"Dinner will be ready in just a couple minutes," Theresa yelled out, as she opened the stove and pulled out a fresh tray of what looked clearly like a meatloaf.

As the table was set for four, Grace stepped away to help Theresa with the final preparations, leaving Stephen alone with Jim.

"So, what kind of work do you do, Jim?"

"I mainly sell agricultural equipment, and have been doing that for close to twenty years. Mostly harvesters and the like, with some occasional tractors," he grinned. "I do enjoy it though, and it pays the bills. Speaking of your career, your mother told me you recently got a pretty nice promotion at your job!"

Stephen felt his cheeks turning red. "Yes, I just got promoted to store manager. A bit too early to tell how that might work out, but I"m happy to have gotten the job."

"Well, congratulations are in order to you then," chuckled Jim, giving him a fatherly pat on the back. Stephen found himself liking Jim, which surprised him greatly. His first inclination, even if it was completely juvenile, was to dislike any new suitor of his mother, and even be suspicious of his motives. Despite his wish that she find someone, a tiny part of him never thought anyone would measure up as good enough to date his long sacrificing mother.

Yet, just from the brief time he had known Jim, he was more than willing to give him a chance. It was hard not to, with his easy laugh and interest in the family. He just might be the person to finally bring a measure of happiness to his mother, and that was something that Stephen longed to see.

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After the dinner, the woman were cleaning up in the kitchen, while both Stephen and Jim sat around the family room, providing them with a moment of privacy. A question had been forming within his head, and Stephen used the moment find out how serious Jim was about the long term prospects with his mother.

"Jim, I hope you don"t take this the wrong way, but I have an important thing to ask you. Something I"d like to hear your thoughts about," Stephen began, as he began to fidget his fingers.

"Of course. Ask away, Stephen," replied Jim.

"I"m sure a lot of what I"m about to say has been covered by my mother, but still, it doesn"t hurt to preface my statement. For over ten years, it"s just been the four of us: mom, me, and the twins. As you probably know, we didn"t have the best experience with my real father."

Jim nodded, but otherwise remained silent.

"So, that"s why it"s so important to me that she finds someone who can really make her happy. Someone that can accept her for who she is, instead of what she"s not. My own dad really screwed that up, and I know she was unhappy for the longest time, even though she would never admit it herself."

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