannot really understand even if she told us that.

Zelphy-san laughed self-depreciatingly.

「I mean, that there isn"t any adventurer here who is really that outstanding. When you also look at how adventurer from Centralle got dispatched here for the investigation, you can realize the level of Dalien"s adventurer.」

Putting aside veteran like Zelphy-san or Dalel-san, the quality of the adventurers in Dalien isn"t high.

After all, in Dalien that is kind to beginner, it"s only natural to go to other place when you have strength to a certain degree. The level of the adventurer here on the whole is low.

Rondo-san asked after pondering for a bit.

「Now that you mentioned it, how strong are the adventurers who came here from that Centralle?」

Zelphy-san fell into thought.

「How strong, is it? Well, they are armed over the top with magic tools, so your run of the mill adventurer won"t be able to win. Just because they are carrying mostly magic tools for investigation right now, doesn"t mean that they aren"t bringing magic tool for fighting. If it"s a fight without using them then I think even I can manage somehow but……」

Then The Seventh spoke with deep interest.

『I see, so they reproduced Arts like ours using magic tool. However, if it doesn"t even reach a fraction of the capability of the Fifth and the Sixth"s Arts……』

The Fifth a.s.serted.

『Right now it"s still not really a threat, is what that mean. I"m looking forward to the future. Or rather, in reality just how good is the performance of the magic tool right now?』

The Seventh answered.

『In my time, if it"s Art then at best it will only be at the level of the first stage. I never heard of any magic tool able to reach the level of second stage.』

The Third who heard that spoke with a conflicted tone.

『Magic tool is complicated huh. If that"s the case, isn"t a Gem that recorded several Arts better? Why did it go out of fashion?』

The reason why Gem became obsolete.

It"s simply because the easiness to use the Art that you want using magic tool. For a Gem to record several Arts, first the user has to be able to use their own Art until the third stage.

Magic tool eliminated that kind of troublesome procedure. Perhaps it can"t be helped that magic tool became the mainstream because you can just engrave the Art that you want into it.

Like that we took rest for quite a while, and after several hours pa.s.sed, Zelphy-san clapped her hands.

「Come on, you guys must have gotten better compared to at first. We"re going to advance forward now, after that we"ll return outside.」

Everyone stood up languidly and checked their equipment.


It"s at that time. I felt a gaze and turned around, then I saw a slightly mysterious sight. From a gap of the trees that acted as wall, a vibrant flower is peeking out. The dangling stem of flower has several small bluish purple flowers bundled together, they are blooming into a tuft of flowers.

There shouldn"t be anything like that until just now but, did I overlook it? Besides, I felt a gaze but……there is no one, it must be my imagination.

「What"s the matter?」

Sophisan approached me, so I pointed at the flower.

「No, there shouldn"t be flower there until just now but……」

When I"m going to touch it, the flower tuft fell as though to settle on my hand.


Sophisan stared at the flowers inside my hand and muttered.

「This is duranta.」

「You know it? Or rather you"re really knowledgeable about it.」

Sophisan looked a bit embarra.s.sed.

「No, I only know it by chance. That"s, it"s a flower that bloom in hot place. I also know its meaning in flower language.」

I look at the duranta flower on my hand, and then look at Sophisan. Perhaps it"s better for Sophisan to have it rather than me.

「Then, Sophisan, will you have it?」

「Eh!? That"s……yes.」

Sophisan"s face turn red. But, a complaint came from inside the Jewel. It"s the Fourth.

『Oy you! Don"t present flower to woman carelessly! Do it after checking up various things, like its flower language! Besides──』

Continuing after the Fourth was the Fifth.

『Think of the place. Aria is watching you two.』

When I looked toward Arisan after hearing that, she was averting her gaze. It seems she saw.

……Eh? Is this a bad thing?


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