"Morning mom," said Stephen, before turning the coffee maker on.

"Morning sweetie!" Theresa chirped, casting a look back in his direction. "Sleep okay?"

Stephen smiled as he remembered the feel of Grace"s body pressed against his in the middle of the night. As well as her hands going after delicate areas in the middle of the night. "Like a baby," he answered, innocently.

"That"s good," replied Theresa, before looking back out the window. "Looks like the Sanderson house finally sold. There"s a moving truck out front and a man is unloading things. A very cute man," she added.

"Mom, seriously?" replied Stephen, making a face.

"What?" She laughed. "I"m still human, even if I am your mother."

He just rolled his eyes, and brewed a cup of coffee.
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"So mister, are you all packed to go to Sh.e.l.ly"s wedding?"

Stephen nodded, "Just about. A few things to pack still, like my charger, but I have everything else."

"Good! What about Grace? Do you know if she"s ready?"

"I"m sure she is, but you can ask her yourself. She"ll be over here soon," replied Stephen.

Theresa looked up at the clock, "So early?"

"It"s hard to keep her away," shrugged Stephen, with a little smile.

Theresa laughed. "I don"t know why you would want to keep such a lovely girl like her away. She"s just delightful." It seemed that her opinion of Grace had changed greatly in the several days since their somewhat rocky introduction. How her opinion changed so fast, Stephen didn"t know. He hoped it had nothing to do with Grace"s magic though, and more her personality.

Almost as if on cue, the doorbell rang. Stephen quickly made his way to the front door, opening up to see his favorite pair of blue eyes.

"Good morning," Grace smiled, shyly.

"Morning baby," he answered, before letting her jump into his arms, wrapped each limb around him tightly.

Even though they had just barely separated five minutes prior, it still felt like an eternity without her presence. Stephen could tell by the look in her eyes that she felt the same way. After a moment, Grace slipped back down onto her feet, and they both entered the kitchen, hand in hand.

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