Stephen cast a weary eye around the pool, looking at the two main groups of teens on either side. The thought of anything s.e.xual with Grace with such an unwitting audience was a little daunting to say the least. Even their last public coupling, at the gym, was shrouded from eyes by being in the empty locker room.

Grace just laughed, as she s.h.i.+mmied her shorts down her long, creamy legs, revealing the other red tinged piece of swim material. No matter how many times they had s.e.x, he never quite could get enough of looking at her perfect body.

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But at least his own was making some progress. Stephen peeled off s.h.i.+rt and tossed it over one chair, and stood near the edge of the water. Most of the teens were out of the pool, sitting in the various chairs around the edges. One couple was bobbing together on the other side of the pool, but the water in front of him was clear. He didn"t have long to think to himself before he felt the slightest of nudges against his back, a force pus.h.i.+ng him into the water itself.

His head popped back up out of the water, and using his hands to wipe away the water from his eyes, he looked for the source of the nudge. Grace stood near the edge of the water gently snickering until she noticed his accusatory eyes. She cast hers upwards, a.s.suming the most innocent of looks pierced by the faintest hint of smiles.

"Oh no, did you slip, babe?" She asked, holding back a laugh.

Stephen got an idea. He began to swim closer to her edge of the pool. "Yeah, and my wrist hurts like h.e.l.l right now. Why"d you do that? It really hurts! See, look here."

He offered up his wrist, still pretending the he was plagued with pain. Grace"s demeanor changed instantly, looking down at it with concern, and reaching her hand out to examine it. It was all the opening that he needed. In one brief swoop, he hooked his hand around her wrist and pulled her into the pool.

"Ach!" Grace yelped, once her head resurfaced. "You tricked me!" She playfully splashed some water in his direction.

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