Yet, 4 pm was still a good two hours away, and they had a date at the gym as their next stop. In the seven weeks that he had been on Grace"s diet plan, he had lost a total of fourteen pounds. While the weight came off more easily at first, he was now losing consistently, and much of that was due to his strict exercise and meal plan that was outlined so carefully in his workout guide. It helped too that for the first time in forever, he could stare at himself in the mirror without a s.h.i.+rt and not feel disgusting. His body was tightening, and his gut was shrinking. Working out made him feel amazing, and the progress was worth all the effort he had expended.

After a long workout session that included a heavy portion of lifting and a long biking session with Grace, the couple made their way home after a long, and generous shower, thanks to Grace. Pulling into the driveway, Stephen was surprised to see a car he didn"t recognize. Whose car is that?

Together, the couple exited the car and approached the house, entering in the main door. Coming upon the kitchen first, Stephen was surprised to see that it was empty. Yet, on the main kitchen island, an open bottle of wine remained, clearly a recent addition.

"Mom?" Stephen called out, finding the situation a little more bizarre than usual.

"Oh, Stephen, you"re home!" came the voice of his mother from the other room. Finally, Theresa Willow poked her head out from the living room, finding the couple standing there with very confused looks written into their faces. "You brought Grace, too! This is just perfect," she beamed.

"Yeah, what"s with the wine in the kitchen?" Stephen asked. As long as he had known his mother, she hadn"t been much of a drinker.

Theresa gave an unsure smile, which was far from her usual. "Well, about that, and the reason I asked you both to dinner, is that, I... I"ve met someone. And I thought it was serious enough that I wanted to introduce you to him."

"Wait, him?" Stephen asked, blinking.

"Yes, him. As in, someone that I"m dating, Stephen," Theresa smiled.

"That"s so wonderful, Theresa!" Grace beamed, reaching in to hug the other woman. Theresa gave out a nervous laugh, watching her son still processing the news.

"Thank you, dear! Would you both like to meet him?"

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"He"s here? Now?"

"Of course," she laughed. "Why else would I go to such lengths to prepare this?" Theresa gestured for them to follow her into the family room.

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