
"Yes, babe?"

"I have a question. About your powers," he said, sheepishly, running his hands through his hair.

"Oh? What about?"

"This is kind of hard for me to say," he started, turning a bit red in the face. "You"ve been saying you love me lately."

"Yes, I have," replied Grace, a.s.suming a dreamy smile on her face.

"Yeah, about that. How do you know?" He asked, watching her smile turn to confusion for a moment.

"A genie just knows these things, Stephen. I know everything about you because I was designed to be your dream woman. There is no better man in the entire universe than you are and you are all mine. How could I not love you? It"s my entire purpose to love you."

"Yeah, but does the genie part of you love me? Or does Grace love me?" He asked the question that had most been on his mind.

Grace just blinked a few times, before giving a slight frown, "I"m not sure what you mean?"

Stephen opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself. He needed a way to phrase what he was thinking, but was having trouble forming the words.

Grace reached out to grasp his hand gently, "What"s on your mind, babe?"

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"I"m just... worried, Grace," he said finally.


"Yeah, I"m worried. What if it"s just Grace the genie who loves me? Not Grace the woman?"

She smiled gently, "I"m still a little confused on what you mean by that."

"I don"t know if I can properly put it into words," he said, trying to think of the correct wording.

"Do you want me to look into your mind? To see what you are really thinking?" She offered.

"No," he shook his head. "Maybe I"m just being a little crazy."

Grace just smiled gently, never taking her hand off his. She was so perfect for him. Did it really matter right this moment if there was a distinction between Grace the woman and Grace the genie? Was he crazy to think that there should even be a distinction in the first place? Although it slightly pained him to know there might not be, it was still too early to see how this might develop. How Grace might continue to develop. He had barely known her more than twenty four hours, so perhaps he should just wait a little longer, and see what happens.

"Stephen, are you sure you"re okay?" Grace looked at him worriedly.

"Yeah, yeah I think so-,"

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