Stephen thought about how his mother might take the news that he was moving out. Part of him wondered whether she would be happy about it, seeing him sprout his own wings and move forward with his life. Maybe even lessen the financial burden on the house. Yet the other part of him wondered whether she would be upset to see him go. All he had ever known was twenty one years of living with her. It seemed bittersweet that it was finally coming to an end.

"How do you think Theresa will take this?" Grace asked him on the ride home, seeming to echo his thoughts.

"I"m wondering that myself. I think she"ll take it well, but I do think she"ll be upset to see me finally leave the house."

Grace squeezed his hand, "You"re happy about all this, right? Happy to get your own apartment? With me?" Stephen looked over to see a vulnerable look on her face. Despite being an all knowing genie, there was still moments of self-doubt that washed over her.

He took her hand, raised it up to his lips, and kissed the back of it, "Very happy, babe. Couldn"t be happier to move in with you."

Her pout evaporated, replaced by a beaming grin. "I can"t wait to christen every room in the new place with you."

Stephen chuckled to himself as he pulled into the neighborhood. Right before he got to the house, he was confronted by a rather bizarre scene, something that made him stop right at the edge of the driveway to get out.

The was a yelling match taking place right in front of the house of their weird, new neighbor, Henry Lopez. It wasn"t hard to see the reason for the yelling match. Out on the street, two cars had very obviously collided, resulting in quite a large amount of damage to the car that had been pa.s.sing by on the road. Stephen guessed the more damaged car belonged to the man that was yelling the most.

"What were you thinking? Have you ever driven before?! You could have killed me!" The man doing the screaming was around forty, and yet already had snow white hair. He was being very expressive with his hands, throwing them up in the air, casting them from side to side, and taking malicious points at Mr. Lopez, who was wearing a scowl, but otherwise saying nothing.

"It was an accident," replied Mr. Lopez calmly, pointing back to the car. "How much money do you want for the damage?"
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"Accident, my a.s.s! Do you even know how to set a parking break, you moron?! It"s not a hard concept. When you live on a hill, you need to make sure your parking break is on when you leave the car! Do you need me to write it down for you?!"

On and on, the white haired man yelled, and as he did, Stephen began to get a full picture of what happened. Poor Mr. Lopez just took the abuse from the man, occasionally offering reb.u.t.tal, but staying remarkably calm for having someone practically spitting in your face with a verbal diatribe.

"I don"t know what kind of stupid a.s.s country you"re from, but here in America, we learn how to drive vehicles properly! Look at my car, you"ve destroyed the entire headlight and b.u.mper!"

Taking a closer look at the car, Stephen noticed the damage was quite severe. He thought about intervening, but with how unstable the white haired man appeared to be, the last thing he wanted was to be on the receiving end of his malicious words. He even credited Mr. Lopez for remaining calm, and not exploding on the guy.

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