
Chapter 63 - Fruits of Labor

Chapter 63 - Fruits of Labor

Floor B18.

We advanced until there and found a room without any monster before starting to prepare the camp.

The entrance of the room was narrow so Porter couldn"t enter inside.

We parked it in front of the entrance as wall to prevent monster"s infiltration, then we moved separately based on our role inside the dungeon"s room. Arisan was taking out foldable tables and chairs from the baggage.

「Hey, is it alright to put them here?」

Sophisan was a.s.sembling the toilet together with Clarsan.

「The construction is really secure isn"t it?」

「Poyopoyo-san prepared this. How should I say it, she created various convenient tools for us.」

After placing lanterns and the preparation of the camping was progressing, Poyopoyo began preparing dinner.

「Elaborate food cannot be created? That"s just an excuse! This Poyopoyo for chicken d.i.c.kwad"s sake──」

「Poyopoyo, you"re noisy. Cut the ingredients quickly.」

Mirandsan was preparing the ingredients quickly. Novem was also taking out things like blanket.

「It"s nice that we can load the baggage like this, making it easier.」

Like this everyone was moving in order to prepare the camp but…….

「You"re really like a gigolo huh.」

「You"re saying that to me?」

Shannon and I were sitting on a wooden crate.

It wasn"t like we were ditching our work, it was a rest period for me and Shannon.

Shannon would search the enemy using her eyes, and I had entered combat several times.

When the preparation was over Clarsan also would take a rest.

……I wasn"t particularly doing any work. I was in the middle of my break. Then Novem approached with a smile.

「Lyle-sama, Shannon-chan. Both of you please wipe yourself first with hot water. After dinner please brush your teeth and sleep okay?」

Both I and Shannon replied 「Ye~s」 and stood up.

Shannon glared at me.

「Don"t peep.」

I snorted.

「What will I peep from you? Do you have anything worth seeing?」

Shannon"s face was bright red and punched with her fist, so I took a step back and brushed it with my hand. Shannon got irritated by that and kicked.

Shannon could only swing around her hand if her head was held in place a little while ago, but right now she was moving quite well.

「Oh, you want to have a go? Our score until now is my flawless victory you know?」

Shannon yelled.

「Ukyaaaa! Don"t get conceited when you"re just a gigolo leeching off Onee-sama! Today is the day I deal with you for sure!」

Shannon took the Stance of Raging Sparrow.

This girl was serious.

I also took the Stance of Raging Sparrow in opposition.

「Don"t underestimate me. I"m stronger than you!」

Then Arisan clapped her hands.

「There, don"t play around and wipe your body quickly.」

Arisan previously didn"t know what to do when camping and only moved around in confusion, but now she was doing her work quickly.

I and Shannon replied 「Ye, yes」 and went to receive the hot water to wipe our body.

The next day.

We advanced until floor B21 and stood on alert around Porter.

Within the darkness with the lighting turned off, there was footstep near me.

When I turned my face over there anxiously, I found Arisan returning from her scouting.

「Don"t be that surprised.」

「No, that"s because you suddenly showed up.」

Arisan"s Art was acceleration. An Art that drastically increased her speed temporarily. She approached the enemy using that, gathered information, and then quickly returned.

It seemed that the person herself still couldn"t accept it, even so I didn"t notice her until she approached near.

Arisan told us about the information that she saw.

「There are three lizardmen ahead from here. They"re inside a room but, they aren"t relaxing so if we pa.s.s through nearby they will come out. One of them is carrying a torch.」

We nodded.

Mirandsan praised her.

「Oh, that"s amazing work.」

Arisan didn"t honestly feel happy.

「Thanks. Lyle, what"re we going to do? It looks like there is no monster in this area, should we launch surprise attack with everyone?」

When I was about to nod in agreement because that was the safest way, Sophisan shouldered her battle axe.

「Can you leave it to me?」

Her voice was really serious. I couldn"t really see her face because it was dark, but I realized that she was serious just from her voice.

Lizardman was a lizard demi-human. Its size easily surpa.s.sed adult male, in addition its physical strength was several times greater than human. It was a troublesome monster that wielded large axe or spear.

However, Sophisan was motivated to do it alone.

Mirandsan talked to me.

「……It might be good for Sophia to be the vanguard with the rest acting as support. As expected its irresponsible to make her attack alone.」

Sophisan agreed.

「I"m alright with that.」

Sophisan said that and started walking. I and Mirandsan followed behind her as support and moved until the room with lizardmen inside.

When we arrived at the entrance of the room, the lizardmen looked at each other looking as though they were talking.

I nodded when Sophisan finished preparing.

Sophisan immediately entered inside from the entrance and threw the battle axe she was carrying.


I almost jumped forward in surprise, but Mirandsan caught my shoulder.

「Wait. That girl is an idiot, but she isn"t just a simple idiot. Let"s watch the situation for a bit more.」

The battle axe rotated and brought down a single lizardman. Without stopping it stabbed into the wall.

The lizardman with a torch opened its large mouth and let out a loud voice, then the other lizardman approached Sophisan.

Sophisan thrust her right hand to the side.


Then, the battle axe that was stabbed on the wall came out from the wall as though it was being forcefully pulled and rotated.

When the lizardman turned around, the battle axe was approaching right before its eyes.

Blood splashed and the battle axe returned to Sophisan"s right hand. When she grasped back the rotating battle axe into her right hand, Sophisan immediately took a stance.

The only remaining lizardman threw away its torch and approached Sophisan.

The lizardman"s axe and Sophisan"s battle axe clashed and sparks scattered.

But, the lizardman"s posture was crumbling each time they exchanged two or three blows.

Sophisan had smaller body, and yet the lizardman was the one getting overpowered.

The Fifth raised his voice inside the Jewel.

『Hee, not bad. Did the battle axe come back because she turned it into magic tool? Besides, that Sophia has also gotten better with her use of her Art.』

The Sixth was also impressed.

『The battle axe is lightened when it"s lifted up, and weighted when it swing down. Well, she has Art to control weight, so anyone will have that kind of idea to use it but……a lot of training will be necessary for her to be able to do that skillfully.』

She obtained a magic tool and polished her own Art.

It was simple, but she had undoubtedly gotten stronger because of that.

I thought that it was really like the serious Sophisan.

I created a light source inside the room and brightened the area.

Sophisan was jumping and swinging down her battle axe at that timing.

Behind me Mirandsan put away her knife and whistled seeing the power that literally bisected the lizardman into two halves of right and left with one attack.

I spontaneously applaused. The Third spoke shortly inside the Jewel.

『Well done.』

He only praised shortly without any teasing.

Like this the two of them had grown greatly but…….

I noticed a serious problem here. Actually I noticed it when we pa.s.sed through floor B25, but I stayed quiet until we arrived at floor B29.

Arisan would scout, and then if we launched a preemptive strike, Sophisan would perfectly carry out her job as the vanguard.

If Novem burned the monsters using her magic, Mirandsan would respond depending on the situation and covered up any hole.

Poyopoyo would play an active role as both combat force or rear support. Clarsan also showed her real ability by driving Porter or giving support.

Shannon too, although she was only using her eyes, she was doing her best as a member of the party.

Like that we finally reached the time when we were going to challenge the floor boss at floor B30. The Fourth"s voice came from inside the Jewel.

『……Lyle, is it just my imagination that you haven"t really done anything until here?』

Tomorrow it"ll finally be the battle against the floor boss!

While the party was getting high spirited in preparation of that, I noticed that I alone hadn"t really been doing anything. I completely realized.

The Third talked to me with a voice that sounded really worried.

『I don"t want to say it but, Lyle right now is really a gigolo. You make the women around you work while not doing anything yourself. Well, that might be a leader"s quality but, as expected this is bad.』

I called to Novem in order to help with everyone who was preparing the camp.

「Novem! I"ll help out too!」

When I raised my voice and approached, Novem tilted her head adorably.

But, Novem didn"t understand my feeling.

「Lyle-sama, please rest early for tomorrow. We will take care of this.」

She said that and returned to her work.

I looked around.

Everyone had become proficient, but in the first place there was nothing that I could help with.

While I was looking around in a dither, my eyes caught Shannon sitting alone on a wooden box looking at me.

That Shannon was looking at me and her mouth widened into a grin like a crescent moon.

This girl, she was reading my heart!


When Shannon snickered, anger welled up inside me.

I was alright to get reprimanded by someone else. I"d reflect on myself if I got scolded.

But, getting laughed by her was the only thing that I couldn"t endure.

Shannon too seemed to notice my anger. We both glared at each other silently. Like that, when we were going to take the same stance as fellow disciple of the same style, Shannon"s gaze turned toward a corner of the room.

「Hey, gigolo b.a.s.t.a.r.d.」

「Don"t call me gigolo b.a.s.t.a.r.d. What?」

Shannon pointed at a direction. A small fly was flying there.

The Second spoke inside the Jewel.

『Shannon doesn"t get scared? Even so, is there any normal bug inside a dungeon?』

I immediately took out my short sword and threw it in respond to the Second"s words.

The sword didn"t hit the small insect flying in the air, but everyone focused on me seeing I was holding a weapon.

Novem took out her staff and lifted it. She fired several fire b.a.l.l.s and burned the insect.

When it was gone, I immediately looked at Shannon.

「What was the insect just now?」

Shannon tilted her head while speaking.

「That wasn"t insect. It was something like a lump of mana imitating an insect. I saw a thin string, so perhaps it was connected to somewhere?」

Mirandsan came running.

「……Shannon, where was that string connected to?」

Shannon took a step backward seeing Mirandsan"s serious expression while replying.

「O, outside the room. But, it was too far away I didn"t know the exact location.」

The Fourth explained.

『An insect made from mana. Now that she mentioned it, I heard there is that kind of thing among the Arts for scouting and monitoring. We"re being watched.』

I grasped the Jewel. The Third replied calmly.

『Lyle, I understand your feeling but that"s no good. We won"t allow you to use the Arts.』

I wondered if I could use the ancestors" Arts for this kind of situation, but they wouldn"t allow it.

There was someone watching us. I wanted to think that it was just someone curious, but I couldn"t be careless.

Sophisan looked around.

「Wa, was there something?」

Arisan was also bewildered.

「I don"t know. Lyle suddenly took out his weapon, so I thought that he was going to quarrel with Shannon-chan again.」

As expected even I wouldn"t point my weapon at Shannon.

Clarsan fixed the position of her

「Recently the case of people in this trade getting attacked is increasing. I never imagined that they will come until this deep. I heard that normally they will attack at upper level.」

Novem turned a serious gaze at me.

「Lyle-sama, I believe this is an emergency situation. Will you use your Arts?」

I was troubled, but the ancestors absolutely wouldn"t allow it.

「……I won"t use them.」

Mirandsan looked at me expressionlessly.

「Is that alright? These are people who intentionally come to place with few people like this. Perhaps they"re waiting for a chance to target us.」

Even I wanted to lift the ban of the use of Arts and obtained the enemy information ahead.

However, it wasn"t allowed. The Third said.

『We won"t allow the use of Arts until you defeat the floor boss of floor B30. Lyle, try to think about it.』

Just what were they saying in this condition where we might be targeted? I was irritated dealing with the ancestors and tightly grasped the Jewel.

「I"ll think for a bit so let me be alone.」

I said that to Novem and Mirandsan then got into Porter.

The room of round table inside the Jewel.

I put both my hands on the round table and seriously begged in front of the sitting ancestors.

「Please let me use Arts. I think this isn"t the time to talk about task or anything.」

The Second answered immediately toward my request.

『No. Manage it somehow by yourself for something like this.』

「Something like this? We"re being targeted by fellow adventurers here!」

The Fourth apathetically pointed out my blunders expressionlessly in respond to my plea.

『You already noticed the possibility of being targeted since from before entering the dungeon didn"t you? We won"t let you say that you didn"t think that the opponent would act. It"s also the leader"s role to think about this kind of possibility. It"s not admirable to shelve up your own blunder like that.』

I flinched at the att.i.tude of the ancestors. The Third laughed slightly seeing that.

『It would be better to not talk at all from the beginning if you"re going to draw back just from this much. Well, as expected it"ll be appalling too to just leave this alone. Let us give you an advice here.』

After the Third said that they would give advice, the Sixth folded his arms and smiled. But his smile was different from usual. It was a warlike──a scary smile.

『There"s also the possibility that they"re just peeking from curiosity. If that"s the case then you don"t need to feel bothered at all. But, the problem is in case this is someone searching for prey. Or in the second case that they"re targeting Lyle and others.』

If it was the former case, then there was a possibility that the other side would change their target now that we noticed them.

But, if it was the latter case──what would they do if they thought that we noticed them?

The Seventh talked indifferently.

『They"ll attack forcefully. Or perhaps they"ll withdraw and wait for the next change. It"s also possible they might try something at the surface, but that won"t be amusing. Don"t you think so, Lyle?』

The Seventh who hated adventurer didn"t seem amused that we were being targeted.

Seeing me not saying anything, the Third placed his hands behind his neck and tilted his head.

『This kind of people is persistent. They"ll hara.s.s other people like it"s nothing. Can you allow your comrades to live in fear for the sake of people like that?』

Of course it wasn"t amusing. Of course it was unforgivable.

The ancestors were pressuring me.

The Fourth who I thought to be relatively moderate among the ancestors looked at me with his glinting eerily.

『Lyle, the situation is already at its final phase. Are you going to defeat them, or getting defeated……that"s the situation.』

The Fifth was expressionless.

『A battle isn"t something that start suddenly. It"ll be different if someone suddenly pick a fight with you, but there were various things before the situation became like this. Let"s see, you saved adventurers who were attacked by fellow adventurers. That was a good thing. But, you failed to notice. You underestimated the fact that there are malicious bunch inside the dungeon.』

The Sixth erased his smile.

『You also underestimated the fact that you were being followed. Did you think light of it, that there is no way they will go until this far? That"s no good. Completely no good.』

The Third swept back his blonde hair with his hand and showed his forehead.

Unlike the usual, there was dreadfulness in the Third"s expression.

He was a person who left his name in the history of Bahnseim.

I often forgot that from my impression of him being usually easygoing, but he was a person who had fought a lot more than someone like me.

『This is Lyle"s blunder. Before you rely on us, you should regret your own worthlessness. Originally you should increase the number of your comrades and investigate the enemy.』

Recently I obtained a lot of money throughout the process of developing Porter.

It made me stood out.

Starting from Novem, my comrades were all beautiful girls……there were a lot of things that would make us getting targeted.

The Fifth joined his fingers on the round table.

『It"ll only be a waste of time just blaming Lyle. It"s important how fast you move in this kind of situation. Also Lyle……can you, kill human?』

The Fifth"s gaze didn"t look like he was joking.

I strongly clenched the cloth on my chest.

It wasn"t like I forgot but, these people were feudal lord──people who had fought humans for real.

The Second said.

『Well, leave it to us. Something like this is our specialty.』

The Third was showing an expression that was different from usual.

『In that case I"m curious about the opponent"s movement.』

The Fourth"s shined ominously.

『Are they going to change their plan or not now that they"ve been found out……they have that convenient Art, surely until now they rarely got found out.』

The Fifth lowered his gaze.

『……They aren"t targeting prey here. You have to teach them that they"re chasing after a ferocious beast.』

I didn"t know whether the Sixth was delighted or angry.

『If they were spying just out of curiosity, give them the suitable punishment! If they"re picking a fight, they can"t complain even if we hit them back.』

The Seventh hid his lips with his clasped hand, but I could feel that he was smiling.

『Lyle, don"t feel any reservation toward these fineds. There isn"t any need of that. Let"s teach them who are they picking a fight with.』

Why were they this reliable only at this kind of time?

──The group of adventurers led by Zalsa was panicked.

Underground dungeon"s floor B27.

In front of the slanted road that was continuing to floor B28, Zalsa talked with a rough voice that was different from his usual behavior toward his comrade.

「They noticeeed? You a.s.shole, what do you mean by that!」

His comrade who had convenient Art for scouting and the like crouched while apologizing.

「Forgive me Zalssan! One girl noticed and then knife and flame hit. I couldn"t avoid them! I never thought that they would notice that quickly!」

The adventurer who was kicked became Zalsa"s comrade due to his talent.

He would create insect using his Art and sent it to gather information.

He became the eye and ear of Zalsa"s party using that information gathering ability.

Because he rarely failed until now, it made Zalsa became unable to suppress his irritation.

「This time there are also Benir and that s.h.i.tty brat! If I bungled up, they"ll laugh at me. You should know that this stupid idiot!」

His comrades held back Zalsa.

「Calm down Zalsa!」

「That"s right. Even like that they"re someone who has conquered floor B40. It"s not strange that they can do at least this much.」

「Now that it"s like this, we should contact the other──」

Zalsa shook free from his comrades and yelled angrily.

「"You didn"t notice little thing like those guys having convenient Art you said? This idiot!" Do you want me to get laughed by the others like that huh!? If we ask them for help like this, it"ll be like I"m saying "I"m stupid" you know that!」

Zalsa had also investigated Lyle before this. But, at that time Lyle was forbidden from using Art and kept failing when challenging the dungeon. Zalsa"s group was underestimating Lyle"s group.

Zalsa scratched his head roughly.

「Change of plan. If it like this, we"re gonna attack them. If we don"t let them rest and shave their stamina──」

Zalsa noticed something strange when he spoke until that far.

「──What? What sound is this?」

The adventurer who was in charge of gathering information stood up from the ground and opened his eyes wide.

「It"s those guys. Zalssan, they"re heading here──」

At that time the aforementioned large box that seemed to be called Porter climbed the slanted path from floor B28 and showed its appearance.

Zalsa and others ran away from there seeing its size and the group scattered.

Several people were sent flying by Porter.

Porter stopped and a single young man came down.

The blue haired man was one of the targets of Zalsa"s group.

He was a man so there was no problem to kill him.

While everyone was shocked and couldn"t stand up from fear, Zalsa pulled out the rapier on his waist and howled.

「What the h.e.l.l you"re doing! This guy is Lyle! Kill him!」

Zalsa didn"t notice Lyle narrowing his gaze when he saw the rapier.

Zalsa"s comrades took up their weapons one after another and attacked Lyle.

Lyle stood while behind him Porter was parked horizontally to block the pa.s.sage, blocking the escape path.

His comrades attacked Lyle. When Lyle was gone from view, Zalsa made a vulgar smile.

「With this no one will laugh at me! After this I"m gonna play with the remaining girls!」

Zalsa was already thinking about what he was going to do with the remaining members inside his mind, but the next moment, he saw his comrades falling on the ground and stiffened with his mouth hanging open.

His comrades on the ground were bleeding and moaning.

Just now three people attacked at the same time. They were people whose strength was top ranked among them. It was completely unimaginable that they would be defeated this easily.

Lyle had two sabers in his hands.

He used two-sword style, furthermore the saber in his right hand was pointed at Zalsa.

「……You"re the leader?」

The others were recoiling seeing their stronger fighters defeated.

Zalsa instinctually noticed.

(Dangerous. This guy is dangerous!)

Zalsa"s comrades couldn"t move even though they were facing Lyle alone. If he took the wrong respond at this kind of time, one, then two people would run away, then at the end the group would lose cohesion and crumbled.

The gazes of the surrounding toward Zalsa were saying 「If it"s Zalsa he can win」. He had no choice but to fight here.

They were a group that targeted fellow adventurers like bandit.

Smart head was necessary to lead that kind of people, but more than that it was strength that was important. He could throw his weight around and order them because he was stronger than anyone.

(G.o.dd.a.m.n it. This trashes!)

He couldn"t let his guard down even against his comrades. If he showed even the slightest opening, Zalsa knew that they would bare their fang toward him.

Because he had also did the same until now.

Zalsa slowly took a breath.

There was smell of blood.

The smell of his comrades" blood.

But, that was also a familiar scent for him until now. He had attacked dozens of adventurer party and acted with complete heinousness to obtain valuables.

(You s.h.i.tty brat! I"ll kill your comrades especially slowly. I"ll torture them till they cry and beg me to stop!)

He tidied his hair with his hand and took a stance with his rapier.

He had a beautiful stance that didn"t suit his personality.

「You"re trying too hard to look cool. I"ll praise your foolhardiness to attack a group this big by yourself.」

Lyle didn"t move.

His blue eyes and the blue Jewel hanging from his neck shined.

「Don"t pretend. I"ve listened to the conversation of you guys. There"re various things that I want to ask.」

Zalsa laughed slightly.

「Isn"t it fine even if we have some leeway to enjoy a bit of talk? If not──」

Using a movement that only looked like he was taking a small step, Zalsa slipped until Lyle"s bosom. He was convinced of his victory.

(Stupid! I"m a famous swordsman even in Arumsaas!)

Zalsa was certainly known as a distinguished swordsman even in Arumsaas. That was because he joined a famous dojo, obtained the certificate of his full mastery, and his strength was acknowledged.

He chose rapier because he had the skill to target and stab at the armor"s opening.

Zalsa liked seeing his opponent in pain after he stabbed them through their protector"s opening.

However, Lyle deflected Zalsa"s stab with his saber.

(Wha, what-!?)

Zalsa instantly took distance from Lyle. Cold sweat trickled on his cheek.

(He can keep up with my speed? Is that his Art? Or else a magic tool?)

He didn"t hear that his opponent possessed magic tool.

Besides, since coming to Arumsaas, he heard that Lyle didn"t join any dojo.

He thought that Lyle could handle sword somewhat, but this was surpa.s.sing his imagination.

「You"ve good skill to be able to keep up with the thrust just now. How about it, will you become our comrade?」

Lyle quietly took a stance with his saber.

Zalsa gestured exaggeratedly to show his disappointment in order to show to the surrounding that he had the fight in the bag.

「I thought we would be able to get along though.」

He stepped forward and launched thrust in succession.

Sparks scattered from the clash of the swords of the two.

Impatience was growing in Zalsa"s heart each time he crossed sword with Lyle.

(What"s with this strength. What the h.e.l.l!)

Lyle dodged leisurely even when he feinted or attacked with full strength.

Because Zalsa was desperately attacking, to his comrades it looked like he was in advantage and they were getting excited.

However, Zalsa himself was looking at Lyle as though he was facing a monster.

None of his attack worked. The technique he had didn"t work.

He grabbed the sand he was hiding in his sleeve with his left hand, but before he could throw the sand, it was slashed together with his left hand.


Pain ran through his left hand, the wound felt hot.

He aimed at Lyle"s face with the rapier in his right hand, but that was also dodged and he got hit with a headb.u.t.t instead.

(Thi, this b.a.s.t.a.r.d!)

Lyle not only fought using well-mannered sword technique, Zalsa sensed that he was also well versed with real combat and his sense of danger was growing stronger.

He took a distance and used the back of his right hand to wipe his nose. Blood was flowing from there.

「Zalsa is losing?」

「Do, don"t be stupid. This might be his usual acting.」

「That"s right, this is obviously Zalssan"s game!」

Sometimes he would perform a farce where he made the opponent felt convinced that they would win before showing his true strength from there. The reason he was doing something like that because it was fun seeing the opponent getting

But, right now was different.

(What the h.e.l.l. Who the h.e.l.l said that this guy is just a n.o.ble from the sticks. How is this guy this strong at this age……hm?)

But, Zalsa noticed.

Lyle didn"t deal the finishing blow on Zalsa even though their difference of strength was this great.

When he looked at his defeated comrades, they were still groaning. ……They were alive.

And then, although Lyle was really used to fight, he was really young.

(……Kuku, kukukuh! I see. So that"s it.)

Thinking carefully, he was alone here without any of his comrades was also understandable.

There was no sign of Lyle"s comrades attacking from behind while their eyes were focused on Lyle.

In other words this was──.

「You……never killed someone before huh.」

Lyle"s expression distorted slightly.

Zalsa laughed.

「There"re people like you huh! Those who hesitate to kill human even though they had seriously studied to kill monster! So you"re also like that.」

Lyle stayed silent.

Zalsa stopped pretending to be gentleman and laughed with an ugly face.

「You guys are really stupid. You can"t kill human even though you will kill monster? Idiot! It doesn"t change that it"s still killing, what the h.e.l.l you"re doing putting on airs. Well, thanks to that you won"t be able to win against me though.」

Adventurers with strong avoidance of killing human were mainly young adventurer or honest adventurer.

If someone was living as adventurer, there would also be times when they were recruited into battlefield.

But, there were adventurers who were avoiding from fighting people.

Zalsa couldn"t understand them.

If they were adventurers then hunting their fellow adventurers would be more profitable. Fruits of labor from defeating a lot of monsters with hard work and gathering materials could be obtained wholly just from a single battle.

They could also sell the equipments and tools of the adventurers they defeated with high price.

If they went to battlefield they would attack village and ransack it.

Zalsa and his group were no different from bandit.

「I don"t know which spoiled young master of countryside n.o.ble you are but, are you intending to stick to chivalry? Just keep sticking with that lofty spirit and die, stuu~pid!」

Zalsa slashed at Lyle──.

──The place was floor B29.

Novem and others who changed their campsite were waiting while being fully armed.

They were staying vigilant thinking that they might get targeted too.

Miranda had laid out wires on the entrance. It became a set up to prevent intruder from coming in.

Aria who was shouldering her lance sensed approaching footsteps.

「Someone"s coming. This is, Miranda and others? It looks like they aren"t riding Porter.」

The group that returned to the room was Miranda, Shannon, and then Poyopoyo who was making a dissatisfied face.

Miranda entered the room and then she redid the wires that were taken off.

Novem instantly asked when she saw only the three of them returned.

「Where"s Lyle-sama!?」

Miranda shook her head.

「He insisted that we returned. There wasn"t even any time to persuade him. He charged ahead alone.」

Novem glared at Poyopoyo with an expression that was sterner than usual.

「You escaped leaving behind your master?」

Poyopoyo replied to Novem also with a dissatisfied look.

「Even I insisted to stay behind! But I was told that these two won"t be able to return safely without me……I cannot go against order.」

Her last words conveyed how she wasn"t coming back here willingly.

Shannon was looking around in a dither.

「He, hey……it"ll be fine right? That guy went off alone but, he will return alive right?」

Sophia made a face as though she had bitten something bitter hearing that question.

「Shouldn"t we immediately go to a.s.sist? The number of the enemy is unmistakably a lot isn"t it?」

Miranda told her the exact number.

「From what Shannon and Poyopoyo detected, there were 25 people. Well, the number in just that place was 25 people. They seemed to be fl.u.s.tered, but I wonder how is the situation there right now.」

The ability of Shannon"s mystic eyes was to see mana and manipulate it. Even if someone was far away, she was able to eavesdrop at conversation using the vibration of mana.

Shannon looked down and clutched her skirt.

「Those guys, it seems they still have other comrades.」

Novem tightly gripped her staff and moved to leave the room, but Miranda caught her shoulder.

「Can you let go? I don"t have any time to entertain you.」

Miranda"s expression was unruffled even with Novem glaring at her.

「Oh, are you unable to believe in your precious Lyle-sama?」

Novem was in opposition of this plan from the start.

She agreed because Lyle said that they would only check the situation and returned if the situation seemed difficult.

She wasn"t told that he would charge ahead by himself.

「Because he is precious to me I cannot abandon him. That was why I was opposing this. Why is every time something like this──」

Aria also moved to act.

「I"ll go ahead to help Lyle.」

Sophia also shouldered her battle axe.

「If I manipulate my weight, I can lighten myself and have Aria carry me. Perhaps we"ll make it in time if we go with the two of us.」

Clara slightly looked down.

「Supporter isn"t useful at this kind of time. But I think I"ll be able to drive Porter if you bring me.」

Everyone was saying they would go to where Lyle was, but this time Poyopoyo stood at the entrance and spread open her arms to not let them go.

Aria grabbed Poyopoyo"s shoulders , but she didn"t even give an inch.

「Wait! Why are you in the way? Are you really broken in actuality!?」

Poyopoyo shook her head.

「This is chicken d.i.c.kwad"s order. I won"t let anyone pa.s.s.」

Novem bared her hostility. She readied her wand and prepared to use magic.

Sophia held Novem back.

「Novem-san wait!」

「Let go. I"m going to Lyle-sama"s side.」

Shannon hugged Miranda in fear. Miranda lifted her up and sat her down on a crate.

When she herself also sat down, everyone"s gaze gathered on her.

It was Aria who yelled at Miranda.

「Just what are you doing at this kind of time!」

Miranda showed her composure and smiled at Aria.

「I"m just waiting quietly.」

"You don"t understand from looking?" Her att.i.tude seemed to say that. Novem was quietly ama.s.sing her anger.

「……Mirandsan, it seems you"re lying about wanting to become Lyle-sama"s number one . From your att.i.tude, are you thinking that it"s alright even if Lyle-sama die?」

Miranda objected at the expressionless Novem.

「That"s a joke. I"m still aiming for that position even now. I"m only waiting her just as I was told. I"m respecting Lyle"s opinion.」

Sophia criticized Miranda with a strong tone.

「That"s the same with not doing anything! That"s no different from abandoning him!」

Shannon clung at Miranda and looked like she wanted to cry. Everyone softened their tone for a bit seeing that.

However, Lyle might be facing danger while they were doing this.

Novem glanced at Poyopoyo.

(It will take time to destroy this automaton and rush to Lyle-sama"s side. But, there is no other──)

She didn"t pay any mind to the string Miranda created from the start, as though they were meaningless.

When she was about to take action that she thought to be the best in order to save Lyle, Miranda looked at Novem with a smile.

「You all, believe in Lyle for a bit.」

Novem stopped moving hearing those words.

「……What do you want to say?」

「Certainly he is ignorant of the world and there"re many times when he is careless. His mental age is also about the same like Shannon I guess? He looks unreliable, so I can understand your feeling of not wanting to leave him alone.」

Miranda tilted her head and then she spoke provocatively to everyone.

「But you know, the Lyle that I love……will overcome something of this level.」

Novem turned toward Miranda.

「Can you take responsibility if something happen to Lyle-sama?」

「That might happen but, I think the possibility is low. Poyopoyo, does Lyle looks weak from your perspective? You think he is going to lose against those guys?」

Poyopoyo protected the entrance while answering.

「Chicken d.i.c.kwad is weak? That"s not true. Even if he was actually weak, this Poyopoyo has supported him for these several months in meal, sleep, and training. There is no way he is weak.」

Aria bluntly spoke what was in her mind.

「It only looked like he was making strange pose and dancing. I thought that perhaps he was doing acrobatics training.」

Sophia and Clara also nodded.

Shannon was feeling plainly shocked that they were thinking like that.

Poyopoyo let out a deep sigh, and then she lifted her face.

「So you are looking down on this Poyopoyo. Well, it can"t be helped though that everyone is judging this cute Poyopoyo from her outside appearance. These several months chicken d.i.c.kwad wasn"t playing around. Him losing──is impossible.」

Poyopoyo was convinced of Lyle"s victory──.


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