
Chapter 19 - The Dragon Slayer

Chapter 19 - The Dragon Slayer

At the first floor of the guild it was bustling under the light source hanging on the ceiling.

The adventurers were selling the monster material they obtained, while the merchants were buying up those. There were also the average citizen coming here purchasing material from merchant or adventurer.

Our party──me, Novem, Arisan, and Sophisan who were led by Zelphy-san were showing and selling materials to a merchant while under her watch.

「Excuse me, we want to sell.」

The merchant looked not at me but turned his gaze to Zelphy-san first before looking at me and making a smile.

「A lot of them are in bad condition. If it"s like this their price will be cheap even if there are a lot of them. Besides, recently the price is going down. They only barely worth two silvers I think.」

The price decreased? Previously we brought fewer amount than this and they were still sold with the price of two silver coins and a bit more.

「Then, that"s fi──」


Zelphy-san stopped me. The merchant was also laughing.

「Lad, as merchant we will be happy if you believe anything we say but, you should negotiate a bit. It makes me feels bad like this.」

The Fourth"s slightly strict voice came from inside the Jewel.

『Lyle, at this kind of time you can just say that there is also other merchant so you will try at another place. If it"s me I"ll be able to sell it for three silver coins!』

No, I"m not the Fourth so that"s impossible for me. Then, the Third laughed.

『Isn"t it fine. Failure is also an important experience. Let"s watch over him more.』

Then the First spoke between them.

『If you want more money you can just defeat more monster isn"t it?』

As always he only had brute force approach in mind.

Zelphy-san talked to the merchant.

「We defeated thirty. It shouldn"t be a bad transaction for you too with that many gathered like this right?」

The merchant laughed.

「You ain"t wrong. I"ll give you two silver coins and twenty large copper coins then.」

「Thirty coins!」

「Twenty five coins!」

The two bargained like that and at the end Zelphy-san secured two silver coins and twenty five silver coins.

We accepted the silver and large copper coins, and then we immediately headed to the guild staff"s place in order to sell the magic stones.

Zelphy-san looked around while speaking.

「That uncle can still be talked with. There is also other more terrible person than him, so let"s try to sell there next time. There will be difference depending on the region too, but this kind of bargaining can be applied anywhere. Also, don"t completely believe a merchant"s words. Understand?」

I nodded to her words. Then we lined up in a line where adventurers were queuing, then Zelphy-san also talked to Novem and others.

「You three too, it"s no good if you leave everything to Lyle. Everyone have to be able to do something like this. Learn it properly okay?」

And then Zelphy-san"s gaze returned to me.

「Also, this is a good timing. Look at the guy in the front.」

Ahead of my gaze, there was an adventurer trying to bargain about the magic stone transaction with the guild staff.

「Come on, please. If it"s forty large copper coins, it will be fine if you make it into a silver coin right?」

「I"m telling you, I cannot do such thing. The buying price is fixed!」

Zelphy-san talked to me while watching the conversation of the two.

「Remember this Lyle. Tax is also taken from magic stone transaction. That"s the way of Dalien. And then, the guild staff isn"t a merchant. That"s why you cannot negotiate the price with them.」

The queuing adventurers were getting irritated while watching the adventurer who was in the middle of bargaining.

The standpoint of merchant who was purchasing material and the guild that was handling the magic stone was different.

「I"ll keep it in mind.」

Saying that, I waited until my turn came.

──The girls left the first floor of the guild and headed toward the nearby bathhouse.

Their body and equipment were dirtied by slime liquid, and they were also sweaty. There was also mud and the like dirtying them. They were really in a horrible state.

Many adventurers would clean themselves after selling material and magic stone at the guild.

Novem, Aria, and also Sophia were led by Zelphy to soak themselves in the bathtub at the bathhouse.

「Aah, this moment really is the best. Putting down the luggage and heading to the bar after this is also the best. You girls, are you drinking?」

Novem shook her head. Aria didn"t really have good impression toward alcohol so she looked down. It was because her father was living a life of drinking every day.

On the contrary Sophia didn"t think anything of it. She wasn"t but…….

「You mean like the wine used in cooking?」

Zelphy pressed her head with her hand.

「That"s not drinking, it"s only for use of cooking there.」

Around the four who were soaking inside the bathtub there were also other female adventurers cleaning themselves. They had sunburn skin. Damaged hair. There were also many scars on their body. Zelphy was also the same.

On the contrary the skin of Novem and the other two were white and pretty.

Just from that the surrounding judged that the three of them were novice. But, Zelphy was with them so no one tried anything strange like picking a quarrel.

One female adventurer approached near Zelphy.

「Nee-san, so it"s true that you are doing babysitting job.」

The female adventurer who was Zelphy"s acquaintance had slender figure. She had a towel wrapped on her head, but her body was completely exposed.

The surrounding was in similar state.

「That"s right. I"m not gonna let you try anything with them okay?」

「There isn"t anyone who"ll go against Nee-san here in Dalien. More importantly, can I ask you one thing?」


The female adventurer turned her gaze at Novem and the other two.

「The one Nee-san is teaching is that "womanizer" guy isn"t it?」

Apparently she was asking about Lyle. Novem was soaking herself in the bathtub while focusing her ear. Aria too also seemed curious.

Surely she wanted to know what the surrounding thought about Lyle. As for Sophia she seemed to only care about paying back her debt. She didn"t show any interest to Lyle"s nickname and woman relationships.


「Ah, as I thought! I want to ask a bit. Is that guy amazing at night just as expected? You know, he look like he can"t hurt a fly but he don"t let any woman around him get away from him through that way, or something! Which is it?」

As expected even Sophia also blushed hearing that. Aria became bright red and looked toward Novem. But, Novem was smiling calmly at her and shook her head.

When the talk became a dirty talk, the surrounding female adventurers were also listening. Zelphy sighed.

「You, that"s not something you should ask so brazenly.」

「Isn"t it fine, Nee-san won"t lose anything from answering it. Besides, it"s becoming a topic even at my party. This is the kind of story that make everyone heated up.」

The reason why male adventurer didn"t harbor romantic emotion toward their fellow adventurer of the opposite s.e.x──that was the female adventurer"s masculine transformation. In case where a party was staying somewhere overnight for a job, there would be time where they would be unable to take a bath. They wouldn"t be able to take care of their skin or hair.

There would also be case where male and female couldn"t take action separately, where the female couldn"t help from showing their skin in front of their comrades. Because of that, their sense of shame was fading.

If it was young male adventurer then perhaps they would get stimulated, but if the female group didn"t even look embarra.s.sed when doing that, then before anyone knew it their comrades would also perceive the females not as woman but as comrade.

Naturally, the females also grew to be able to do dirty talk.

When that happened, a lot of the male adventurers would become unable to consider their fellow adventurer of the opposite s.e.x as woman no matter what.

「It"s because you"re like this that man ran away from you.」

「Nee-san is cruel! Just because you had caught for yourself an ordinary person who don"t know anything!」

Zelphy stood up and pointed her finger at the female adventurer and spoke loudly. Water splashed and caught Sophia"s face. Sophia wiped it with her hand.

「Don"t say it like it"s something scandalous! It"s fine if you just give up chasing after a man of the same profession and look at other place!」

The other side also stood up and argued.

「I don"t like anyone weak! Besides, there were also cases of marriage between fellow adventurer!」

The two who were arguing and the female adventurers at the surrounding who were watching them while cackling. They didn"t have this thing called shame.

Sophia looked around her and muttered.

「Good grief. They should have a bit more shame.」

Aria also agreed with that opinion as expected.

「Yo, you"re right. I also cannot understand this atmosphere.」

But, only Novem thought of something different.

(Unexpectedly these two might get infected by this atmosphere soon though.)

She thought──.

I who was holding on the luggage near the bathhouse"s entrance was killing time by watching the people walking on the street at night.

「The four of them are slow.」

I cleaned myself and soaked in the bathtub, but I got bothered by the gaze of my surrounding and left early. Now I"m waiting for the girl"s group here.

The Fourth said to me.

『It"s because woman takes their time at various things. Lyle, make sure to not show it on your face. Women are sharp. They will snap at us no question asked if we showed even a little bit of dissatisfaction.』

The Fifth snorted at the Fourth.

『Fitting words for a certain hen-pecked husband.』

The inside of the Jewel was enveloped in a tense atmosphere again, so I sighed while staring at the town.

Adventurers were leaving the bathhouse"s entrance, met up with their comrades who were waiting outside and returned back. There were people who had smiling face, and also people who looked dejected.

It was clear from a glace which one had good or bad earning. There were also people in a daze among them. There were also adventurers who headed to the guild after taking a bath.

There were also adventurers who only borrowed the place to wash equipment and tools in the bathhouse before returning. Various kinds of people were coming and going one after another.

And then, the four with Zelphy-san who looked like in a bad mood came out.

They were holding their luggage and dressed more lightly compared to when going out of the city. They were giving sweet smell faintly. Besides, the appearance of the four made my heart beat slightly faster.

The seven people inside the Jewel were getting excited. Everyone was male, so they often talked about s.e.xual topic like this.]

『Adventurer is nice isn"t it. As I thought their waist is great.』

『Ee~, not their b.u.t.t? In that area, among these four it"s Novem-chan who is the best I think?』

『You don"t get it. Breast and b.u.t.t are just decoration. Slender body is the best!』

『Balance is important right?』

『It"s breast. Breast! In that aspect, Novem and Sophia have a big one.』

『For me it"s the nape of the neck……Sophia who usually hide her skin by wearing robe has a nice nape.』

Why do I have to listen to the preference of my ancestors? This was a topic that the girls mustn"t hear no matter what.

Sophisan who didn"t expose her skin with her robe bundled her hair after taking a bath. Certainly her nape was visible. My heart beat slightly harder.

Arisan too was dressed lightly and exposed a lot of skin. It"s troubling where to look at her body.


「What"s the matter Lyle?」

Sophisan and Arisan noticed my gaze. Inside the Jewel the ancestors were pa.s.sionately conversing about their preference. It seemed they had no time to give me advice.

『Stupid idiot! Arichan"s breast has a future! There is possibility that it will grow bigger!』

『At her age even if it become bigger, it won"t be able to surpa.s.s Novem or Sophia. Knowing when to give up is also important, First.』

The First and the Sixth heatedly argued about woman"s breast. I absolutely don"t want to listen to this kind of conversation.

「N, no, it"s nothing.」

Then Zelphy-san shouldered her luggage and told us to return. Zelphy-san needed to report to the guild, so she returned there.

「Now then, we are finished for today. It"s holiday for you tomorrow, but take care to not be late the day after tomorrow. Then, I"ll return to the guild.」

The four of us watched Zelphy-san left, the Novem approached me. She had the sweet scent from just taking a bath.

「Lyle-sama, do you want to eat outside after we put our luggage?」

There was a dining hall at the inn we are using, but Novem recommended to eat outside. No, isn"t it eating outside even when eating at the inn? Such trivial thing surfaced in my mind but I nodded at Novem.

「Outside? If that"s what Novem said then fine.」

「Yes. We have finally formed an adventurer party, so I"m thinking for us to have group gathering around here and deepen our relationship.」

Certainly, until now all of us would go our own way after we finished with the work. Arisan was staying in an inn that Zelphy-san recommended, while Sophisan was also staying in a different inn from us.

There was also party with the members staying under the same roof. That way would be more efficient, but as expected a lot of adventurer wanted privacy.

Besides, there was also party where the relationship of the members was strictly professional.

If pushed to say, our party is close to be a party with simple working relationship. After all the number of our comrades had just suddenly increased.

We didn"t understand how to get along with each other. We didn"t understand the proper sense of distance in a relationship.

「I, guess. It might be good to do that occasionally.」

Arisan played with her hair while blushing slightly. Did she feel dizzy after taking a bath? Sophisan was looking indifferent.

「Then, let"s decide where to meet and when.」

Novem looked a bit troubled at Sophisan who was like that, but we talked with them and decided the meeting place and the time.

We chose a bustling restaurant and finished our meal before breaking up.

No, I said breaking up but I did escort them home and now I was walking with Novem on the street at night to return to our inn. A saber was hanging on my waist for precaution just in case.

Dalien was considered to have good public order, but I still cannot let my guard down. We chose street with many people and bright lighting as much as possible while walking back.

Novem spoke to me.

「The cooking today was delicious. It feels fresh to taste different seasoning than the usual.」


「But, we didn"t really talk with each other. That"s a bit unfortunate.」

「It was our first time, wasn"t that normal?」

「I wish that we can get along a bit more with each other though.」

Novem"s troubled smile made felt like I was being criticized somehow. Would it be better if I conversed with the others more skillfully?

The Fourth"s dissatisfied voice came from inside the Jewel.

『Haa, Lyle……you shouldn"t wait for the other party to talk to you, you should take initiative to start the talk more……』

The First interrupted the Fourth.

『……Somehow, the meals here are always extravagant. No matter where you go the food will have more variety and quant.i.ty compared to my era. And yet the price is also cheap. Is this the norm right now?』

It was the Sixth who answered him.

『Various things had entered into Bahnseim after all. The farming method changed, and then potato also entered this country and the amount of harvest also increased. I heard that compared to in the past, the number of populace that can be supported also doubled.』

Certainly it as written in book that with the improvement of farming method and introduction of crop that could be raised even in an infertile land, the food situation was improved. It was also written that since that time development like magic tool and the like was also progressing.

The Fifth talked nostalgically.

『At my era, or rather it was also included in the era of the Fourth. Well, thanks to a certain someone who created various special products and worked hard to earn money, our financial situation could hold on somehow.』

The Fourth explained proudly.

『The price of food will decrease if the production increase after all. I worked hard trying various things.』

The Fourth"s skill in domestic affairs was evaluated highly, but to think that in reality he was a person who was noisy when it came to money……no, perhaps he succeeded in domestic affairs because he was that kind of person.

The Fourth muttered. His voice sounded happy somewhere inside.

『I see. Right now you can eat till your stomach is full if you want it.』

The Second muttered with a slightly complicated expression.

『Well, that"s because we worked hard at our era. Let"s just feel glad that our descendants don"t need to go through such hardship.』

The Fourth spoke with a bit tired look.

『But, thanks to that another different problem appeared.』

The First spoke once more.

『Even so, it"s better than going hungry. ……Lyle, give me a bit of your time for a bit too today.』

I received summon from the First.

Inside the Jewel.

It was the memory room of the First. We pa.s.sed through the door behind the chair of the First in the round table room, there the scenery of a village somewhere stretched out.

It was a place that really suite the word tranquil. Mother nature spread out at the surrounding.

The First walked in front of me and muttered with a voice that was audible to me while looking at such scenery.

『It was after around ten years pa.s.sed. At that time, I made the savage tribe around this area to follow me. Look, it"s those guys over there. They got taught how to do farming work. Those guys could only hunt, but when winter came they said that they got no food. Then plow the field, I told them with a punch.』

Certainly, at the direction the First pointed at, there was a group with difference clothing than the villagers.

They were listening about farming with a troubled face while holding hoe.

However, I think it"s not just my imagination that the First looked more like a savage tribe.

「The scale of the village has become really big isn"t it?」

The First scratched his head hearing my words.

『Well, at first it was only the scale of around a hundred people, but certainly the number increased yeah. The number of brat also increased, the surrounding savage tribes followed me……was it three or four hundred? But you know, most of these guys were hunter who never plowed a field. They were reliable when monster or bandit came, but other than that they really couldn"t do anything.』

The First must have it hard. Savage tribe──people who weren"t under the rule of Bahnseim Kingdom until now were plowing the field with trouble.

『I went independent in order to marry my first love Alice-san. But you know, there was also another reason.』

「Another reason?」

『Yeah, that"s right. I was the third son of a capital n.o.ble. A spare of the spare of the heir. Do you get it?』

I looked down, unable to guess what the First wanted to tell me. But, the First laughed.

『Don"t mind it! You only have a single little sister after all. Well, it"s that. The treatment I got was rough. I don"t know who got it worse though, you who was never troubled of getting to eat or me.』

It seemed when the First was young, his treatment was rough compared to his two older brothers. Besides, he lived in a situation where they were troubled of what to eat and he still remembered his hunger at that time even now.

『When I was little, I would go outside with the brats in the neighborhood to go outside and defeated monster, then brought the magic stone to the guild. It was to fill my stomach even for a little bit. When my parents knew what I did they punched me. They called me a "disgrace". In Bahnseim, you will get looked down even if you were only copying adventurer. It was also an extreme era.』

Walt House at that time, even if they called themselves a capital n.o.ble but their peerage rank was the lowest, and they also had no official post in government.

Even their income must be scarce. Capital n.o.ble would receive annuity from the palace. But, a house without official position couldn"t receive that much. Even a n.o.ble house with inheritable t.i.tle would have difficult life if they didn"t have any official post.

『I wanted to eat until I"m full. That was why, when I decided to become a feudal lord, I wanted to have a lot of farms so I could eat till I"m full.』

However, the reality was different. The First subdued the savage tribe with his fist, it must be really hard to make them raise crops.

『When I became able to eat a little better, my house in the capital told me to give them money, give them food. The savage tribes I gathered also started to complain that it"s better to hunt rather than farming. No one would d.a.m.n listen to what I said.』

I looked around at the scenery and got a question.

「Eh? But, the scenery looks like it"s going well though?」

The First turned only his face to look at me.

『Yeah, it"s because of this.』

The surrounding was dyed grey and the scenery changed. The scenery became a place that was laid waste. The farm was trampled by the front leg of a gigantic monster.

It had four legs and a head that was like a large boulder. The monster that raised its head and roared was a land dragon that didn"t have the ability to fly──it was said that among monsters that were called dragon, this was a type that was relatively easy to defeat.

But, the preface was that it was relatively easy to defeat compared to other dragons.

Its upper body was muscular and st.u.r.dy, while its lower body was thin and small. If the upper body and the lower body were detached, the parts would look like they came from different monsters.

It had grey color and rugged skin. And then what was distinctive about it was its head which had shape that was called hammer head.

The surrounding scenery was starting to be colored and the land dragon charged forward to trample the village.

「It"s bigger than what I read in book. Also, I heard that normally its more brown and yet……could it be, a subspecies!?」

The First declared in respond to my words.

『You think I know about that! But, at that time what was in my mind was──』

While watching, the armed savage tribe and villagers were getting sent flying by the dragon. Crying voice and scream resounded through the village.

There, the First──Basil came shouldering a single edge great sword that looked like a lump of iron. The size of the subspecies land dragon looked to be more than thirty meter from its head until its tail.

In front of such gigantic monster, Basil laughed.

He laughed, and then──.

『This guy is my prey. You guys don"t get involved!』

He held his great sword with both hands and took a stance. The size of the great sword was almost as big as the First"s own body. Just what was he thinking that he created a weapon like this……no, a weapon suddenly came to mind.

「Is it a Zanbatohorse beheading sword? I once saw it in a book.」

It was a weapon to bisect a knight along with the horse the knight was riding on. Few people could handle it, on top of that it was really heavy so even transporting it was hard.

The First grinned.

『It was cheap, so I bought it.』

Its length was like an adult human, and its width also easily more than 60 centimeter. It was also quiet thick. It made me wanted to question the craftsman why they created weapon like this.

But, when Basil took a stance holding that lump of iron with both hands and slashed at the land dragon, the enemy"s charge stopped.

The First was terribly small compared to the land dragon, but he faced it right from the front.

「Err……I read in the book that normally you have to circle around and defeat it from behind though?」

The First was looking at his past self while touching his chin with his hand. He was criticizing his past self, like 『There is no technique there』 or 『Aim at its joint more』.

『Haa? Is that so? But look there……it"s dragon you know? If you are a man then you"ll want to fight it right from the front!』

The First laughed "gahagaha". Looking at his made me felt headache.

The past Basil fighting the land dragon in the tranquil village was also laughing. Before long, bluish white light overflowed from his body. He must be using the Art Limit Burst that he taught me.

He swung around his great sword and overwhelmed the land dragon.

However, even though the land dragon"s skin was shaved, the attack didn"t reach until its flesh. It felt like it would be over quickly if the First went around and attacked from behind but…….

Even so he fought it from the front. When the land dragon hit the ground with its head like a hammer, Basil jumped behind.

The land dragon"s eyes glared at Basil. The ground was gouged, indicating the fierceness of the two side"s battle.

Basil pointed the great sword"s tip at the land dragon. He was breathing and sweating heavily. But, Basil was still laughing.

『Bring it on, you lizard b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I"ll show you my trump card, AAAAAA!!』

It bothered me a bit but, could it be at that time Basil──the First didn"t realize that his opponent was a dragon? N, no, as expected there is no way that"s true……perhaps.

The pattern surfacing on Basil"s body blew off, and bluish white light enveloped his body like a flame.

「Is that, the third stage? But, is it really that different from before?」

The Art that was recorded in blue Jewel was called support type. It wasn"t really related with direct attack, but support type was a gathering of convenient Arts.

But, the First declared to me.

『It doesn"t matter what kind of Art it is, if you master it──if you reach the third stage it will become usable Art. Well, there is a bit of problem with using this one though……』

The First didn"t talk what that problem was, but the Basil inside the memory moved.

He shouldered his great sword and leaped up, then the impact of his jump gouged the ground. Right after that, the left front leg of the land dragon was cut off and rotated in the air.

The First looked up to the sky. I followed his gaze a beat later and there was Basil"s figure there.

『I"ll stuff your head as decoration in my mansion!』

He raised his great sword overhead and then added with the speed of his falling, Basil swung down the great sword on the land dragon. When the great sword pierced the ground, the ground was gouged even larger than when the land dragon"s head struck the ground.

When the bluish white light that wrapped around his body like flame settled down, Basil shouldered his great sword. The land dragon"s head fell on the ground and the blood overflowing from the neck showered Basil.

Basil"s left hand wiped his face and then he leaped on the head that fell on the ground.

When he lifted his great sword, the surrounding villagers and savage tribe cheered loudly.

『I displayed my strength. That"s why the guys around me followed me. Well, simple right?』

「Ha, haa, I see. Or rather, that……could it be what the First wanted to tell me today is, become a "dragon slayer", is it?」

I"ll be troubled if I"m told to defeat a dragon just like this. The current me wasn"t so strong I could fight a dragon right from the front.

However, the First was exasperated.

『Idiot, that ain"t it. Well, if you are a man it won"t be any loss if you become able to at least defeat a dragon though.』

The man of the First"s standard apparently had to be a mighty warrior as the essential condition. A young boy rushed out from among the villagers who were cheering.

From the boy"s face he must be the Second──Cra.s.sel.

『Dad is amazing! I also want to become like dad!』

Basil became slightly embarra.s.sed seeing Cra.s.sel running around in high spirits.

『I, I see.』

At that point the scenery was dyed grey once more and the time stopped.

And then, the First said. He folded his arms and looked up to the sky.

『I think it was at this time. Rather than thinking that I want to eat until I"m full……my thinking changed to I want to make him eat, until his stomach is full. Before that, I was only frantically rampaging around with my broken heart……really I wonder why. It was at this time.』

The First continued speaking.

『Lyle, you were able to eat until you felt full right?』

「Eh? Ah, yes. I was able to eat until I was full but……」

Surely that was something to be happy about. I didn"t even realize that until now but, I was blessed.

『I see, then that"s fine. Then……that"s fine. That"s why, you too work hard so the people around you can eat until they"re full.』

He must meant Arisan and others by that.

I understood what the First wanted to tell me, but I said my honest feeling.

「Honestly, I still haven"t sort out my feeling whether to accept her. When I"m still thinking that it"s difficult even with just Novem alone, adding one more person on top of that is……besides, right now there is also Sophisan too.」

The First laughed.

『Ain"t that right! That was shocking. You, even though you are my descendant, women are flocking to you, just what"s with that huh?』

The First laughed, but his tone became a bit serious.

『Can I rely on you, to take care of Arichan?』

「She said that she want to become adventurer, so I will accompany her along with Sophisan until they become able to stand on their own. But, I"m wondering whether it"s alright to drag them into my objective.」

When I said that I would become adventurer, and then the events that made me reached that decision……if it was seen from the outside, surely it wasn"t something praiseworthy.

It was simply, because it was a quick way to earn money, that"s all.

However, the First clapped my shoulder.

『Idiot! That"s alright! Someone like me volunteered into a reclamation group just because I wanted my first love to look at me, because I wanted to eat until I"m full. But, if you"re a man then after this you"ve to decide what you will do from there.』

「What will I do, from here?」

What could I do, I who lost against my little sister Celes and got driven out from house. Besides, just what is it that I want to do?

The First clapped my shoulders hard repeatedly.

『That"s right! Search what is it that you want to do. Also……and also. Make Arichan happy for me. I cannot do it after all.』

In order for the current ancestors who were only recording right now to get involved with the outside world, my help was necessary no matter what. They couldn"t do anything by themselves.

「……I"ll do the best that I can.」

The First didn"t look convinced but, he smiled.

『I see. But, that"s fine for now I guess.』


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